The Last Trip! (OOC)

Anyway, I got some free time. I use most of it for working on my book, but I promise that after writing up every two chapters, I work a bit on my character ;)

yea. the players we have are frequent commuters of the forum, so no fear of them disappearing. So the moment you finish, give us a heads up and we can start.
Okay ;) One and half chapter done ... will get working on character later today, prolly going to get it up tomorrow, but won't promise a thing yet :)
Aw... It's taking much too long...! Nevertheless, I got further inspiration unintentionally from this song by Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit. Almost like it could be my character's theme song throughout the role play.

Anyway, I just wanted to show that I'm still in on this, and that I'm rather impatient now :P
well, at least its getting along now. i actually rather like this one, but bara must have is RL issues. ill post now though.
I'm really sorry to announce, but I will put this RP on a hold ... which will last until 11th December, when my school ends. I'm really sorry ... but starting it now would be impossible or rather pointless, because I can't handle posting much nowadays ...
Frankly, that angers me. Just when I Read over all this stuff, you put it on an indefinite hold. Makes me cry a little. Ah well, I'll make a character for the time that you come back on. If I can join of course, and if these people are still intrested.

Name: Dr. Vincent B. Winchester M.D, D.D.S.

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Appearance: Dr. Winchester has pale skin and a varity of scars on his face, especially around his mouth. He also has several burn marks on his arms and face. He always has a crooked smile on his face and his teeth are well-kept, but very sharp.

Clothes: Winchester wears, at all times, a pair of colored goggles, a Strait Jacket with the arms cut off and a lab coat under that, so it simply looks like lab gear, a large top hat, brown pants and black dress shoes. Over his jacket, he wears a brown apron with stains on it. He also keeps his hand gloved at all times.


-A Turtle
-A Variety of Scalpels and Knifes in coat
-A Power drill in Bag
-Bag of Morphine
-Surgical Equiptment

Personality: Dr. Winchester is utterly bat shit crazy. A believe in Cogito Ergo Sum, he believes that he is the only person on Earth that really exists, and everyone else is an illusion or below him. As such, he has no conscience on killing or doing anything to another person. Infact, the only reason he kills is to find out where these 'Fake' people are from. At the same time, he is also a sadist, and very sarcastic and cruel.

Job: Neurologist, then Dentist, and now Homicdal Maniac

Physical shape: Winchester is a meak man but is rather fast.

Abilities: Winchester can use a gun, but he has the accuracy of a drunken child. His strength lies in knifes that he can throw and cut with for suregical presicion. He also is a great Doctor and Dentist.

Knowledge: Has the utmost knowledge of anatomy and can usually find out how to blackmail people rather quickly.

History: Winchester was young and promising Neurologist at one time. On a daily basis, he would often preform the most complex of surgeries like nothing, making these complcated actions seem like a childish game of tag. In fact, he was the eye of the North Oregan medical community for some time. Untill Bessy J. came into his room

Bessy J. Had a severe brain tumor, and her parents had search everywhere for an expert. Winchester was said expert. After be-friending the girl, Winchester agreed to do it free of charge, promising to be able to be able to remove the tumor quickly. Unfortunitaly, that is not what happened.

While the operation was underway, a man dressed in black fire several shoots into the room- one of the nurses had a mob hit after he, and he was the person to carry it out. However, as the shoots rang out, Winchester's arm moved violently out of instinct and made a large slash in Bessy's medula oblongada. The gunman was soon apprehended by the police, but Winchester was crushed. After being viciously beaten by the father, Winchester decided to study another field of medcine, one less dangerous- Dentistry.

Winchester excelled as a Dentist as well, but never quite got over the shooting. He generaly made morbid comments and gained a very dark sense of humor. But one day, old wounds came back- the gunman signed up for an appointment, no knowing or recignising Winchester. When the man sat down, Winchester, over come with anger and madness, drilled through his forehead and killed him. Soon the police found him out and threw him into an insane asylum, having him avoiding jail due to the bribing of the North Oregan Medical community.

It was here, Winchester snapped. He began reading books on philosphy and psychology, looking for god-knows-what, when he read something on the princible of Cogito Ergo Sum- I think therefore I am. Thorugh this, he justified his actions, saying he had murder no one as no one else existed. That very day, he vicously murdered a fellow inmate with a spoon, and when they were moving him to solitary confinement, he excaped, becoming a homicdal maniac, looking in vain for reasons why he was the only person who existed- Generally done by examineing the brains of people he murders.

Now he no longer searches for answers. He no longer cares. He simply wants blood. Now Winchester boards a train, to a place of new beginings- and by he meant new victims.
I am interested in joining posting character nao lol

Name: Ginno Yamakura

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Appearance: Ginno is of European American/Asian descent, he stands around 6'7 and weighs in around 140kg of pure steroids and rage. He has a clean shaved head has light brown and yellow eyes (from the Jesus Juice) and high cheekbones. His ears are covered in piercings and his arms are covered in tattoos along his left forearm "Burn,Maim,Kill" has been scared into his skin and along his right arm "Death Before Dishonor" has been scared.

Clothes: At the time of Ginno's entry onto the train all the clothes he is wearing are a pair of black army boots dirty green camo pants and a grease covered white singlet wrapped around his wrists and partway up his arms are 6m long chains which are used mainly as a decoration but given enough room can be used as very painful weaponry (much like Shichigoro form Afro Samurai uses his one just no on such a large scale).

Baggage: Tons of whiskey :)

Personality: Ginno Works in a permanent state of rage which worked well while in the cage and working as a bouncer but not so good while in public, he will strike out at someone without warning but will not go out of his way to hurt someone, unless of course they're asking for it.

Job: Ginno worked as a club bouncer since his 18th birthday quickly he became respected for putting people in hospital for trying to get past him so he decided to try his luck at cage fighting, now 11 years later he has become a powerhouse filled up on steroids and fueled by rage Gino had taken this train to move to a new city to try his luck at cage fighting for bigger money and to work for more important people.

Physical shape: Ginno's body shape is similar to that of Broly from DBZ in the fact that there is more muscle then man just more realistic in this case, while in the train carriage it actually tilts slightly if he leans against the carriage wall.

Abilities: Being a Bouncer Ginno is an expert in unarmed fighting capable of disarming someone and breaking their nose in one swift punch, his time spent in the cage also gives him an artisan knowledge of how to use baseball bats, chairs, stools, desks, bottles, knives, peoples heads, rope, glasses, fence posts, barbed wire, chains, teeth, elbows, knees, salt shakers, switch blades, people and various forms of aerial attacks to their fullest potential, although being such a colossal man Ginno may possibly find it slightly challenging to fight in such a small place as a carriage booth.

Knowledge: Due to the constant contact of two by four's to the forehead, ears, and face Ginno would be the most useless person in a math test or any non physical test for that fact, also the effects of drinking a pound of steroids a day and alcohol forcing him into a permanent state of rage renders him pretty much unable to think above a basic child's level although saying so to his face would be a very silly idea indeed.

History: Well as stated above Ginno had a pretty bad life his mother was addicted to heroine, his father committed suicide while on a bad acid trip and all through school Ginno was bullied for being a scrawny, poor, homeless kid. As Ginno got older however his sadness turned to anger which eventually gave way to drunken rage after discovering the magical juice alcohol, once he found that hiding behind an impenetrable wall of alcohol and rage was the way to live Ginno started working out, he got so big that by the time he was 13 he could lift the back end of a mini off the ground, but still his alcohol egged him on he started robbing pharmacies for steroids going to the gym and beating his old school bullies up so badly more then one of them became paraplegic thats when his career of being a cage fighter started a mob boss noticed Ginno's skill and pure rage and decided to bet on it, which worked out very well for him winning both Ginno and his boss thousands of dollars in single nights until one day Ginno simply decided he didn't need his boss anymore and simply walked onto a train in hope he could make it big in another city.
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well, it does miff me a bit, but at least when he does start, it isnt half hearted. Most rps die because of a half hearted beginning.
I'm going to return to all role plays here.

'When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place."

Whoever said that deserves a pat on the back, for he has successfully inspired yet another person. I shall now attempt to restore my past activeness to full health!
Awesome character Sethlol ;)The only things that worries me and should worry you as well, is the fact that he is freaking huge (when thinking back to brolly) and probably has problems moving around the train :D But that's not a thing that changes my answer.



Cardboard-exodus, your character is just wicked awesome. That's exactly what kind of character I need in the train to make things even more crazy. Anyway, I really hope that you are still here and ready to continue. If not, I hope you allow someone( maybe me) to take control of the character. Because it's just that cool.

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can I join the RP as well?:D
I know the rules,I've been in like 5 rp's..and one noon-anime..[my first one 4 months ago]..
and where we put the chara's description ? in here..or PM you?

ok..then I will posted in here as I saw from other players..

Name: Mio
Gender: female
Appearance:She is like 165 cm[not that tall],her skin is well tented as she is half japanese and half German,as she was a beautiful young lady.Tho,she heated to be called a many of the people she knew called her Doll or Princess.
She had long,black hair[like a japanese girl] and clear green eyes[from her German part] as most of the time she was wearing glasses,because most of the people got scared of her look.
Clothes: a black skirt which was above her knees,a white top with braids and a red jacket above it with high heels.
Baggage: cellphone,handgun and a book.
Personality: hot temperated,not very good around men,she is afraid of hights and she knows how to fight.She usually gets irritated if a men approaches her even if he will ask for the time.She only has one good friend named Cory which she met in high school as she keeps in touch with her.She is serious most of the time,rarely you could see her smile and she doesn't cry she is like a locked up person[keeps her emotion locked inside her] and she doesn't let just anyone to approach her as she sharply turns her head away ignoring that person.
Job: works at a local Coffee shop
Physical shape: pretty strong
Abilities: able to use guns and very good at fighting[martial arts]
Knowledge: she knows english very well,as she is foreign[original from Japan] and also knows very good how to calm people down[psihology]
History: she was born in Kyoto[Japan],as her parents divorced 5 years ago..she was living with her Dad in her old house,as he was drunk most of the time,she was doing most of the cleaning,cooking..and focus on the studies as well.her childhood friend[Jin] abused her when she was in her last year of high school,as since then she hates men,no she grow with a phobia of them..
She has only one good friend[Cory],as she fights very well and even the girls stay away from her trying to not make her mad...
She had a brother that at the age of 14 ran from home cause he couldn't stand the situation as he got into jail several times,being like a delinquent..As after that she told herself to not trust men whatever happens,as they are running from their responsabilities instead of staying and deal with the current problems.
Mio always loved to draw as she wanted someday to become a fashion designers,but her dream was shatter into small pieces after a 'friend' of hers in high school copy her drawings and send them to the Competition as she won and now she become a famous Designer..still,she is still drawing some models from time to time,but she decided that teaching may be her true calling,as she become a English Teacher at a prestigious Academy,where everyone respects her..
She took this train heading to visit her old friend[Cory] as she talked with her last time about 1 day ago...
Also she loves to read as she most of the time carries with her a book.
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It's not a bad character, but as this role play will have heavy focus on psychological horror and will definitely have a lot of character development, I'm afraid I have to ask you to make the profile better, if you want to join.

Some tips:
Appearance needs more details, so it would be easier for everyone to write posts that involve you. There are other reasons to make it more detailed as well. For example, having more detailed description at least halves the mistakes and faults which might be made by others when socializing with your character etc.

You should put more effort in to the personality and history. ( Although the main story of history is ok).
And one thing that I personally would like to see. Somewhere, maybe in history, or just in a normal post, please tell me why do you have a gun :) In the country where I live, like 90% of citizens don't have guns. If they do, they usually have a reason.

Anyway, good luck with it and when you got any questions, just ask :)