The Last Trip! (OOC)

ehhehe. Cmon. After Hostel, ill take a fucking army with me to Eastern Europe. I live in Australia so its a good deal "safer". Besides, she is a girl of 17. A few knives and stun weapon is alright. I actually wanted to arm her with a pistol, considering her back ground, but then, thats a bit overboard, ne?

But you know what is a wacky character that may be alright for this? Saitama from Saitama Chainsaw shoujo. Chick goes on rampage and kill whole school with chainsaw >.<

On yet another side note, this reminds me of the movie midnight meat train.

As for the transfer student part, id have to be frank, its a bit cliche. Ill give ya a suggestion later. i ntg.

Haha, Hostel FTW! :D It's seriously not that freaky, not at least in my home country, Estonia.

Okay, go ahead with the suggestion ;) Everything will come handy.
Thanks for accepting me, lol that is my appearance down but my hair is still growing to the length I want it down the back so I really just made my hair style to how I want it in some time.

Anyway you will be surprised how many people carrying around weapons on there person for long distance travel. My character is moving place thats why he's bringing his sword with him as he's got a travel suitcase.
Yea, but what i was wondering List is that both your weapons, if you intend to use them in the rp, isnt exactly closed quarter friendly. You know how low and narrow trains are and katana's are swinging weapons. Especially the one you have are longswords, if you swing them, most likely you'll embed them into the train . IF you dont, then its all good.
Thats also why the nodachi is there, although a nodachi is longer than a katana it is a weapon designed to be draw and swung over the width of the persons body or trust with a flick of the wrist. As you said Katana are swinging weapons that is why I included the other sword I know how to use which is much more suited for inside the train.
Okay, ill say it right here now. i'm just giving you suggestions for the rp, not being nosey or difficult. You are free to ignore whatever i say, so do not take offense to my arguing or tenacity on this point. Its jsut that this is a realisitc rp and so physics and dimensions need to be applied.

With that out of the way...several points

Firstly, i have no qualms about the katana and it being used in close quarter like a train. That is all good. Katanas are only a meter or a bit more in length, so no probs there

However, i do not think the nodachi would be very useful in the context of where we will be fighting in. It is made for open field battles and it has specifically been stated that its length is significantly longer than the katana (which it will have to be as it is meant to be used in the role of a naginata, the japanese pole arm). If we take into consideration that this is a modern society train, unless you are standing all the way to one side, a side swing will hit the sides of the train (or scrape it) and a vertical swing will most likely scrape or hit the roof) and that is before obstacles are taken into consideration. Your guy is average in strength so cutting through a table with ease isnt going to happen...unless he is a complete master.

Second. You cannot draw a nodachi if it is slung on your back or waist. It is way too long. It is possible on the back, but is ridiculously awkward and slow. So unless you always keep it unsheathed, you'd have to throw the sheathe off first, so no quick draws.

Three. Are you serious when you say a nodachi is designed for thrust with a flick of the wrist? its an anti calvary sword designed to be used with two hands. It is more heavier than a normal katana by far. Unless your guy has extremely strong muscles, there is no way anyone can use a nodachi single handed. As i said, a nodachi (which is a type of katana, therefore swinging weapon). A cut using only the flick of the wrist will not do much It might break the sking, but it won't warrant any extreme damage.

I actually have a nodachi at home, so with nothing to do, i tried your wrist thingy. At 18 and with kendo training for a good number of years, i found it almost impossible to do what you said with any combat efficiency, but then, that might be me.

btw, a nodachi is a katana, but of a different sort. Just like a broad sword is still a sword.

All in all, i just have issues that may pop up in the rp. I rped with you before and know that you're good, but i really do not want the situation where you'd be swinging around the nodachi as if its a normal katana in closed area.
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Well I agree with you Tipsy ;) That's why I thought that the nodaichi is just there as a symbol or so. I was quite sure that it won't be tried to use inside the RP :D
Hmm I understand what your saying and yes it is hard to use a Nodachi in the way I have learnt to use it. I understand that you were giving me suggestions but I also want to point down my end of the story and the information. I wasn't trying to be rude.

Anyway the Nodachi is normally a field weapon with a purpose similar to a broad sword designed to attack with large fluid swings. But another way of using it was discovered. (I recently did a report on it as it interested me for History) Anyway the idea is to build up enough strength in your fore arm so you can unsheath the sword using one hand and then apply your second hand as it's coming free. Because of this the sheath needs to be strapped to a lose belt or something. It's a very differcult style and I can only just manage a few of the basic swings and thrusts myself due to lacking the muscle needed.

But I do understand where you are coming from with the Nodachi's size but if you use a Nodachis length for for reach instead of swing it can be very effective but again differcult to use. But you do have to remember that a Nodachi's blade isn't wide just long so if it is used in the right way it can be adapted to the short range.

I'm not meaning to be rude or anything but the Nodachi is my favorite sword.
No no no. i didnt think your response was rude. i wrote that in case you got angry or pissed about me being pedantic. I am a really big fan of japanese stuff and weapons (if you read some of my characters, you'd find sometimes too much description). Therefore, i really cannot stand some people (again not you since you have justified it) that go and say that they use something like a nodachi like a normal katana like sephiroth.

And ill be really brutally honest. i have never heard of that nodachi style in my readings and i do say i have read rather extensively into japanese swordsmenship. Is it a new style or what? I really cant quite picture what you said in my head. Whats it called?

And i see where you are coming from about the power without swing. I guess if you apply power to the hilt in one direction and power at the end of the hilt in the other, there will be some power without need of massive swinging, but i still cant see it giving limb cutting power, or even bone cutting power.

Also, for reference, an average train at most is 2.1 to 2.3 meters wide. At most, maybe 2.5. If it is like the electric trains where it is double layered between boarding doors, then each section is about 1.8m tall. If its a single decker, it'll be at max 2 meters throughout the whole carriage. This is by Australian standards btw, so it may diverge a bit, but overall, it should be around there.
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Yeah, that's okay ;)

BTW! I highly recommend everyone who can and are capable of, to have at least two characters and maybe be ready to control a third NPC character, who I will offer later on if necessary:)

But you can of course have only one character :D

Why are 2 characters good? Well first of all, story-wise, sacrificing a character for the sake of RP and its story won't be hard for you if you got another one with who to continue the story. ALTHOUGH, I'm not suggesting you guys to get rid of your characters carelessly ...
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I'll have an NPC to tag alone with me.

Yes the style is quiet new and I'm terrible with style names so I will try and track it down again but you got the basics of it.You use the length of the sword as reach and spread your hands across the Nodachi's large handle so you can supply a lot of force without much movement, kind of like the lever effect; you can put more force into something with less effort if your level is large enough. In this case your front hand is the pivot point and your back hand is the lever. My fencing instructor taught me a bit about this but I've seen him use it, due to the weight of the Nodachi (normally around two kilgrams with a modern one) and it's long blade you can provide enough force to cut someones arm clean off if needed. Basically it's a style which takes modern physics into account.
okay... i see... well, that being said, since your character is neither master nor extremely stong, i hope there wont be any limb severing stuff or cutting cleanly through objects. Other than that, i'll concede, but dont forget the name. It has piqued my interest.

Here is the second character. ill delete the post on pg three

Name: Eiji Kazuya Dalaware (he is eurasian)

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Appearance: Eiji is is a split between being a bit of a pretty boy and a tough guy. His face can at times be rather handsome and "pretty" when he smiles, but his eyes and facial hair gives him a sense of danger and toughness, especially when he has his eyebrows creased and not smiling, which is most of the time. His hair is a very dark grey and is slicked back spikily and has a small goatee on his chin. His eyes are the same type of grey as his hair and his pupils almost appear cat-like. However, its shape is more eagle. Eiji is has an average body frame which is niether too bulky or skinny. Eiji stands at 182 cm tall and weigh in at 65 kg. His clothes somehwhat hides the muscles and well kept body from his force days.

Clothes: Eiji wears smart casual clothes. Underneath is a dark navy pinstripe casual suit shirt with the top two buttons undone. On his legs are a pair of smart, white suit pants done up with a black leather belt. On his feet are matching white loafers and on top, he wears a white formal vest, which is long enough to reach just past his waist and conceal his weapons. He has a black analog watch on his left hand and always has a pair of sunnies either on his eyes or on his head. His belt, as a result of his job, has slots for his holster and magazines, plus his telescopic baton and badge.

Baggage: He has a single briefcase, which holds a top-of the-line laptop for his work and his gun maintenance kit. Other than that, he has normal luggage stuff. He has a black Beretta 93R on his hip holster with 4, 20 bullet magazine (one in gun, three on belt), a telescopic baton, a pair of cuffs and his OC spray (read somewhere that all detectives if they carry firearms, have to carry the whole shebang). Whereas the pistol, badge, baton, cuffs and magazines are on him, his OC spray is tossed into his bag.

Personality: Eiji is a cunning and dark man. His looks betray his heart as it is always frowning and somewhat preoccupied with thoughts. He is a man with a strict sense of justice, however, he advocates the ethos of "the end justifies the means". Therefore, he will beat people for answer, do back deals and generally things that most detectives won't do in order to bring down the bigger "games". Brilliant detective mind and quick to emphasis the negative, Eiji isn't the best person to hold a meaningless conversation.

Job: Interpol Detective

Physical shape: As a current detective, Eiji is very fit and strong. He is capable and trained to fend off larger opponents, therefore even though he does not have bulging muscles, he is cut and tough. As a sign of his body, his suit shirt somewhat clings to his arm and body.

Abilities: A very accomplished fighter and gunsman. As a police officer, he is proficient in suppression and subduing techniques , which can be applied to armed and unarmed foes as well as a intermediate knowledge of muai thai, which is enough against any thugs or perps he is usually against. He is a crack shot with his pistol as he has often found a need to use it. Being in a tough section of the town, an intimate knowledge of gun use is needed. He has the typical policemen abilities such as interrogation skills and profile reading, which he uses to play mind games to gain information.

Knowledge: Eiji has an extensive knowledge with psychology and law which is needed with being a policeman. Above standard computer use is also a prerequisite in his line as a detective.

History: Eiji was born with a Japanese mother and a German father. His life was like any other children, with dreams, ups and downs. He was an above average student, but a successful jock. With a clear sense of justice, Eiji went to become a police officer, with a romantic image of justice being served. However, life obviously wasn't so grand. There was so much corruption and back room dealing that those big mobster bosses and gangsters were able to walk off free whilst petty criminals forced into crime by the corrupt system were brutally scapegoated to make the force appear to be doing its work. Disgusted by its corruption, Eiji worked above and beyind needed until he was chosen to be recruited into Interpol. By then, his psyche has changed. No longer did he hold the bright and untarnished image of pristine justice, but instead, held a view of justice under any means. His methods have not been exposed and in his 5th year, Eiji was sent to Eastern Europe to investigate a multi country wide crime family with heavy corruption ties with the government of these countries. He boarded the train that was scheduled to head towards the rest of the Interpol agents that had already begun work.
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WTF WTF WTF WTF. In the process of making the character sheet, I accidentally deleted the entire effort away. That, after having spent like, 15 minutes on it?! I'll have to continue it some other time now, sorry. Damn.

Well, I haven't tried a character with a seriously dark background, and dark personality.. So here's my go at it. It'll probably be one of my most realistic characters I've ever came up with, as well as the darkest.

EDIT: Looks like nothing went wrong in this edit... I went as far as to do it on another platform too, heh.

Rae White (Claims to be Rachel)



Attractive. This girl boasts of a well endowed body, with strikingly generous assets that leaves most men drooling with lust. Her long, jet black hair that reaches down to her waist couples with her white as paper skin tone for a rather exotic sort of beauty. Furthermore, her sharp, and clearly defined eye brows helps to promote the generally positive impression of her face alone. The small, button nose and ears with detached ear lobes are the only features that people rarely look to.

As aforementioned, her body line is curvaceous. If viewed from the side, her body actually resembles the letter S. Her butts are pretty sufficient, and are yet another attraction for most men. She stands at a height of 178cm, and weighs about 65kg.

To most, her first impression would be that she may be a model. Her face seemed to exudes a sort of confidence and charm that one usually categorizes a model into, and the same is often done with her as well.

Her clothings comprises a white, sleeveless tank top within- which does little to completely conceal her assets, flaunting her cleavage to the public eye- and a dark brown, leather jacket which is usually not zipped up (Unless the weather is particularly cold). She wears a dark blue denim jeans, leather gloves and boots as well.

The tank top have no particular patterns that makes it distinctive. It's just white, though a little bit yellowish probably due to age, and sweat. Her leather jacket, however, appears and smells rather new. It sports two pockets at the bottom half on both sides, which allows the wearer to rest her hands in it, or store items temporarily. Within, there is also an internal pocket for the wearer to put more items. This jacket has got a zip, which could allow the wearer to zip up fully to protect against the cold, and does not have a hood.

Her dark blue leather jeans are like her tank top- extremely ordinary. Like most jeans, this one is made of denim with the same designs. It is also snuggly fitting, and accentuates her lower body.

Her leather gloves and boots are perhaps the most unnoticeable parts of her clothings. Worn and a bit torn on some edges, it appears to be the oldest piece of clothing on her.

Some random change of clothes, undergarments. There are borrowed (Or rather, stolen) books on Psychology, and some other encyclopedias taken from a library. There is also a Swiss Army knife hidden in some part of her luggage as well, but she rarely takes this out, unless threatened.

Introverted. Contrary to her demeanor, she isn't as confident or cheerful as she seems. This, considering her earlier deeds before she came on board, is natural. Once, she had been more cheerful and sincere, but after what she had done, she became darker, more sarcastic and kept to herself. Her words are now more hypocritical, and she keeps people at arm's length. (More information in History)

Having studied intensively on Psychology, coupled with her descent into a darker nature, she is a rather manipulative person, who would not hesitate to use her knowledge on the topic to control a person's action. That is, when she feels confident enough to try it.

When interacting with another, she usually puts up a false front, pretending to be cheerful and jovial. However, she is actually just socializing so she appears less threatening, and so that she can manipulate them as she deems fit. The only aspect of her personality she cannot hide well is her sarcasm, as well as her skepticism.


Physical shape:
Relative weakling. The only thing Rae does not excel in is in her Physical conditioning. In order to maintain her beautiful appearances, she decided against exercising lest she gets too muscular. Only occasionally, do she exercise, but that is just to slim down or build up a bit of muscles to beautify herself.

If any, her only real ability would be to manipulate another person through psychological suggestion. However, to a person with a strong enough will, this would do little to him/her.

She doesn't know any martial arts, so when she defends herself with a knife, it's merely cut and slash when she gets the opportunity to.

She has studied extensively on Psychology, and various other subjects relevant to it- like Biology for instance. She is able to handle a computer decently well, being able to type at a speed of 100 words per minute, but know nothing about computer language- Java, HTML, etc.

Born to parents Faye White and Richard White, she and her sister, Rachel were twins.

The fate of twins for them, or her at least, had been particularly cruel. Unlike other twins around, their relations were extremely sour, and always, Rachel would find a chance to torture Rae- vice versa. This have been the case since they were able to speak. It did not change for the better despite their parent's mediation.

They only pretended to be chummy in front of their parents. Behind the scenes, the bullying and fighting really begins.

Fortunately for them, they decided on different courses, each having a different interest due to the influence of the other- since Rae had declared her interest in Psychology from young, Rachel decided that Psychology was bad, and never found any interest in it.

However, that was only for the courses. The university they went into was one and the same, just as their earlier schools had been, much to their dismay.

Nevertheless, to pursue their respective interests, they held back their dislike for the other and went about life. Yet, what fate had in store for the girls was something that would changes their lives forever.

They fell in love with the same boy.

Nonetheless, this boy fell in love with Rae, and decided to be her boyfriend. Naturally, Rachel was instantly jealous of Rae, and struggled against Rae in winning the boy's affections. Rae, in her defense, held on to the relationship firmly, successfully holding the boy's affections for herself effectively.

Unwilling to take this lying down, Rachel decides to seduce the boy instead. She was desperate to take everything away from her twin, and so, on that fateful night, she pretended to be Rae, and successfully enticed the boy into bed.

She purposely had the boy call Rae in a clever scheme so that she would see them both in bed, and enrage her. The scheme is merely asking the boy to 'call her', then hiding away, silently watching the boy. The boy, who doesn't know the girl he had spoke to was Rachel, not Rae, calls Rae, asking to meet her at his room that night. Rae agrees, in accordance to Rachel's guess. Rachel goes up to him and confirms Rae's agreement, and as soon as she does that, alters the timing to be earlier than the time he suggested.

Rae falls for this, arriving at the room at the originally agreed upon timing. As her twin had planned beforehand, she caught them both naked in the act. Literally shaking with anger, Rae could only silently watch as the boy she loved struggled away from a cruelly laughing Rachel to apologize to Rae. Staring down didn't do much in hiding her embarrassment and anger, their clothing which they have stripped from themselves laid about, as if mocking her.

The years of having coexisted negatively with this twin of her forced something in her to snap. Turning to the room's dressing table, she grabs her boyfriend's Swiss Army Knife, and stabs her boyfriend, killing him.

Her shocked twin only knew the deed after the boy fell back, which proved to be much too late. Charging forth, Rae leaps onto the bed and kills her sister with the same knife that ended her own boyfriend's life. As the knife entered into her sister's body, the years of pent-up rage and anger was released, and in a violent frenzy, Rae slashes randomly, terribly mutilating her sister's body, and face which she prided herself upon- the course she had took up was modeling.

It was only after having done that, that Rae realized the severity of her deeds. Knowing full well it was much too late, with a death sentence awaiting her, she decides if she has to die, she would die tarnishing Rachel's name. Using Rachel's blood, she writes Rachel's name on the wall, to indicate the murderer to be Rachel, and not herself.

She goes as far as to change into Rachel's clothing, leaving behind her present clothing, and replacing Rachel's belongings on the table with her own. However, taking the money and some other valuables including a library pass, she leaves for Rachel's room to pack Rachel's belongings to bring away. In the room, she purposefully leaves behind a 'farewell' letter to her parents, indicating Rachel to be the murderer, and claiming the reasons to be jealousy, explaining the events that had happened, amusingly detailing a plan similar to what Rachel had planned for Rae, only with the roles switched. (The mystery of twins, eh)

It was only after that was done, that she leaves the University, stopping by the Library to steal a couple of books. Simply, getting into the library late at night using the Library pass- since Rae was a librarian- and getting past the sensors by raising the books above those sensors- since no one was looking.

Then, rushing to a train station, she hurriedly purchased a ticket and came on board the train. It is at this point, the story begins for her in 'The Last Trip'.
Hehe, I know how you feel :D I once made a character profile for like 45 mins ... and pressed back by accident ... gosh I was angry :)
Heh. Lifes a bitch sometimes. That always happen to me since my internet connection is gay, so i know how you feel. The worst case that happened was with my profile Viridiania. Spent a few hours tweaking all these small stuff and internet froze. I had to go back and find all the parts that needed fixing again.

In any case, Solid, read my character!
Lol thats why I always write long posts down in a word document so even if I deleted the entire thing accidentally I can hit control z until I undo back to my work being back. Rather useful for the longer stuff like character sheets and that.
I've edited my character sheet above. Please look at it. I would think this is one of the few character sheets that I've actually put so much effort into. Can't wait for the role play to start! :D
Hmm an interesting character Valkyrur, I quiet like how your've done it with the whole mainputive person. I haven't seen many characters like that before so I quiet like her.

Now that people have got characters up when will we start? I'm really hoping shortly.
Well, having said that, don't mistake her for being able to force someone to actually do something against his, or her, own will. Ultimately, all she makes use of is the person's thinking, and reactions to various things.

So, in the role play, I'll be doing some serious study of each character's personality, and finding out ways in which I can influence that character's behavior. Of course, if I do it right, the character will have no choice but to follow as my character intends. In a sense, god-modding, but in a realistic, and proper manner. In order for the influenced character to behave as stated in the character sheet, he or she would have to follow my character's will- once again, provided my character does it right.

Also, most of my posts would include monologues, since she would have just boarded the train after committing murder. The weight of her deeds would be quite heavy on her, even if she knows it's psychological impact from studies. I'll probably use a different color though, so as to make it easier...

Nevertheless, can't wait for the whole thing to start.
Fantastic character Vakyrur :) Accepted! That's something I really hoped for :D

Tipsy, your second char is also accepted :D Now it's only me who haven't done a character yet ... well, I start working on it. Although, I plan to put a lot of effort in it and that why it may take some time.
When I get ready with my char, we can start :)