The Institute Of Silver Lake

As Cornelius snuck out of his room he checked his watch, it seemed he'd successfully warded off class for the day. As he walked down the pathway to the main school building he snuck through to see if he could catch any girls still in class. It seemed everyone had already left class so he departed to the quad where he found most of the students, from the top-right cornr he could see a teacher keeping an eye on the students.

"Heh, well, guess I'll have to check out everyone here"

Cornelius then walked in casually, inspecting every girl as he navigated the groups of gossipers, checking their higher points of their bodies and making a mental note of how they looked before walking offto avoid being spotted.

As he walked to the opposite side of the quad a large and bulky guy who seemed to be much older than him approached, he looked angry but Cornelius kept his usual cool and vacant expression.

"And what do you want?" Cornelius asked rudely.

"I'm going to kick your ass for looking at my girlfriend" the guy replied.

"Hah, since when was it a crime to look?" Cornelius asked, talking more agressively yet maintaining his cool expression.

"That does it!" the guy replied, he then moves his right arm behind him and launched his fist at Cornelius.

Cornelius managed to jump to the left,dodging the punch but the guy didn't stop and ran at him and managed to punch Cornelius in the torso, winding him to one knee.

"Bastard... That does it..." Cornelius was now slightly angry, he managed to pull himself up shakily and was now glaring at the guywith an incredibly angry expression. He jumped on the guy and punched him straight in the face, the teacher then came in to try and break them up.

"BACK OFF! This bastard's mine!" Cornelius shouted at him.
Stephen stood up and smiled at Zeria "me, my mind is a blank air pocket filled with heat" he announced with a smile on his face "do we have theater practice today, it is Tuesday after all" Stephen announced before looking around and noticing that some of the guys were laughing in their direction "Hey Hownam, your whipped" one of the group announced "not as whipped as you mummy's boy" he replied and the guy who was shouting insults walked out of the hall swearing.
Zeria giggled.

"Whipped, huh? Only one day and already people think I'm your girlfriend. What makes people think that way, I have no clue. I wish they'd stop"

She shrugged and stretched out.

"And no, we don't have rehearsal. Today is last day of tryouts, to fill all of the parts"
Stephen exhaled a huge sigh of relief "thank god" he then looked at Zeria with a smile "oh and about the Girlfriend thing, it's kinda my fault" Stephen took a couple of steps towards the door "people take one look at me, being the popular Football star and they think any girl who talks to me is my girlfriend"

Stephen then placed his hands on the back of his head "and the fact of you did kinda kiss me in English, that news would have spread around the school like wild fire"
"You have a mighty good point there Stephan", Vesper said as he walked past him since he headed back to the gym after a short break outside. "I'll see you latter anyway I have to see someone about a fencing club", Vesper yelled before heading off.

Vesper arrived at the hall rather quickly and as such there was only three fencers there, one of which was the white haired girl who told him about the club so Vesper decided to approached her.

"Hey is this were the club is", Vesper asked her as he approached, the girl turned round hurriedly and smiled.

"So you decided to show up", she said in a calm voice.

"Sure did. Now lets get started shell we", Vesper said with a grin before drawing one of his swords as the girl drew the one she had at her hip. The girls sword was a wide katana while Vespers was a double edged European blade made of a much heavier metal. Vesper started with a quick lung which the girl parried and pushed dowards. This surprised Vesper as the girl didn't appear strong enough to do that or what follow, in several movements the girl was on the attack and Vesper was parrying some pretty powerful and fast blows that matched his in skill. After serveral attacks Vesper new her pattern and acted back so the pair were evenly match. Vesper new he was in for a interesting fight.
Stephen realized that because he had nothing to do whilst the auditions for the play were still on he went to the gym and got changed for a work-out. Stephen was a regular user of the free weights and also the Cardiovascular machines. As Stephen went through his regular weekly work-out on the Bench-press he realized that his time in the weights room and also on the C.V machines would be cut down due to all of the practice he would have to do for the play.
Zeria growled.
She stormed off, deciding martial arts club would probably not be the best idea right now. She wanted to hurt someone far too much at the moment. And fencing would be foolish too. So she went to the school's workout room, having changed into shorts and a tank top, and got on the treadmill, doing running at 9 MPH, not stopping or slowing down at all...

"Faster and stronger!"

She put on her mp3 player and focused on her running, keeping a strong tempo. Her lean, agile form moved powerfully, but gracefully as she kept up the same speed...
Vesper was forced to preform some of his more compicated moves as his female opponent started to learn Vespers complex fencing style. But he had also learnt hers, she parried fast and tried to get past Vespers guard with counters while Vesper only attacked when he knew he couldn't be countered and act casually trying to lure out his opponent the rest of the time. Because of this neither of them could touch the other with there swords.

"I've never seen anyone match Tessa before", one of the many obsevers said from Vespers right as he ducked a fast blow before block another and acting back quickly to prevent another counter.

"That guys no amature, he's as good as Tessa", another spectacter said in almost shock.

Kailin contiued with a flurry of light but fast attacks all of which his opponent parried or dodged before he saw her flinch at his last strike before dodging. As she flinched her eyes closed and Vesper noticed that she did this after each of Vespers combos. Vesper knew how to get her now, Vesper let the battle contiued for another minute before going into a longer than normal flurry and this time brought a controlled attack forwards which Vesper altered as the girl flinched. She openned her eyes a second latter to find Vespers blade sitting at her neck while hers was sitting between them uselessly.

"Thats a kill for me", Vesper said with a friendly smile before taking a step back and sheathing his sword before the girl dropped to knees and looked sadly at the ground. Vesper decided to be a good sport and held out his hand to her which she took allowing Vesper to pull her up before shaking her hand. "That was a good fight, one of the best I've had in a while", Vesper said with a friendly smile making the girl blush slightly.

"It was fun. Oh by the way I'm Tessa", the girl said as her personality changed back to a cheery one.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Vesper", Vesper said with another grin before looking over the group of twenty or so people who had been watching. "Ok who wants to fight me next."
As Stephen put the Bench press bar back on it's rest he sat up and noticed Zeria in shorts and a tank top on the treadmill causing him to smile. He reached over to the CD player and turned up the volume as his New found Glory CD changed track to their cover of the song kiss me.

Stephen smiled as he walked over to some of the weights used for Bicep curl among other things, he then grabbed two 8 KG weights and began working out his biceps. Stephen then noticed that Zeria had her headphones in so she probably didn't hear the song that he had purposely turned up, just to see if it would make her angry.
Zeria had heard a song rise up loud enough over her own music and growled, pausing her song and shooting a glare at Stephen. She liked the song though, and it made her kick up the speed 2 more mph's. A 4th year watched in amazement as she ran that fast nonstop, the music driving her. She could be heard yelling over the music and her running.

"I'll get you for this, Hownam!"

Her fiery red hair let loose out of the ribbon and more fire lit up in her eyes. Oh boy, was she getting cranky!
Stephen laughed as Zeria upped the Speed. after he finished his Reps he placed the weights back where he got them from and went straight onto one of the other treadmills, he started the machine at 10 MPH and began running.the fourth year smiled as he realized Stephen wasn't going as fast as Zeria but Stephen didn't care as if he pushed himself to hard and pulled a muscle of injured himself the coach would be pissed off.

after around 30 minutes of running Stephen stopped the Treadmill and walked over to the water machine to fill his water bottle. Stephen walked over to a chair and sat down whilst sipping at his bottle of water.
Zeria finally was worn out and slowed the treadmill to a slow walk, drinking down the last of her water and having the fourth year toss her a towel. She wrapped it around her neck, wiping the sweat off of herself. She stopped the treadmill and got off, heading over and refilling her water. She was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling quickly. She drank down some more water, retying her hair up and sitting down next to Stephen.

"I'm going to get you for that, Hownam. You just wait"

She stretched a bit and stood up, making sure to get her hair to slide across his cheek like silk.

"Hm. I guess I should go clean up and relax"

Zeria turned and headed towards the locker room, shooting a half grin-half glare at Stephen.
Stephen stood up and walked towards the guy's changing room, he caught upto Zeria in the corridor and as they approached the door to the Female's Stephen made two loud sniffing noises "Fucking hell, take a shower to, you stick" he announced with the intention to piss her off.

As Stephen ran from Zeria's rage he dove into the Changing room and then began getting unchanged. When he had taken his kit off and grabbed his towel and shower stuff he went for a shower.
Zeria's fist hit the wall and she growled dangerously, screaming through the doorway to the boy's changing room.


She quickly darted into the girl's locker room, showered, changed back into her uniform, then came out, waiting outside the only door to the boys changing room, with a rather angry look on her face. Though, she had a CD in her hand that said 'To Stephen' on it.

Stephen could hear Zeria's anger as he washed the shampoo from his hair "I'm dead" he muttered as he turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist. When he walked out into the open space he began drying himself. once he had finished he got dressed into a pair of jeans and a white FCUK T-shirt. he tied his trainer laces when they were on his feet, filled his bag with his Uniform and also his now very sweaty sports gear and exited the changing rooms, to face certain death.

As Stephen saw Zeria he smiled "any chance there is a way I can stop you killing me?" he asked with a smile "after all, it was a joke" Stephen then placed his hands on the back of his head "and i make a damn good looking Romeo"
Stephen took the CD with a smile and slid it into his bag. Stephen then walked towards the locker room to grab a couple of things he needed to put back in his dorm. The locker swung open and Stephen took from it a couple of CD's and also an A4 refill pad of lined paper that was undoubtedly full of mindless writings.

Stephen then headed back to his dorm. As he threw the door open he noticed his room mates were already there "damn, you guys need to get a life" he announced with a smile as he dropped his stuff off and then exited again. Stephenwas heading for the sports field as he heard a crack of thunder, as he looked out one of the windows he saw that the weather had changed. The rain had begun and boy was it falling, like monsoon season was a way to describe it.

Stephen walked out of the corridor out into the rain and walked out to the back gardens of the school, he stood looking over them at the top of a flight of stone steps. the rain hammered down on Stephen but he continued to smile,he enjoyed the rain, He found it relaxing.
Vesper smiled as he blocked two blows at the same time before spinning and pushing the weapons blades back and stood ready as Vespers two opponents looked at him both of which were ready.

"Come on, I can keep this up all day", Vesper said mockingly before one of his opponents lunged at him before having his blade forced downwards before Vesper left his second blade next to his neck and smiling. "Dead", Vesper said before leaving the guy alone and spinning round in time to block several blows from his second opponent at the first left the fighting area. This guy was faster than the first but lacked the power of a normal fencer, that and Vesper had two blades to his one. Vesper parried and with three quick hits managed to put his blades beneath his and flicked it up before resting his sword next to his neck and smiling again.

"Let me guess, dead", the guy said as his sword landed behind Vesper which was followed by clapping from the hlaf of the club that was watching. Vesper then sheathed his swords and gave a quick bowl before taking a seat next to the Tessa who was watching a match between two guys one of which was using a large claymore while the other a short sword but he was still managing to fen off his opponent.

"Your very skilled", Tessa said from next to Vesper making him rise and eyebrow.

"Thank you, your not bad yourself", Vesper said happily out of interest.

"So what are there names", Tessa siad with a smile as she lent back and looked at Vespers swords. Vesper knew what she meant as many good fencers named there swords.

"Slice and Swift. Speed and skill", Vesper said before adding. "They reflect my fighting style", after this Tessa drew her sword which was a lighter weapon with a shorter blade but was much more agile.

"This is Dancer", Tessa said with agrin before sheathing her sword. Vesper liked this group of people and knew he would enjoy the fencing club after school.
Zeria sat against her locker, art tablet on her lap. She'd put together a rather intricate drawing of a rose surrounded by black flames, and her crouched next to the rose, shielding it from harm. She smiled.

"I get better every day"

She took a look down the halls. No one was in sight, so she began to softly hum a song.
( this song)

She was pretty good too. Her voice, though she was only humming, sounded soft and beautiful, as if she did nothing but sing all day.
As the teacher pulled Cornelius to the floor the guy stepped back and ran off to avoid any trouble with the teachers.

"Hah! Coward!" Cornelius shouted at him as he retreated round a corner.

The teacher then stepped over Cornelius and stepped on the center of his ribcage.

"Hey what the fuck is going on!? Get off!" Cornelius shouted at the teacher.

Cornelius grabbed the teacer's leg and tried to lift it off, it was however in vain, the teacher then lifted his foot up and kicked Cornelius over, everyone was watching him now, as the teacher cruelly started to 'punish' Cornelius. After he was against a wall he kiced Cornelius once more before walking off, satisfied. Cornelius then slowly pulled himself up, he then spat out a bit of blood and started shaking, the teacher turned arund to see Cornelius, he was even more angry now.

"You... Bastard... Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Cornelius shouted, his will was all that kept him standing, he wasn't going to stop until he'd beaten the teacher for angering him so much.

"I suggest you back down, I wouldn't want to have to call an ambulance" the teacher called back, mockingly.

"That does it!" Cornelius shouted, he then pushed himself off the wall and ran for the teacher, he then pulled his right arm up and slammed his fist into the teacher's face. He didn't see it coming and fell back, as he hit the floor blood began to pour onto the stone floor. The teacher climbed up, holding onto his head with his left hand, he then ran off as best he could, Cornelius then saw him call for more teachers so Cornelius took this opportunity to run as best he could.

"bastard..." He muttered to himself as he rounded a corner, considering his options he departed for the gym, it was unlikely the teachers there knew about his fighting and he could hide pretty well in there if nobody saw him enter.