ehhehe. Cmon. After Hostel, ill take a fucking army with me to Eastern Europe. I live in Australia so its a good deal "safer". Besides, she is a girl of 17. A few knives and stun weapon is alright. I actually wanted to arm her with a pistol, considering her back ground, but then, thats a bit overboard, ne?
But you know what is a wacky character that may be alright for this? Saitama from Saitama Chainsaw shoujo. Chick goes on rampage and kill whole school with chainsaw >.<
On yet another side note, this reminds me of the movie midnight meat train.
As for the transfer student part, id have to be frank, its a bit cliche. Ill give ya a suggestion later. i ntg.
Haha, Hostel FTW! It's seriously not that freaky, not at least in my home country, Estonia.
Okay, go ahead with the suggestion Everything will come handy.