The Legend of Dragoon

Gawn yerself. Insta-respect. :wacky:

The Legend of Dragoon is already infinitely better than most Final Fantasies.

I'm feeling less colourful today and so I have no idea what else I can say right now.
LoD was so much fun. I'm surprised a sequel never came from it though.

The story was up to par with a FF game in my opinion, and the battle system was alot of fun.

Rose made the game for me though. I loved her character.
Yes, I agree, Legend of the Dragoon was indeed better than most FF games, specially better than FFX and later games. It's quite amazing that a game with limited graphics (good for their time) could compete in quality with modern games.

I miss playing Legend of Dragoon....
LoD was so much fun. I'm surprised a sequel never came from it though.

The story was up to par with a FF game in my opinion, and the battle system was alot of fun.

Rose made the game for me though. I loved her character.

I agree with you 100%^_^

LoD has always been one of my favorite games, my only problem is disc 2 is scratched and always freezes at the Ghost Ship:sad2:
The Legend Of Dragoon

Hey did any ever play this game, if so what did you like, dislike about it.
What I thought was interesting was the battle system, how you had to time just right made the game more playable for. I also loved the dragoon part of the game. Instead of throwi ng in some half-assed summons they make the characters themselves a summon.
About the only thing I didnt like was the leveling up system, it was way too damn hard to get up to level 60(the level cap), and they didnt have any true magic cure, thunder, stuff like that.
Well I would like to hear your thoughts on it, all in all I thought it was a great game that I could play over and over again.
-Threads Merged- Please do a more thorough search next time. Thanks. =]
Honestly, I enjoyed the game very much however the text and storyline didn't appeal much to me as Vagrant Story or Final Fantasy Tactics did. I really enjoyed the battle system and the combo system they had, it made me actually "work at it" and learn the timing (a little bit this feeling was revisited when I played RE4).

However I haven't beaten the game yet due to my personal opinions about the game.

A peaceful beginning. The Legend was born 10,000 years ago. A violent uprising. A civilization of flying creatures enslave the human race. A bloody war. In a bid for freedom, the humans harness the spiritual forces of the Dragons and triumph. Tranquility and harmony exist between all. But the past and future are about to collide...

Unveil a Fantasy of Magnificence, Deception, Magical Combat and Retribution.

"The journey that seeks the past ends.
And the journey to discover today begins.
Unleash the spirit of the Dragoons.
And discover your destiny."
Dart: He is a brave and loyal warrior swordsman sworn to avenge the death of his parents by destroying the Black Monster. Dart carries the soul of the Dragoon. His destiny will take him far beyond a simple quest for revenge.

Shana: She is Dart's closest friend since childhood. Yet she becomes more mysterious to Dart with each passing moment. Powerful men want her imprisoned and strange forces hover ever so close. She stands bravely in battle with her Bow and Arrow yet something within her makes her fearful of what's to come.

Rose: She is a beautiful warrior with a sharp tongue and a deadly sword. She will teach Dart much about the art of Dragoon warfare and fights beside him in many battles. There is a well-guarded mystique about her. Dart seems to remind her of a past lost love.

Haschel: While himself on a personal search for his lost daughter, this 60 year old martial arts expert joins to fight with Dart. He has seen much in life and greets the world with a hearty laugh. Haschel has the physique, stamina and speed of a young man. His weapons are lethal claws which demand many years of training. Haschel feels a mysterious connection to Dart.

Albert: His Royal Highness of the Duchy of Basil is a fighting king and deadly master of the javelin. He is not afraid to personally take up arms and is deeply loved by his subjects. Albert would be the king of all Serdia but a royal dispute over ascension to the thrown split the kingdom in two. Albert who was the rightful heir rules Basil. His rival, Emperor Doel rules the Empire of Sandora.

Meru: Meru is the youngest and childest member of the group. It is unknown as to how old she really is. She forced her way into the group when the group decided to help free her captive friend from a gang of bandits. Despite her innocent behavior, Meru seems to be hiding some sort of secret about her and her past.

Kongol: Kongol is the last of the Giganto race. When he was little, his village was attack and his people killed by those that fear and hated his race. He was saved by Emperor Doel just in time. Since then, Kongol has grown up with a strong loyalty toward Emperor Doel. His goal in life is to become stronger and to protect those that tries to hurt the weak.

Lavitz: He is the First Knight of the first Corps and is King Albert's most trusted warrior. Lavitz will stand with Dart in battle wielding a spear. He is a thrid generation Serdian knight and, like his father and grandfather, allegiance to their lord stands above all else.

Lloyd: The silver haired Lloyd is a magnificent swordsman. He hungers for a world that has long since passed for he is one of the last surviving Winglies. Lloyd possesses incredible magical powers and he has a soft kindness about him that even he is unaware of.

Miranda: Miranda is the First Sacred Sister of Mille Seseau, helping Queen Theresa rule her realm. Quick-tempered and impatient, she tends to forge ahead regardless of the consequences. Miranda's weapon of choice is the bow.

Game Information
Combat: They combat style introduced in LoD is simply basic attacking, with the use of just your weapon. However, unlike most other games, you are required to press X at a certain time, for the attack to work out correctly. That being said, your character also has a list of attacks they learn as they grow levels, known as additions which get noticeably harder each time and for the most part, require more concentration when performing.


Dragoon: When you recruit a certain party member, Rose, you will get your dragoon spirit. This dragoon spirit allows you to change into your dragoon form in battle. The spirit comes with two attack choices, first the basic attacking which also require timing and the second is magic attacks. As your character grows levels, they also grow dragoon levels. With those levels, new magic is available, your ability to stay in your dragoon form increases to whatever level your dragoon is and your magic increases. In addition, when all three characters in battle have their dragoon on max, a little Ying Yang symbol appears. By clicking this, all your characters change into dragoon form and are sent into a character's 'world.'


Graphics: The graphic's are rather good for a game that took three years to make. The character design is rather similar to that of Final Fantasy VIII, with all character's being appropriate in height as opposed to shrunken blobs of squares, rectangles and circles. However, unlike VIII, the world map is very limited and allows your character to only move onto areas with yellow lines. In addition to that, as you proceed through the game, you will encounter several full motion videos that are absolutely stunning. Some will tell a story while others will simply be videos of what you are currently doing.


Stardust: Early into the game, you will find out about "a magical wishing stone" known as a stardust. These stardusts are said to make the dreams of whoever collects it, true. In total, there are 50 stardusts and they are found all over the world. As you collect stardusts, a tally of how many you have appears on your screen whenever you press triangle. While stardusts play no real importance to the game, they are very helpful when
give all 50 to Martel, as she gives you the item "Vanishing Stone." This stone allows killing the games hardest optional boss possible since otherwise, you can't do any damage to him.

Yes this game was in fact, inspired by Final Fantasy and Sony does admit this. That being said, that doesn't mean that the game is a copy of Final Fantasy. Also, I encourage that people don't start arguing about how they think it's a copy. It's obvious there are similarities between the two, so what? The game's fun either way and hating a game just because of that is just childish.

In addition, feel free to talk about the game and it's wonder's here. Have you played the game? Do you want to play the game? Do you like it or dislike it and why? Do you need help? Do you think the way reviewers reacted to it was bad and why?

All images used here belong to either website one, two, three, four or five. Other information also came from the book and the back case of the game. The rest was written by me and my awesomeness.

[Mod Edit - I have included the use of spoiler tags on an otherwise excellent review]
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So...this is a review then...? Isn't a list of the playable characters (Kongol) kind of spoilerific?

Anyways...the Combat system was pretty good. Instead of just hitting the Fight command, you actually had to be involved in the attack (though I never really had a problem with any Addition after the first or second try). The Dragoon attacks, which are made by lining up a rotating circular point of light (hooray for mini-games used for attacks! >_>) were a little harder to accomplish for me.

I enjoyed the story...I didn't really see the whole FF inspiration any more than any other RPG, anyways...LoD starts out very cliché (hometown destroyed, childhood friend kidnapped & put in an evil empire's dungeon!), but evolves into something very cool. One of the few times I've played an RPG where the hero's mysterious past was actually interesting.

The handful of FMVs spread throughout all 4 discs were so cool that I wished there had been more...
It's kind of like a review I suppose. What I was mainly trying to do was give people who never played the game, some sort of idea of what the game is all about and how it works. As for the Kongol thing, I'd have to disagree. Usually when a character is placed in the booklet, that means they're either going to join you sometime or go against you. However, I could be wrong. Some might find it a spoiler and in which case, I do apologize.

You're one lucky person. For me to accomplish the additions in perfection, I'd have to try it about ten times and even then, there were still times where I wouldn't be able to pull them off. Plus, for Albert, I didn't even bother trying them as he moves absolutely way too fast for me; I think I stopped at Spinning Cane with him. I think the reason the Dragoon attacks were harder was because it does in fact, pick up speed as it turns around the thing. As a result, knowing when to press the button becomes harder.

I'm not exactly sure why people think it's like Final Fantasy because as far as I'm concerned, LoD is an amazing game in it's own right and is nothing close to Final Fantasy. Wow, did you really find Dart's past interesting? I found it rather dull, as I preferred finding out about Rose more. Don't get me wrong, there were things in Dart's past that made me go 'wow' but there just wasn't enough, to make me find his past enjoyable to learn about.

The full motion videos helped that game out greatly I must say. They were never disappointing. So, I had the same feeling as you did.
A thread dedicated to this particularly immense game has already been created; albeit, the previous one was somewhat archaic. I have merged them in attempts to reduce the number of duplicate threads on the forums. Also, hats off for writing a rather detailed review - if I hadn't already played and adored the game, I'd be inclined to play it immediately.


I'll filter through your post and insert some spoiler tags where appropriate, as was pointed out by the above poster.

There wasn't actually that much to be hidden.
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As for the Kongol thing, I'd have to disagree. Usually when a character is placed in the booklet, that means they're either going to join you sometime or go against you. However, I could be wrong. Some might find it a spoiler and in which case, I do apologize.

I played w/o a booklet, so I didn't know that ahead of time...>_<

Wow, did you really find Dart's past interesting? I found it rather dull, as I preferred finding out about Rose more. Don't get me wrong, there were things in Dart's past that made me go 'wow' but there just wasn't enough, to make me find his past enjoyable to learn about.

Ah, you see,
I count most of Rose's past as part of Dart's because of the connections to his father & such...

And goddamn this thread is a freakin Frankenstein~!! How many times has it been merged!? Pretty soon it's gonna rise up and attempt to eat our brains or something...>_>
Legend of Dragoon

I think that the Legend of Dragoon for the PS1 was a masterpiece that didnt really get loads of attention, and that i think deserves a sequel more than some Final Fantasy games.

It had a unique battle system that allowed for more indepth fighting and attacks, and even combo hits.

The Dragoon Forms brought magic to humans in the forms of massively powerful attacks powerd by dragon magic.

An entire race that was hell bent on taking humans down once and for all, and a religion that was based on the tales of a Great Tree bearing fruit and giving life to every species on the planet.

Also it held mysteries surrounding the past of the human race and it's rise to power over the suppressed Winglies, and the death of Dragons and fallen unity of all races.

I think that it deserves to have it's shelved sequel put back into production.

What do you guys think about the game?
Thread Moved

If Ive moved this to the wrong section can someone move it for me, Ive never played this game but Im pretty sure it's on the PS :wacky:
i loved legend of dragoon, its what got me into rpgs, i myself think the battle system is better than any other rpg i've played since