The Legend of Dragoon

Well you might be able to find it still. Most likely on ebay but if your lucky and find a store that still sells PS1 games you might be able to find it at at really low price.
Ahh to remember my gaming roots. I remember playing this game many times. But this wasn't my first rpg. I was one of the few that got to enjoy Final Fantasy 1.

i threw my FF1 in the thrashcan... after playing for 5 minutes...
please don't kill me!

i can't say i have played this game...
but it is possible i have, it's such a while ago...
This game was alright.
I was in love with it the first time I played, but I can't ever seem to be arsed to play it again. ^_^
You know, Riku made a forum based on this game. But When me and DS registered; it was like a graveyard. No one has replied to my thread yet or made any posts but me and DS last I checked. It's been three whole days.

I never played the game; but I've heard good stuff about it.
It's a fun game, but it's entirely too easy.
I don't think I ever died in a fight. o_O
O.O Too easy? Erm, it was kinda hard for me. Well not really, but I mean it kept me in the edge of my seat. Easy for me is like...totally relaxed while playing a game, lol. Like even closing my eyes while playing. ^_^

Anyway, I actually liked this game. The storyline was kinda hard to follow, but I think that was because I was so young when I played this game. I don't really remember much about it...I can hardly remember what the battle-system looked like! But I had fun playing the game though, that much's for sure.
i have it but i cant play it because it is a coppied game and i dont have a chipped ps1 and it dont work on my ps2, but when i could play it when i had the right console to play it i found it amazing, its a really good game and i would buy it again if i could find a copy of it.
I played Legend of the Dragoon years ago. The idea and character design was great but other than that Legend of the Dragoon wasn't that great. The plot was terrible and battle system was so so. The only character I liked was Rose. Shana was the worst main female character ever.

The LoD commercial was awesome. Anyone remember it? The commercial started off all dramatic then it cuts to Dart and Lloyd fights. Dart cuts Lloyd's head off and says: "Did you see that!? He cut my head off!"
This was a great game in my opion. Story line was actually great, and moved at a good pace. Battle system itself was just slightly dissapointing yet was challenging. The way you had to time your button presses tested your reflaxes. As for characters I hated Miranda she was just so stuck up. Now as for Lavitz, lets just say i was dissaponited. Albert was a great character himself but still, Lavitz was great.
Rather than closing the recent thread, I'll just merge it with the other existing one.


I own this game, but I have yet to play more than 30 minutes of it. It was really fun but I got it right after I got Final Fantasy XII and have yet to get a chance to pick it back up, maybe I'll play this weekend.
I currently have this game sitting in my PS2. ^.^
I started playing a few weeks ago, but I stopped...for some reason. XD
Maybe I will continue tonight.

I'm at the part right after you visit Shirley's shrine.
I liked Dragoon. What I didn't like is when you walked through somewhere and had to go back, you had to walk through the same crap again.
I know. I just did something like that as a matter o' fact.
I ended up passing up a village on the way to some volcano, and I realized that I had to re-enter like 5 different areas just to go back. SCREW that. =S
The storyline nice, great characters. Game play was different which is always a good thing. Just wish I finished it...*Sigh*
Loved this game, boring at times, when you have to make those combinations, but still, a compelling story, nice characters, overall one of my favorite PSone games.
This is one of my most favorite games in my collection. I loved the first time you watched Dart turn into a Dragoon and kick Kongols ass. I smiled so much during that. I can really get into games sometimes lol.
Legend of Dragoon

Ok so i know the game is old but for its time it was great. i loved everything about this game it. hopefully there is more people that share my opinion...if so what did you like about the game and what made u dissapointed??