The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen smiled as Zeria caught up to him, "so, how are you finding skipping lessons with me?" Stephen asked with a smile as he entered Topman, His favorite clothes store.

Stephen glanced around to see Zeria at the door "come on, hurry up i need your opinion on something" he announced before running upstairs
"You big, sexy, tall, fast person, you!"

Caused Stephen to laugh "that was lame, but quite flattering" Stephen muttered as he waited for Zeria.
Stephen strode towards Zeria and placed his hands on her hips. "I just needed a reason to get you to follow me" he whispered gently in her ear before spinning her to face him, the pair were nose to nose.

"Don't even think about it" the check out worker announced causing Stephen to look around "sorry" he announced as he walked over to the T-shirt section and began looking at a black Sleeveless T-shirt.
"just something to wear" Stephen informed Zeria, "In fact you know what, you pick me an outfit." Stephen smiled at Zeria "and have some fun"
Stephen spun around with a large cheesy grin on his face.

"just because you pick me an outfit, doesn't mean i have to wear it"

Stephen joked as he walked back down the stairs. "you coming, I'm kinda really hungry, got to get some breakfast"
Zeria nodded and followed after him.

"Yeah. I'm kinda hungry myself. I was going to eat after our run, but...well...we didn't get to it, so I never ate. Oh well..."

She stretched and looked around the store.
~This place...I would never have expected to ever see myself in it...yet here I am...~
Stephen strode to the nearest ATM and withdrew £50 he then turned to face Zeria "So what are we having for break fast?" he asked with a smirk on his face as he walked down the street towards where most of the fast food joints were.
Stephen began laughing at Zeria's indecision. he strode over to a shop that had Sally's written above the door. "Then I'll decide" he announced as he opened the door and walked in.

there was a blond haired lady behind the counter "Ahh, Stephen. Haven't seen you in a while what can i get you?" Stephen looked at what they had and smiled "think you could hook me and my friend up wit some of your gorgeous Sandwiches? just gotta wait for her" Sally smiled "well i know you will be having Sausage and Egg, you always do" Sally replied. Stephen smiled "yea, but i don't know what she will want"
Stephen turned to face Zeria and smiled "didn't notice you there" Stephen said as he smirked "sorry"

Stephen then turned back to face Sally "Two sausage and Egg butties please" he asked with a snarl of his stomach "and could you hurry them up, im starving" Sally laughed at Stephen "can't rush perfection" she announced.

after a while Sally handed Stephen two bags "here you go" she announced. Stephen took the bags and handed one to Zeria before walking out of the shop. "eat it on the way to the car" he announced.
Zeria nodded, taking the food out of the bag and starting to eat.

"Mm! It's good!"

She smiled and kept eating, then wiped her mouth as she finished it.

"That was really good! I think I'm gonna come back here when I get the chance and get more of those!"
Stephen smiled as Zeria informed him of what he already knew. "Sally's is amazing" he announced as he chomped down his sausage and Egg Sandwich.

Upon finishing the buttie he walked around the corner to the car park and unlocked his car. he climbed in and waited for Zeria.
Stephen twisted the key, starting the car. "I had fun aswell" he announced as he turned on his Music, Starting with Billy talent fallen leaves.

"Well lets get back to school" he announced as he drove out of the car park and headed back towards School.
She nodded.

"Yeah....what class period do you suppose it is by now?"

Zeria turned to look at him again, blinking.

"Cuz if it's too late, we're gonna get in trouble...and I don't want can't get punished and not be able to play soccor, or I'll feel horrible..."