The Institution of Silver Lake - Sign Up and Discussion

Hey Jean, why don't you start the RP now as i don't think many others are going to join ATM, and it would give us all summit to do...also am i accepted ?
Hmm this looks interesting so I'm in, please someone PM me when this starts.

Name: Vesper Aran
Gender: Male

Teacher or Student: Student.

Basic Info: Vesper is the kind of serious type who speaks little and tends to spend his time doing his own things. Vesper is very tall and thin and tends to stand out because of his shoulder blade length Silver hair and bright purple eyes. Vesper has a hawk like face that always has a serious expression on it giving him a almost threatening appearance. Vesper does fencing and is an experienced swordfighter.

Likes: Swords, the few friends he makes, friendly fights, anyone who honnestly like him back.
Dislikes: People who don't shut up, loud noises, evil teachers.

Assuming your character is ok, we should start pretty soon. We only needed two more characters, and you were the last one (unless I am a horrible counter =P).
Everyone's accepted so far ^^

I'll start the RP tonight, since I'm going out most of the day, and I'd prefer to be using my own PC again -this one's my dads- when I do start it.
*deletes previous post*

I've got something to say.

Those of you who've posted some 30 times today (you know who you are), I would strongly recommend that you cut the rest of us some slack. I'm not trying to say anything negative, it's just that it's hard for us to keep up with what's going on, especially how you're advancing time like that.

I have pretty regular access to the Internet, and I only posted twice today. Even twice a day I think is too much, but I came back from class and found myself three pages behind. Remember, there are several people involved in this RP, they should have a chance to post and keep up with the story...

I'm really just trying to ask a favor. Calm down a bit? Just let the rest of us catch up, please? =)
I understand that you think we are moving fast, and I agree we are going slightly fast, but not as fast as you think. There are some of us who are diehard RPers and prefer not to have to spend an entire day only to recieve one post from someone. If you're like me, you'll sit up on the computer until bedtime, just RPing. I apologize if I seem rude, but this is how it is. Some people prefer slow and leisurely, while others (much like myself) prefer somewhat fast paced...
Like Zeria i enjoy a quicker pace when RPing as i am quite and active member and when i am sat with nothing to do and someone else posts i automatically think 'hey something to do' so i post, but I will try to slow my progression of time
I don't take that as rude at all, and I understand completely. The fact is, it's not really in the rate of posting. I'll provide a direct example. I started my character, and before I could get any interaction going, we've gone through two periods. I'm all for a high rate of interaction between two characters, just keep in mind that the rest of us do want to keep up as well, and don't have the ability to post as often.

It's all in the amount of in-RP time that goes on in the midst of your posts. If we put our characters in class at first period, and a (real) hour later we've suddenly appeared in third, it's pretty difficult for the rest of us to catch up. Besides, over half of the people in this RP haven't even started yet!

I really am not trying to be mean or rude (really), and it's nothing personal, really. Nothing wrong with being an active member or posting often. Please, just keep the rest of us in mind as you move through the day (in the RP, naturally).
That's where I said things were moving too fast. Is that periods are passing by too quickly. Some people are skipping through entire class periods in the course of one post. Me, I'd rather take a leisurely time through the course, yet have fast paced interaction.
That's completely fine, and I like that sort of interaction as well. Thanks for understanding. =)
Well, it seems that people are now effectively appearing and the pace is slower... And regarding the periods, teachers could use the "(...)" to skip the task of having to teach something, but make something happen, like getting a paper plane thrown to you, and react accordingly or something to make it more dynamic. Well, those are just my thoughts, :D
yeah, i generally use the ellipsis for the period, as i really don't want to teach you guys. That said, i will now end my post with ellipsis so as to allow things to happen in the class instead of skipping the entire period.
Name: Cornelius Ingway
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Teacher or Student: Student
Year: 7
Basic Info: A fun lover who enjoys chasing women, often one to be a pain yet he is always prepared to help his friends if they get in trouble

Likes: Staring up girls, Fencing, Hitting on girls
Dislikes: Bullies, people who use others and people who go against the rules too often