The Institution of Silver Lake - Sign Up and Discussion


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Well, after talking to a few people, a High School RP would be welcomed so, here goes nothing. ^^

Basic information about the school

The Institution of Silver Lake is over 500 years old, and is located in England, far away from any cities and towns, in the countryside. A lake, Silver Lake, runs through the school grounds, it's called Silver Lake because it's said to glow silver when it turns dark - emitting an almost-eerie glow, rumored to stir strange and irrational emotions within people.

The Institution is a boarding school, and it excepts all children from the ages 11-18. Discipline at the school is strict, students can be punished in various ways, from the standard detention, to being locked in a cold, dark room for 3 days. Although few teachers choose to use the harsher punishments, their are a few sadistic ones who relish being able to give misbehaving students a thorough beating. The students sleep in dormitories, each dorm can hold 5 students, and prefects, 2 in each year from 3 upwards, can have their own rooms if they so wish.

The Prologue

Our story starts in December, it is unusually cold this year, the school is swamped by fog. 3 Students have gone missing, one of them was found dead, with a sinister note pinned to her face - I'll be back. Despite this, the school remains open, and the faculty remains determined to keep the school functioning as normally as possible. This is where you come in, are you a teacher, investigating your fellow staff members? Are you a student, scared and disturbed? Do you know more about these disappearings? Have any of your friends gone missing? Do you think that you'll be next?

Are you a hero, or a villain? A sinner, or a saint?

You decide.

RP Bio Format

You may sign up to be either a pupil, or a teacher.
Teacher or Student:
Basic Info:

Miscellaneous RP Information

Depending on your age, you will be in a certain year :

11-12 - Year 1
12-13 - Year 2
13-14 - Year 3
14-15 - Year 4
15-16 - Year 5
16-17 - Year 6
17-18 - Year 7

Each Year group from Year 3 onwards will have two prefects, the Teacher who is head of that year will decide who will be the two prefects.

Classes will be as follows

Period 1 - 9:15-10:10
Period 2 - 10:10-11:05
Break 11:05-11:25
Period 3 - 11:25-12:20
Lunch 12:20-1:20
Period 4: 1:20-2:20
Period 5: 2:20 - 3:20
After School Clubs : 3:20 - 4:30

Lockdown - no student allowed outside the dorms - starts at 9pm and finishes at 7am the next day. Students caught outside during lockdown will be punished.

Most of the action will take place after school and such, but it's probably more realistic to have a schedule that the kids would follow.

Well, that should be everything you need to know, although this is my first time at making an RP, so tell me if I'm missing anything, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions ^^
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I'm gonna have to get involved in this one...

Name: Sonny Gurito
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Teacher or Student: Student
Year: 4
Basic Info: Sonny is quite cocky, but at the same time, he is a nice and caring individual. He tends to doze of sometimes and sometimes does need to be entertained. He is from South East London and has quite a strong cockney accent. He can be either very lazy, or very active, it depends on his mood. He has green eyes, a brown buzzcut, and slightly tanned skin. He has a heart shaped purple tattoo on his upper left arm. He is quite muscular.
Likes: Lasagna, Games, Magazines, Fantasy.
Dislikes: Violence, Social Issue Films, Shakespeare.
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Okay, I've approved this char with Mark already, so everyone knows! (my color is asshatty and I don't know why.)

Name: Crystal Hawkins
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Teacher or Student: NIETHER! I'm a janitor at the school.
Basic Info: Crystal is very friendly and loves to chat at anytime. Work is a thing unknown to her, she just does stuff to look busy, but always gets the job done somehow. She is always quick with a joke and a laugh and no one to date has seen her angry. She is very talented with magic tricks and utilizes them often for the amusement of the kiddies. She has very bright red hair (not dyed) and green eyes and a figure that makes all the older male students get in trouble with their girlfriends because they were staring.
Likes: Pizza, video games, reading, and gardening.
Dislikes: Gum stuck on the underside of desks, boys wearing too much body spray (and girls with too much perfume), politics, and people that can't believe in new and interesting things. Like magic.

Okay, DM pushed me into joining, XD

So here it is, XD

Name: Harry Hopkins, commomly known as “Hydra”
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Teacher or Student: Student
Year: 5
Basic Info: A young student from the far end of Asia, specifically Taiwan. Although timid, he’s usually nice and friendly, except when he’s being mocked. However, he’s not gone to the point of earning a severe punishment. He’s one of the most brilliant students, but still needs the healthy dose of entertainment. Both his hair and his eyes are deep black, and his skin is slightly tanned. He is physically weak, and has no scars or tattoos.
Likes: Spaghetti, video games, hanging out with friends, occasional walks.
Dislikes: Fighting, loud noises, stupid people, gross things.
Hydra recommended it. I'll gladly join. ^^

Name: Zeria Iiyasei
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Teacher or Student: Student
Year: 7
Basic Info: Zeria is a naturally distant young woman, but she is always willing to help another person in need. She's not hard to miss in a crowd, with her long fiery red hair, pale white skin, and vivid viper yellow eyes. She's tall, standing at about 5' 9", and thin, but athletically figured with a lot of lean muscle. There are a few tattoos she has as well. One on her back is a sword through a rose, another is a fancy black Z on her left shoulder, another a similar black Z on the back of her neck, and the final tattoo the symbols for death and darkness entertwined on her stomach. Her ears are pierced, sporting dangling metal fang earrings. She's usually seen in an old school uniform she used to have from a different academy, before she transferred, but will occasionally find something else to wear if she tires of it. Zeria also has learned to play the piano and cello, having taken them up as a child.
Likes: Video games, swords, being out in nature, martial arts, fencing, drawing, singing, playing piano and cello, dancing, theater, reading paranormal romance novels, music, technology, the colors black and red.
Dislikes: Bossy people. People who are full of themselves. Being in big crowds of people. Boring classes like math, science, or history. Getting lost and not being able to find her way. People who talk too much. Large amounts of blood because they make her nauseous.
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Ah... a high school RP. My favorite kind of RP, besides animal ones, of course. No doubt that I will join.
Name: Kannira Kusso
Teacher or Student: Student
Basic Info: Kannira is.. more of the lonely type. Before this, she was a happy, cheery, care-free girl. But, when she was 10, her parents died, immediately drowning her personality. She can be happy.... at times. She prefers to be alone, away from people. Because of this, she sits in the back of the room, away from the class. She has no friends, she thinks she doesn't need any. Kannira only talks when she feels like it, but when she does, it mostly starts a fight.
Likes: Being alone, schoowork, wolves.
Dislikes: Stingy teachers, nosey kids, people who never leave her alone, "popular" kids, adults.
Kannira's Apearence:
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ah whatever, time for a martial arts class for the school what with people dying and all. HIYA

Name:Jet card
Teacher or Student:teacher
Basic Info:Jet is a martial arts master, he was hired by the school after the mysterious death so as to help students defend themselves from further problems. His main profession is as a scholar, so during school he teaches a history class, and after school he runs a martial arts club. Before school, after school, and during break, Jet patrols the school to keep an eye out for younger students being bullied
Likes: History, Martial arts, pretty much most of the world
Dislikes: Storms, Bullies, and mean animals.

hope this is okay for a bio
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Thanks for signing up guys ^^ I'll post my characters bio now too ^^

Name: Kevin "Kai" Wilson

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Year: 5

Teacher or Student: Student

Basic Info: Kevin is a loud, clever, intelligent kid. He likes to be the center of attention, and he has friends in every class. He hates the name Kevin, as he was named after his father, who betrayed the family and ran away when Kai was just 3 years old, leaving his mother to raise him and his 4 siblings all by herself. He is the only child in his family to go to the school, as instead of paying for it, he won a scholarship, allowing him to go to Silver Lake for free.

Being the youngest of 4 children he is used to getting ignored at home, which is why he so desperately craves attention at school. He has dyed his hair bright blue in a bid to get noticed by his mother when he goes home. He has been badly effected by the disappearances, becoming quieter and secluding himself more often.

His Girlfriend, Sabrina, was one of the students who went missing, but, she wasn't the one who was found dead. So, Kai clings to the possibility that she may still be alive.

Likes: Gaming, Reading, Writing, Learning, Music, Hanging out, Making out with his girlfriend, Movies, Martial Arts.

Dislikes: Being alone, homework, being ignored.
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WE NEED MORE TEACHERS SOMEONE ELSE BE A TEACHER TO I AM NOT TEACHING EVERYONE IN HERE (kinda sad that a 13 year old is teaching a buncha various age students bout history and martial arts lol)
Haha. Well, I'll start the RP once...three more people have joined. So if you have any RPing friends, get recruiting! =D
Oi, Mark, Which year are you in, XD? Wait it's your own Rp and what the F*ck Am I doing complaining about that, :wacky: BTW, Mark, when do you plan to update your ZackxAerith Fanclub? there's already over 6-7 people joining, :) (I put it in my sig)
Name: Dr. James Alexandria
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mathematics Teacher
Appearance: Tall (6'5) and thin. Grey hair, no beard or mustache. He wears black horn-rimmed glasses, always wears ties with a sweater vest, and a black fedora unless he is teaching. Walks with an ivory cane.
Basic Info: Dr. A, as he is known around campus, is one of the most popular teachers at Silver Lake. Not only is he very good at making high-order math accesable to all student, he is a fair teacher in terms of discipline. Due to his popularity, he rarely needs to use discipline, however. He is also the oldest teacher at Silver Lake, which grants him a measure of respect from the rest of the faculty.
Likes: Math, Hot Tea, Cold Weather
Dislikes: Coffee
Yes, everyone so far is accepted ^^

I'll start the RP by Thursday, unless two more people sign up xD If they sign up, I'll start it there and then
Yes, everyone so far is accepted ^^

I'll start the RP by Thursday, unless two more people sign up xD If they sign up, I'll start it there and then
May I make a suggestion? Maybe you can make a members list, when you start the RP, at least. Lucky you, nobody signed up in my RP :'(
ARGH AM I STILL THE ONLY TEACHER? WE NEED MORE TEACHERS PEOPLE I DON'T FEEL LIKE TEACHING EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM WHAT LITTLE I KNOW OF HISTORY. ok plan B i am going to cover the lessons with elipses (...) so pretend i taught you something. martial arts i will post, but not the lesson.
Being an Ex-bording school kid, this is just up my street, i shall join with this char if its okay

[FONT=&quot]Name: Stephen Hownam[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Nickname: Hownam
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Teacher or Student: Student
Year: Year 7
Basic Info: Stephen is one of the oldest in his year, he is one of the school’s most popular kids and is the captain of the school’s under18 Football team, he plays in the centre of Midfield and happily wears his Captain armband. He is muscular in build and has a Tribal tattoo on his upper right arm. Vary attractive he has short brown hair with blonde highlights blue eyes. He is always looking to have fun or play a prank on other students. He is a kind person acting as an older brother figure for some of the younger students, hardly any of the students call him by his first name as his Nickname ‘Hownam’ has stuck with him since one of his friends called him it in year 1. Stephen plays all types of sport including Football, rugby and cricket although he isn’t the smartest student intellectually he knows enough in subjects to keep him in the top groups.
Likes: sports, girls, Math lessons
Dislikes: all other lessons, Arrogance, homophobia

oh yea, one more thing, whats the uniform like ?

Name: Dr. James Alexandria
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mathematics Teacher
Appearance: Tall (6'5) and thin. Grey hair, no beard or mustache. He wears black horn-rimmed glasses, always wears ties with a sweater vest, and a black fedora unless he is teaching. Walks with an ivory cane.
Basic Info: Dr. A, as he is known around campus, is one of the most popular teachers at Silver Lake. Not only is he very good at making high-order math accesable to all student, he is a fair teacher in terms of discipline. Due to his popularity, he rarely needs to use discipline, however. He is also the oldest teacher at Silver Lake, which grants him a measure of respect from the rest of the faculty.
Likes: Math, Hot Tea, Cold Weather
Dislikes: Coffee

STOP making so much noise See Ness over there? He's a teacher too! And Mark, do we assume there are NPC Students or or that we're the only students who have returned?
There will be NCP students, every now and then I'll PM someone, and it'll be up to them to announce that another student has gone missing =D