The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen saw Zeria enter the room, he also how red she had gone, as she walked up to the front of the class he smirked "Did anyone else feel the temperature raise there?" he shouted and a couple of the class mates let out a giggle WHACK!!!!! Stephennearly jumped out his skin as one of the students slammed a meter ruler on the table next to him "are you a little edgy Hownam" the Student asked as Stephen Glared at him "you would be to if you took the lashings i have in the past twenty minutes"

As the Student returned to his seat Stephen lent back in his chair and looked at Zeria as she approached the Teacher "Hmmm she seems to do a bit of everything" Stephen though to himself "I wouldn't Hownam" Stephen looked at a girl next to him "you could probably have any girl in school, asides her" Stephen smiled "I didn't say anything"
Zeria sent an embarrassed glare at Stephen, then went back to her discussion with the teacher, who asked her to play cello for her. Zeria nodded and got her cello from the instrument room where she kept it during the day and sat down, briefly tuning it.

"I'll play Bach's Prelude Suite Number 1"

The teacher gave a nod and Zeria smiled, her fingers moving across the strings on the fingerboard, as her bow moved swiftly, yet elegantly across the strings, the beautiful sound filling the room. As Zeria focused, she looked happy, like the cello was her source of all joy. . .
Stephen smiled as Zeria began playing he stood up and walked over to one of the other boys in the class who had an electric guitar in his hand, he wasn't playing as most of the class were gazing at Zeria's elegance "gimmie that one second" Stephen muttered as he took the guitar from the nearly petrified boy, Stephen hung the strap over his shoulder and looked at the teacher "this is gunna hurt, but it'll be worth it" he though to himself as he began playing the introduction to Blink 182's Dammit
Zeria had finished and looked up, watching Stephen, blushing deep crimson. She rather thought he played well.

"He's good. . ."

She packed up her cello and tried to keep her gaze off of him, especially because her cheeks were cherry red. It wasn't quite working though. She was locked onto him and remembered that note in her pocket. . . . . .
"whew that's done" Jet said as he left his 3rd hour class. "my first period is now my favorite" Jet said as he grabbed a soda out of the soda machine in the lounge. "i can't believe how misbehaved these guys are. I really need to see if the counselor is open for 3rd hour tomorrow." Jet laughed to himself and relaxed in a nearby chair. "a well, 4th hour is next."
"Yes Mrs Iiyasei. Mr Hownam, come here now" the Teacher demanded "oh crap" Stephen muttered under his breath, he removed the guitar and handed it back to it's owner he then turned and walked over to the teacher, she picked up a red case and opened it, revealing a bamboo stick. the room became louder as Students began talking "SILENCE" the teacher screeched "oh fuck" was all that ran through Stephen's mind.

when he got to the teacher she smiled "you knew this was going to happen" she muttered as Stephen turned around, he knew where she would hit him as she knew he was a sportsman and she always hit Students where it would most injure their hobbies.

WHACK!!!!! "ARGH!!!!!" Stephen screeched as he hit the floor faster than any other time today he didn't just land on his knee's he hit all fours instantly and he kept his gaze on the floor as a tear rolled down his cheek, as the stick hit his legs the class flinched "help him back to his seat" the teacher announced as she returned her Stick to it's case, two of the boys in the class helped Stephen to his chair

"I felt that mate" one of them muttered to him and Stephen smiled "Not as much as i did" Stephen replied as he sat down
Jet heard the whack and knew it meant something bad. "her students are also MY students, and there's no way i am going to let them be punished." Jet ran out of the room and entered the music room. He saw Stephen grimacing in pain and the music teacher putting away a bamboo stick. don't they follow the new laws? it is illegal to physically harm a student. then again, this place is backwater. "may i see that?" Jet said kindly to the teacher. she nodded, and gave it to him. "thank you" Jet said, then smashed it on his knee, breaking it in half. "Don't harm my students, or you will regret it" Jet said darkly, putting the bamboo sticks in his pocket. "AS for this" Jet said patting his pocket "this is going to be burned" Jet glanced over to Stephen. "You might want to go to the nurse, do you want a hand in getting there?"
Stephen smiled at Jets generosity "It's okay, i did kinda ask for that one" he said with a smile he then managed to pick himself up, but it didn't last long, he fell to one knee and his face scrunched up in pain "I'll be fine in a few minutes, it's just a dead leg or two"
"not sure about that. still, if you get in any more pain, it's best to report to the nurse." With that, Jet turned around and left.
Zeria frowned and walked over to Stephen.

"Are you alright? That really looked like it hurt. Do you want me to bring you to the nurse?"

She bit her lower lip and slung her bag over her shoulder.

"I'd be glad to bring you"

She gave him an eye movement to the note sticking out of her bag that had his name on it. She was trying to get him out of the classroom so the teacher wouldn't take it away...
Stephen smiled "yea sure, i can walk but if i need catching you better have hands like a wicket keeper" he said as he pushed himself to his feet, he was handed a note from the music teacher excusing him and Zeria from class, he grabbed his book bag and his walk was more like a stumble but he still moved towards the door "lets head Z" he muttered through gritted teeth
Zeria blushed once they got out of the room and stood close to him, offering to help support him if he needed it.

"Really. You do look hurt. Maybe you shouldn't play football for a day or so. But here. . ."

She held out the note, asking him if he'd model for her art project...and quickly turned away, hiding her blush that was as red as her hair...
as Stephen took the note from her, he opened it and read it. moments later "I'll do it, on one condition" he said as he partially collapsed but used Zeria as a support "nice catch by the way" he muttered as he kept his arm around her, the pain in his legs was certainly blocking his ability to walk, as Zeria had suggested it looked like Stephen didn't have a choice, he would have to skip out on football training on Wednessday.
Stephen smiled as Zeria asked about his catch and lent against one of the walls so he could look her in the face "I am keeping my clothes ON" he stated he then used the wall as support as he knocked on the Nurses door
That sent Zeria into a fit of gigglez.

"Of course. I don't do nude portraits, and definately not for school projects. Hahaha!"

She headed into the nurse's office.

"Um, ma'am? Stephen took some nasty injuries to the back of the legs. Can you take a look at them, please?"
the nurse looked at Stephen "where abouts?" Stephen smiled "Back of the knee" the nurse pointed at the table "take off your trousers and lie on your front" Stephen smiled "don't think so" he said as he puled his trouser legs up to a quarter of the way to his hip from his knee revealing his highly defined Leg muscles, he then lay on the bed as asked "what happened" Stephen pushed himself up on his elbows and looked over his shoulder at the nurse "well first i took a carbon fiber Drumstick to the back o the legs, then a meter long ruler and finally a Bamboo stick" Stephen explained

The nurse smiled "music teacher" she inquired "how did you guess" the nurse walked over to Stephen and began poking the red marks on the back of his legs that matched Zeria's hair in colour "she is the most violent teacher in school, and she is the only one who would have access to carbon fiber drumsticks"
Zeria frowned and stood nearby.

"Will you be okay, Stephen? How much does it hurt?"

She really did seem worried. Though she did blush when she saw his muscles...

"Is there anything you can do to help him not hurt so much?"
the nurse poked and prodded st Stephen's legs even though she knew it was painful as Stephens facial expression was changing more a piece of play doe "I'm not sure, i could numb the area" Stephen smiled, "go on then, hit me with your numbing goo" Stephen announced.

The nurse opened a cupboard and when she turned back around with a small tub of what looked like transparent vasceline she got a large lolly pop stick looking thing and applied the goo as Stephen called it, moments later Stephen's injuries were numb and he was back on his feet like normal, asides he was a bit slower than normal which was understandable, Stephen pulled his trousers back to normal and opened the door for Zeria "ladies first" he suggested and he then looked back at the nurse "thanks for the goo" the nurse smirked "it's my job"
Zeria smiled and went out the door, leaning against a wall.

"Let's just stay out here until class is over. I don't want to see you take anymore beatings from the music teacher. I might just have to smack back"

She sighed and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. She was getting tired, and it was only 3rd period. She hoped that 4th period would pass fast, so she could go to lunch. She began to fidget and bit her lower lip, blushing light pink...

"Hey...Stephen. Do you want to sit with me at lunch? Or are you going to be sitting with your football friends?"