The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen looked at Zeria and gave off a small smile "i promise" he whispered gently in her ear.

Stephen then stood up and held out both of his hands to help Zeria up "now, i think thats enough action for one morning, lets get to History before Jet kicks our asses" Stephen announced with a smile.
Zeria smiled back at him.

"Yeah. Though I don't think Jet would do that. He's a nicer teacher than most"

She laced her fingers with his and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Come on. The nurse won't miss me leaving. She's getting coffee in the teachers lounge"
Stephen smiled as Zeria interlocked his fingers with him and the two headed back to the History room.

"Kevin your an ass" were Stephen's first words through the door before he headed backto his seat
"I'm never letting you badger me into a bet again" Kevin smiled at Stephen's remarks "Until next month"
Vesper wasn't as relaxed anymore as when Stephan left the room Vesper had pinned Kevin to a wall with a foot to his neck and had a polite talk to him scaring the hell out of everyone. This was the reason that he didn't start another fight or so vesper thought. Vesper didn't like fighting for no reason but when his friends were involved he did act and now he wanted to have a talk with Stephan. Vesper drew one of his swords and sat stood behind Stephan and rested the swords blade on his right shoulder before looking to Zeria.

"Have you forgiven this guy or will i have to talk some sense into him?" Vesper asked as he didn't want to do anything he would regret latter.
Stephen pushed the sword from his shoulder and stepped closer to Vesper "why you gotta use your little pointy stick eh?" Stephen announced "Afraid that if you don't I'll put you on your back and you won't get back up?"

Stephen smiled sarcastically as he stepped back away from Vesper knowing that Zeria would get angry with him.
Zeria sent a tiny glare at both of them.

"Vesper, put your blade away, or I'll do it for you with my own"

She gestured to her own personal fencing blade that was still by her desk.

"Stephen and I are on good terms again"

She smiled at Stephen, but gave him a nudge.

"And remember, you, I can stick up for myself..."

She giggled, then turned to Kevin, shooting him a rather frightening glare.

"And you're just a jerk, so don't even start with me..."
Stephen smiled as he turned his back on vesper "Probably aint worth it anyway" he Announced so Vesper could hear as he sat down.

Once seated Stephen threw his legs up onto the table and waited for the teacher "What is taking Jet so long?"

OOC: it would appear whoever was playing jet (shadow i think) has become inactive in this RP...great we are waiting for a teacher who will never arrive.
OOC: Well. I guess...maybe we wait for like...another day or so, and if he isn't here, then someone can just give a basic overview of the lesson. I dunno. I'll pm him and see if he can do it.


Zeria sighed.

"Stephen, don't try to get into fights by irritating people or upsetting them. That's the easiest way for me just to want to smack you upside the head"

She slid into her own seat, pulling out her art tablet and starting a new drawing.
~Jet-sensei just has to be in the lounge or something~

"Hey, Rene, I never asked...what kinds of things do you like to do in your spare time?"
Stephen began laughing as he noticed it was already 20 minutes into the lesson "I'm sick of this" he announced as he stood up "I ain't waitin for him to show up" Stephen strode towards the door and opened it "Catch you all later" he announced as he strode through it and headed for his Locker.
Stephen strode into the locker room and opened his locker, he threw his bag in and then slammed it shut. He was still angry, but he didn't know why. Was it vesper, Kevin or himself that had caused this anger. "why so stressed Hownam?" a familiar voice asked making Stephen smile "Katelyn" he muttered as he turned around to see a Girl stood behind him.

Shoulder length brown hair that had been straightened, her eyes were also brown. She smiled at the young football star. and looked at him through undress-me-eyes. Dressed in a cheer leading outfit she walked over to him.

She placed his hands around the back of his neck and leaned up on her toes "what can i do for you" she whispered to him gently Stephen smiled as though he was interested and lent slightly forward "you can get the fuck off me" he whispered back to her with a smile. As she let go of him Stephen exited the Locker room to the sound of her voice shouting after him "You Jerk"
Zeria closed her art tablet once the drawing was done. She'd show Stephen later in music class.
~He seemed upset. I wonder if he's alright?~
She sighed, leaning back in the chair and looking around. The rest of the students had just gone about whatever tasks they felt like. Heck, there was a couple making out in the back corner! Zeria shook her head and turned her gaze out the window.

"I hope he's okay...."
Stephen went out to the Car park and as he was opening his car door he was stopped by a voice "what are you doing Mr Hownam" Stephen turned around to see one of the teaching aids. Stephen smiled "heather longmeed" he announced with a smile "Mr Hownam, that is in appropriate i am a..." Heather's sentence was interrupted by Stephen kissing her.

As Stephen pulled away she seemed shocked at what he had done "I knew that would shut you up" He announced as he climbed into his car and started the engine, the music came on and he lowered his window "see you later" he announced before flashing her a wink and driving out of the car park.
Zeria finally gave up on waiting for Stephen to return and pulled her phone out.

~Hey, Stephen. Where'd you go? And why are all the cheerleaders whispering about you all of a sudden?~

She hit send, then gazed out the window again, before turning back, looking at Kevin.

"Hey. Any clue where Hownam went?"
Kevin leaned forward and began smiling "i don't give a fuck where he has gone,and even if i did and i did know, i wouldn't tell you" Kevin announced before leaving the class room and heading for his Class room.

Stephen's phone began vibrating in his pocket and he just ignored it. he pulled into a City car park and fed the ticket machine. When it spat out his ticket he grabbed it and stuck it on his window,he then headed for town and some shops.

As he entered a sports shop he found a black and red bag that he thought was quite cool, so he bought it. he then headed into Fallen Hero, a shop that stocks all sorts of high end Men's clothes he looked around and found a couple pairs of G-star jeans and a few FCUK T-shirts that he like so he bought them, using his family card. "so far thats over 150 quid, not bad for 15 minutes in town" he announced as he walked towards a shoe Store.
Vesper sighed of boredom and leaned back on his chair and started spinning and flipping his sword with one hand preforming varying tricks to keep his mind occupied before he felt something out of place catch on his sword. Vesper turned around and saw a girl he recognized from fencing had caught his sword in mid swing. Vesper quickly adjusted his grip and after a quick spin sheathed the blade and left it to rest.

"Your quiet skilled aren't you?" the girl asked before sitting on top of Vespers desk.

"What do you think", Vesper said in a mono tonal voice before indicating his two weapons next to his bag.

"Well I think you might be only a show off with tricks rather than one with skill", the girl said making Vesper laugh, not a humorous laugh but a menacing evil laugh that caught half the classes attention.

"No one has said anything like that to me in a long time girl and there are good reasons for that, so how about we settle this during the club meeting today as both of us can agree this room isn't suited for a fight", Vesper said in a wicked evil tone rather than his mono tonal voice, the result of this was fear from both the girl and those who heard Vesper.

"You have a dual", the girl said back unsure of what she had gotten into.
Stehen smiled as he looked around the shoe store for a pair of shoes that he liked and once he found a pair of black and white DC skating shoes he paid for them, again with the family card again, and as he exited the shop he pulled them onto his feet. "these are sweet" he announced as he walked past a tattoo shop. "oh screw it, how to piss of my parents in one easy step" he mttered to himself as he walked through the door.

Stephen walked throught the store confidently and began talking to one of the tattoo artists. after a matter of minutes he was discussing tattoo designs.
Zeria pulled out her phone again.

"What is going on? He hasn't texted back yet"

~Heeey. Hownam, where are you? I'm getting worried. =(~

She hit send, then repocketed her phone and leaned against a wall, gazing out the windows...
Stephen's phone vibrated in his pocket and as he pulled it out to see he had two text messages he sighed "Girlfriend" the tattooist asked making Stephen smile "Sort of" he replied as he punched in a text to send back to her.

"discussing tattoo designs will be back soon" it read as he hit the send button.