The Last Trip! (OOC)


Black Mage
Jul 2, 2008
Barcelona, Spain
Restart is being considered


THIS RP WILL CONTAIN SERIOUS GORE, VIOLENCE, DRUGS, SEX, ALCOHOL, SWEARING, HORROR and everything else that might be banned from most of the RP's. That's why I don't recommend this RP for very young persons.

Now the main plot:

It was an usual morning like every other, but something rather unpredictable took place that morning. People from different parts of the world all entered a train heading towards Eastern Europe (A quite fascinating and old looking one it was). But there was something strange with that train. It was the fact that once it started to move, it didn't stop no more.

This will be the story of people on the train, in the wagon 5 ( it's a couchette wagon) and wagon 6 ( The restaurant wagon). At some point, people will find out that the train isn't going to stop and all the other wagons are locked. They find themselves isolated from the world inside an old and creepy train together with a ticket controller who seems to be even scarier and darker than the fact that the train isn't going to stop. But it only gets worse. In addition to the fear and panic of travelers and the conflicts between them, mysterious things will start happening and abnormal species will start haunting every soul on the train.

This RP will rely heavily on psychological horror, fears and the mental state of characters. So I expect you to be at least decent at RP'ing :) No worries though, give it a try!


No god-modding - I presume you are experienced enough to know what this is about!

No power-playing - Well everyone will be normal humans. They may know how to use guns or swords depending on their hobbies and job but no abnormal powers, not in the beginning.

Decent grammar - Good grammar makes a decent post better

Activity - If you don't have a proper reason for not posting once in two days, you should post Tho I hope everyone will be able to post at least once up to many times in a day.

Template for character:

Name: ( Your characters name!)
Gender: ( Male/ Shemale ... / Female)
Age: ( How old you are?)
Appearance:(what you look like)
Clothes: ( What clothes you like to wear)
Baggage: ( What you took with you to the train ... don't have to state everything but mentioning you got a gun or tons of whiskey would be nice )
Job: ( As who you worked before entering the train? Everything besides train ticket controller)
Physical shape: ( Are you a total weakling or a power house?)
Abilities: ( Are you able to use guns, swords, pencil, a bottle of whiskey etc?)
Knowledge: ( Are you a genius or just know how to hack computers?)
History: ( Well, your past goes here)

Wish ya good luck and hope you join the journey of a lifetime :)
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One thing's for sure. This sounds extremely tempting. But wouldn't the story be rather limited if it's all about the people in 2 wagons of a train? I'd be more interested if I can gather more information about how the story could develop...
Actually, you can access more wagons :D Now I have to spoil a bit, but anyway,

The story is about the characters who are in the two wagons at the beginning. At some point when they enter other wagons, they find those empty

If you want even more information, read the next spoiler :)

As it's kind of psychological horror, there will be events when someone goes to his room in the wagon and finds it a brothel for example. One thing more that I think everyone should know. At certain point of the RP, things that people want the most and things that people are afraid of most, start taking place.
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Nice to see that people are interested in it :) If you got any questions about the storyline, go ahead and ask.


One thing more! It's not always about surviving or bout being a super human who can face all of his fears or has none ( though, I have to admit that there are persons that have no fears, but it wouldn't be logical if there were for example two of those rare beasts on one train eh? ). Sometimes it's about getting the most awesome, scariest and rudest death ever :) That's why I highly recommend to take a NPC friend with you to the train, so if you happen to die, you have a chance to continue in the RP ;)

Besides, I will also add few NPC characters and controlling them in the RP ... which leads me to an idea about what I will talk later on ;)
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Hm. I'm definitely coming in to this. No doubt, this would be a good way to strengthen character developmental skills in role plays. Should be the first time I've entered into such a dark sounding role play as well. Count me in. I might be a little slow in the posts, but it'll be decent enough.
No problems :) As long as you post at least few times a week, everything is fine :D Also, as it will be featuring a lot of character development, I don't expect people doing tons of posts. I rather hope that they do nice and long posts :)
Interesting.... very unique, just like School of wolves. Ill join if you think im a decent enough rper for it. I like good psychology.

On a side note, i do hope people won't just go and put powerhouse just so they can own everyone. A variety of characters would be nice...

On another note, i know iprobably shouldnt write it here, but if you're free, would you like to participate in Serg's School rp (the aforementioned one)? Its a new idea and limited to real humans, so you might find it interesting
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Yeah I might join it :) As I once mentioned in the thread of the previously mentioned RP. Later today, I will start working on my character profile :D

Now bout my RP. Of course you can join, or at least give it a try ;)
Name: Joe Perk

Gender: male

Appearance: Has dark brown half long hair that is little messy. green gray mixed eyes. Has long nose and normal mouth. His height is about 1.80 m with athletic body. His weight is about 80 kg. also has long legs and long arms.

Clothes: Likes to wear black jeans and on his foot he has sneakers. Usually wears hood over his head. Wears a dark blue leather jacket with hood attached to it. The jacket is usually unzipped and under it theres a black T-shirt and on the shirt theres written "EASY" in dark red color.

Baggage: Took a small backpack and a laptop. Inside the backpack there are some snack and his small knife collection.

Personality: Does not talk very often. only then when someone has asked a question from him. Likes to help people time to times when in a good mood. Sociable when around him are same people as him.

Job: He worked as a wrestling teacher at his own club and at the same time was a security in the market.

Physical shape: hates horror movies because their disgusting, but is in somewhere between them. Also hates when someone surprise him from behind, often as the reflex to hit.

Abilities: has good arm and can through knives at the spot he is watching. Also can use a knife in hand-to-hand combat.

Knowledge: Knows how to use a computer. Has average knowledge of the world. He does read news.

History: Was born in wealthy family. They put him in normal public school. At the second grade he started wrestling at local school. There he trained himself for at least 11 years.Teacher was pleased with his enthusiasm. At the same time his school life was not so good. He did not have brightest head, but was able to push it through all 12 grades. In 10 grade his mother died and father started looking for a new wife and found one, but this one wanted to make Joe into musician. Father agreed and always was on his wife side. That made Joe leave home. He luckily found a place at his grandfathers house. there he always admired his grandfathers sword collection and he started his own but with knives.
After finishing school he had to quit wrestling club also. Not the greatest diploma in his hand he wanted his own small business in his town. He did not had any ideas to begin with but couples day after he heard that the schools wrestling club was shut down due to the financial problems of school. That was his great chance to start his own. The club got his feet on, but wasnt enough for Joe. So with great physical body he then decided to become security because he didnt managed to pass the police training exams in theoretical part.
Years past and he was living quietly teaching wrestling, securing market and collect knives time to time. when he became 25 he got news from the USA that a large wrestling tournament is coming and winner can win a large sum of money. Without a delay he quickly took a break from his job and told his trainees to practice according the plan. He packet his things and went to the train station. He stepped to the train and head towards to next stop.
Well, this is kind of difficult decision for me. I will mention some things that you should think about before joining this RP.

First of all:

* By looking at your character, he seems kind of tough guy. So try to remember that everyone has their weaknesses. You said that he hates horror movies because those are disgusting. But is he afraid of watching horror movies or afraid of spooky things?

* It's hard to develop a character deeply, and it's especially challenging to develop a muscle man. If you can do it, my respect towards you!

* Be sure to use grammar checks before posts :) The less typos, the easier it is to understand you. And always read your post through before posting, that way you will find many phrasing mistakes and can fix them :D

Anyway, you are ACCEPTED, IF YOU WISH :)

I hope that you will do perfectly fine ;)

EDIT: Oh yeah, Physical shape means your body and fitness and stuff, not your mental state :) Mental state should be covered under personality if possible!
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Hmm this looks very interesting and different, with my writting improving my thoughts and thinking of my characters is something I need to work on so this will be great practive for just that.

Count me in I will post up a character when I have the chance, I will proberly base my character on myself to make it a bit more interesting and believable.
Might be slow on the character sheet. Will probably have it up latest by Sunday. Apologies for any inconvenience...
No problems Valkyrur, as long as it's a good character sheet ;)

List-keeper, using yourself as a RP character is a fantastic experience and a lot of fun :) But in the end, you will probably find out that the "you" who you wanted to role play is still a tad bit different from the real you :D Has happened with me twice ... But go ahead!
Yeah but it's still fun to try out a different version of me. This character is pretty accurate to me with slight changes to the appearance and the name change (the first name is still mine the rest is ones I like) well that and I only own a Katana in real life and am saving for a Nodachi. Anyway I hope it's up to scratch.

Name: Ryan Alexander Shador

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: A handsome young man with medium length blonde hair that he has to move off his eyes from time to time, his hair has a longer section at the back that goes down to the small of his back in length; this section is held together at the base of his neck with a piece of white cloth. Dark blue eyes that are intelligent and kind couple with a gentle face and nice features, average height at 179cm but very light and thin coming in at 56kg. Someone who looks at Ryan would think he looks like a slim handsome young man with little strength.

Clothes: Ryan has a fairly unusual sense of style; he likes to wear old fashioned long coats his favorite being white. His main clothing is this plain full length white coat wore open with a pair of grey pants, some comfortable shoes along with a long sleeved light green shirt with a golden pattern around the neck. Despite how this looks Ryan likes it and doesn’t like people insulting his clothing.

Baggage: Ryan’s main hobby is fencing and swordsmanship meaning he’s carrying two swords in his bag as he was moving cities. One blade is a normal Katana while the other is a Nodachi. Apart from this he just has some personal positions and his clothes.

Personality: Ryan is calm friendly and good at handling stress and bad situations, although he himself has fears he tries to quickly overcome them and be a light people can look to in darker situations. He is friendly kind and a true gentleman but coupled with this he has a short temper and doesn’t like people back chatting him. He would never intentionally hurt or insult a girl but is willing to attack males if they are causing trouble.

Job: Just finished high school and is moving from cities to go to a good university. Has knowledge of the world far above his age and has been involved in military training so is disciplined and has knowledge of weapons, navigation and other unusual aspects.

Physical shape: Strength wise Ryan isn’t strong only average, his body is built for speed and skill. He has excellent hand eye coordination and a steady hand.

Abilities: Six years of fencing and great knowledge of swords and sword skills, he is also quiet skilled with basic guns. Apart from this Ryan only really knows how to cook which he does frequently at home and has a good knowledge of food.

Knowledge: Ryan is towards the top of his class in school and has a good range of skills and knowledge at his disposal. His specialty subjects are Physics, Math’s and English.

History: Ryan was brought up in an average family and from early on decided to take as many opportunities that he liked as he could. He started fencing at an early age and enrolled in varying activities from shooting to military training. That couple with his high intelligence and determination to exceed meant he got great grades in school. As of now he was accepted into a university and is moving to live with a mate in the city closer to the campus.
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You know ... I read bout the appearance and found out that at some point, I was exactly the same with few slight differences :D I had medium length blond hair, now they are short tho ... I got light blue eyes, I'm 179 cm high, weigh 64 kg :D Pretty same eh?
Now I will continue reading ;) So far so good!

EDIT: Well kind of nice character :) So yeah ACCEPTED! (Especially because he reminds me, a bit)

One thing tho
* This RP won't be a hack and slash one :D Anyway, why I wanted to know about the abilities of using a gun or sword is that if someone falls in to madness and takes a gun for example. Then is he capable to aim with it and hit its target ... and same for swords. If someone takes sword to defend himself from all kind of horrors, he will either be good at swinging with it and feel stronger or will totally fail and may harm everyone around himself/herself. And well, carrying swords with yourself should rather be a psychological thing, not the fact that he thinks he might need to use them.

On another note, I would love to see as varied and different characters as possible ;)
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I know i said ill post in the other one, but meh. ill delete that post. Unlike you guys, i write on what i feel as a character inspiration. RIght now, im inspired by the goth/dark type with slight mental/emotional issues >.< . Ill have my normal profile on later. On a different note, List, you do know how long a nodachi is right? I dont think you could fit that in a bag. It'll need its own cover. Most of them are almost as tall as a guy.

Name: Zeraith (Ze-Ray-th) Escaflowne

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Zeraith has white hair and pale skin and is what some would define as pretty. Her hair is left to grown on its own. her fringe spilling onto the front of her face, past her eyes while the back trails to the waist. Her eyes are hazel green to begin with, but since she has slight eyesight problems, she chose to wear red contacts. She stands at 162 cm tall and weigh in at 50 kg. Her pale skin, small stature and white hair has people thinking she weak and delicate, but in fact, is rather fiesty and a wildcard.

Clothes: Her clothes consist of mostly black and white clothings. On her top is a white female suit shirt that is untucked with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow and the top three buttons undone. She has a black skinny tie that is loosely tied at the third button of the suit shirt. On top is a black formal vest. Her pants are black suit pants with a white cloth belt and a chain from her right pocket to the first belt loop to the right. On her feet are a pair of white formal loafers. Over everything is her favourite black trench coat which reached her thighs. On her hands are a pair of fingerless black leather gloves. She always have a pair of headphones on her neck, which is either plugged into her music player or guitar

Baggage: Her baggae is somewhat little. She has a back pack that holds her laptop, her Kurkri knife, hidden at the bottom as she has no permit and a black flick blade and a stun device (THAT she has a permit for. Self defense) in her pocket.

That aside, she has her guitar, which is a white Gibson Les Paul with a large, black tribal wing pattern on the back with another black tribal pattern at the bottom left of the front of the guitar. It is placed in a guitar bag which also has a shoulder strap.

Personality: Zeraith is a cynical and a pessimist. She views things in a negative way, which leads to her being a bit withrawn and suspicious of everything. She portrays a image of toughness and strength, when in fact at the core, she is rather weak and lonely, too scared of being alone once again if she loses someone again. She usually is a bit irritated and impatient, but can tolerate people. It is just the way she is. She would not snap over small things, only get fustrated, but when she does snap, she can be rather fiesty, wild and scary. She has scary tenacity and determination plus being a bit cold and merciless. If she thinks she has even a decent chance, most likely she'll take the person on.

All in all, she is the "leave me alone/ don't talk to me unless its necessary and we'll get along" type of person.

Job: She is currently a travelling musician after graduating from school. Her band is on hiatus as she is trying to gather inspiration.

Physical shape: Zeraith is considerably strong considering her age and sex. She was a brawler and a punk throughout school, which gives her more strength. However, she is still a girl and 17, so at best it is above average. What she has going for her is speed and flexibility. She can perform tasks quickly and reach places or do things normal people cant with their flexibility.

Abilities: Street brawling and gang fights for a good deal of her life gives Zeraith plenty of experience in civilian combat. She has no real teaching of using weapons, which, again, is mostly improvised style from using whatever is available in a fight. She is also an accomplished lier and actor as she has often found herself in situations that need it. Lastly, due to her lack of interaction with other humans, which give her plenty of time, she is an amateur computer hacker with moderate skills. Hacking into high protection stuff is out of her league, but personal laptops or PC's are cakewalk.

As for their actual ability to use it, Zeraith has no qualm to do harm to anyone in self defense. Of she has a bottle and the guy is attacking her, she will bottle him. She had her knfie, she will stab him. IF she had a gun, there might be slight hesitation, but in the end, she will still shoot him. Her skills with guns are extremely limited to those from the illegal ranges from her old suburb, meaning, she isnt very good, but knows enough how to use one and what not to do.

Knowledge: Zeraith found no real need for academic education as she is very logical. While her schooling marks are only average, she has a brilliant logical mind which works well in the real world.

History: Zeraith lived in broken neighborhood. It was the scum of the city. Her house was always boarded up and gunshots and fights always echoed at night. Zeraith pretty much followed in the footsteps of everyone that lived there. It was only herself and her mother. Since she was sick and there was no income, reolved to robbing, rolling, car jacking and the typical stuff. Of course, she did not let her mother know, and still went to school, where she became one of the leading delinquents in a school of punks. This lifestyle went on for a long while. The only good thing that ever happened was her discoverly of her guitar and the creation of her band. Her performances brought in another source of income and it was almost enough to move into a better district when her mother died of her illness. With the only reason she stayed in town and her songs inspiration gone, Zeraith put a hiatus on the band to travel and gather another source of inspiration.

NOTE: Please note that her life of crime meant that she had racked up a fair amount of money. Her clothes are store bought, but everything else is most likely stolen or taken. That explains the more pricey stuff she has. Just in cse someone wonders.
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Hehe, quite nice indeed :)
I don't just get why everyone want to bring weapons with themselves :D ( Not that I don't allow or anything, just mentioning) I personally, in RL, never carry a knife or gun with me, but guess the life in foreign countries is a tad bit different.
RP- wise, the more sharp things you bring with yourself, the more opportunities appear to harm others or yourself by accidents. Especially because the train is famous for its illusions :D

Anyway, I already got a nice idea for a character in my book :D A japanese exchange student who carries a sword with him ... and guess what, that
sword is going to used by a girl who falls in to madness against the boy itself

Oh and ye, Accepted!
ehhehe. Cmon. After Hostel, ill take a fucking army with me to Eastern Europe. I live in Australia so its a good deal "safer". Besides, she is a girl of 17. A few knives and stun weapon is alright. I actually wanted to arm her with a pistol, considering her back ground, but then, thats a bit overboard, ne?

But you know what is a wacky character that may be alright for this? Saitama from Saitama Chainsaw shoujo. Chick goes on rampage and kill whole school with chainsaw >.<

On yet another side note, this reminds me of the movie midnight meat train.

As for the transfer student part, id have to be frank, its a bit cliche. Ill give ya a suggestion later. i ntg.