The Institute Of Silver Lake

Zeria giggled.

"I used to go to a school with a uniform, and I rather liked it. So when I transferred here, I kept my uniform. Now I wear it every day, unless I need to wear something else"

She gazed up at the building.

"I like this school.....but with the events happening lately, it's not the safest...and you don't ever want to be alone..."
"I heard about that..." Rene said as he remembered reading the paper in the car on the way. "Some kids got killed right? They got a suspect?
So... Another murder... Rene thought to himself, he had his hand under his chin, a sign showing he was thinking. "How many have been killed so far? Also when exactly were they murdered?"
Zeria shook her head.

"I don't remember all the specific dates or student names. I don't know many people. I'm sorry I can't be of any help"

She pushed through the doors, heading for her locker first to put some things away, then grabbing her art bag out.

"Anyways, ready to head to history?"
"Sure. Let's get goin'!" Rene exclaimed happily, pushing the murders out of his mind but making a quick mental note as to find out when and where the students were murdered so he could check them out later."
As Stephen drove through the little town near the school his phone began ringing "where are you" the voice stated as Stephen answered the phone "Don't worry baby brother, I'm nearly there" Stephen replied as he pulled into the train station to see a young boy with a duffle bag. who became extremely shocked. "Where did you get that, do mum and dad know you bought it?" he asked "No Nate, they bought it for me, to gongradulate me on passing my Test" the young boy smiled "and i guess to apologise for missing all your birthdays" Stephen nodded "now get in" he announced as he threw the young boy's bag into the boot of the 350Z.

the younger boy Nate, which was short for Nathan, sat in the passenger seat with a large smile on his face as Stephen climbed in and turned on his music. The song that came on was new found Glory's cover of Kiss me. Nate began smiling "what CD is this?" he asked stephen smiled "it is a compilation that i put together myself" Stephen replied as he began the short drive back to school.

"When we arrive at School i will be dropping you with the headteacher and going to my lesson" stephen told nathan who nodded. "Okay then" he replied as the car pulled into the School grounds "oh, and if you don't want to get asked a million questions don't tell people your my brother" Stephen joked as he parked the car and the two boys got out and headed for the head master's office.
Zeria pushed open the door to her history room, then took her seat by the window.

"I hope Stephen gets here soon, or he'll be late. Though I don't think Jet-sensei would mind so much..."

She looked around.

"Speaking of which...he must be in the lounge. He's usually in here when I arrive..."

Zeria put her head down on her desk. She didn't really feel like drawing at that moment. So she just waited for Stephen....
As Stephen n dropped off his younger brother with the head master he turned and ran towards his locker to grab his books. As he threw the door to the locker open he raider it for his books. he put the books in his book bag and then headed towards the history room, running as fast as he could. he nearly jumped through the door with a smile on his face "Sorry I'm la..." he paused mid sentance as he noticed Zeria and himself were the only two there "Hey Z, Sorry i kinda bailed stuff i had to do"
Stephen dropped his bag onto the table with a loud thud and smiled at zeria

"Nothing to worry about" Stephen sat down and slid his bag onto the floor "had to collet my kid brother from the train station, he is starting school here today, he is in year 1 and couldn't handle a separate boarding school so he is transfering here. Stephen said almost as though he didn't care.
OOC: i'm there too dude :D

IC: "Hey there again buddy, looks like im in your class as well!" Rene said cheerfully as he waved at the boy. "Uhh... What was your name again?"
Stephen leant back in his chair and placed his feet up on the table. "he is okay i suppose" Stephen announced "i just gotta make sure he doesn't get in with pricks" Stephen muttered as he placed his hands on the back of his head. Stephen then turned to face Rene "Oh sorry, didn't notice you there Rene, I'm Stephen" stephen informed the new boy sat on the other side of Zeria
"Nice ta meet you Stephen." Rene said happily with his hand outstretched. "Oh I think this is your football right?" Rene said remembering he had the football that hit Zeria in the face earlier under his foot.
Stephen shook rene's hand and smilde "yea it's my football" Stephen took the ball back from Rene ad then put it in his bag. he then looked back at Rene with a look of curiousity "why have you transfered here so late in the school year, you aint a super spy are you?" he announced
Zeria sat up in her chair and smiled.

"Looks like you two will be friends already, ne?"

She giggled, pulling out her art tablet.

"So Stephen. Got any ideas on what pose you want to do when you model for me after school?"
Stephen smiled as Zeria asked for his in put "well i have an idea but you blush when you see me topless so that one is out" Stephen then stood up as no one had arried yet. he then headed around the class room "there are alot of poses i could strike, i guess we should just decide when it comes to it.
She blushed.

"Yeah...we'll think of something. Maybe I could do you in your football uniform, sitting against a goal or something..."

Zeria leaned back, watching other students begin to slowly file in.

"I'll work on mini sketches during my art class today"
Stephen sat forward and pulled his History books from his bag and he leant slightly towards Zeria "okay then, sounds good" Stephen then placed his books on the table and leant back as he normally would do. "god where the hell is Jet" Stephen announced slightly annoyed at the Teacher's lateness.