The Most Annoying Thing About This Game For Me Is:

The most annoying part for me was the leveling system. 1000 exp after every level? LOL. I mean dont get me wrong easy leveling is cool, but I want a damn challenge to where its time consuming and takes you atleast longer than 3 minutes to level. You could stay in the training center all day and hit lvl 70's easy, if you dont get bored.
Also, someone mentioned the whole stocking of magic. That too is a btich and takes up so much time lol. Love the game, but thats a pain! OH! And the prison part at the start of disk 2 which Laguna's Dream mentioned. Totally agree, just pissed me off royally too.
I hated the fighting system. I would spend hours just drawing magic from enemies. It makes me want to invent an Auto Draw.. so I can just sit there and fall asleep while they do all the work.

One more thing about the fighting system was the leveling process. It was easy to power level, but like.. all the monsters would level up with you, making it harder. I was level 36 by the time I reached Ultimecia's castle.. and I got pwned.. big time. I never beat the game =_=. Bah.
I have to admit drawing gets boring after a while. It's not even one of those repetitive tasks where you can just rest a book on the controller and go for lunch. Worth it in the end, but still.
Ooh if we are jsut talking annoying things in general, Il chuck my peanust in

I have to agree with drawing, it was so damn time consuming and tedius, especially early on when its your only way of stocking magic
, but what really REALLY got my goat was going through said ballache only to DIE in the next battle when you see the cocking save point on the horizon

also the damn district prison, you go up to go down to go up and back down, fuck off already ¬.¬
Actually, I think the game started getting really good during and after the Space part. It was nice because I like the whole Rinoa/Squall love thing.

Anyway, I have 2 things that annoyed me about it. First, (and this annoys me about all FF's) is that it eventually ends. I want the games to go on forever, lol. DLC, lol.

But the biggest thing that annoyed me was the leveling of the monsters with you. I got to the end right before the final boss chain at level 17 really easily using Diablos No Encounter (I was planning to make the games bosses MEGA hard this way). But the bosses were still really easy... besides the last boss chain. So you can't really do a low level run of 8 because for the most part, the game is too easy all the way through. And it is only about 2/3 as long as 7 9 and 10.

But I still love them all, so it doesn't matter. They are the best games ever.
The prison is definitely annoying, and you can only choose one gate to be opened unless you have loads of mombas there. And I followed the guide and still one 1 showed up! Damnit.

Drawing sucks major ass, especially at points where two of the group draw 8-9 and the other is 2-4. total faff.

But the biggest thing that annoyed me was the leveling of the monsters with you. I got to the end right before the final boss chain at level 17 really easily using Diablos No Encounter (I was planning to make the games bosses MEGA hard this way). But the bosses were still really easy... besides the last boss chain. So you can't really do a low level run of 8 because for the most part, the game is too easy all the way through. And it is only about 2/3 as long as 7 9 and 10.

I didn't think it was that short, thought 9 was much shorter. and that 8 was about he same length as 7. plenty to do in terms of sidequests. (slightly off-topic, apologies)

Tonberry's also annoyed me, esp when after killing the 20th, King Tonberry pops up, and kills me! no save either so 20 more battles later <sigh>

Drawing sucks major ass, especially at points where two of the group draw 8-9 and the other is 2-4. total faff.
That's an absolute pain. It's best to make sure your party have roughly the same magic stat when you go drawing, because I think that's what influences how many spells you get out of each draw action.
I didn't think it was that short, thought 9 was much shorter. and that 8 was about he same length as 7. plenty to do in terms of sidequests. (slightly off-topic, apologies)

Sorry, I wasn't counting sidequests. Without them I usually get through 7 in about 35 hours, 8 in 25, and 9 in 35, when I am actually reading what is going on which I always do, lol. That is why I can't do speed runs. I always get caught in the story, and then realize WAY too late that I just wasted 15 minutes reading the dialogue.:P
That you were on a wage rather than just getting Gil for defeating enemies. Then you had to do those annoying SeeD tests in order to get a better wage, and every once in a while it would still drop you down a level.
Like some people have said I thought the prison and ALL of disc 3 were bad. I think it took me over an hour to draw 300 regen and reflect from biggs and wedge so that pissed me off too. If it wasn't for Enc-None I would not have played this game; I can't imagine how bad Ultimecia's Castle would get. Long and annoying space scenes as well as the annoying music in Esthar (and getting lost there) got to me after awhile. Also thought the bosses were way too easy, none of them came close to beating me because the junction system was kind of overpowered and you don't need to level. Come to think of it, I think I only enjoyed disc 1. I won't be replaying this game for a long time.
the most annoying part for me is at the start of disk 2 when u have 2 make 2 partys lol ><
take a look at these

I'm not to sure if this bothered anyone else but Switching parties for the story was bitter. I had three characters junctioned the way I liked them and then I was forced to use a low leveled none junctioned team. This was a problem when cause I would heal after I junctioned exchanged them, then find out I get to use my good team 10 mins later.

Also the Laguna dreams. I never want to do these parts of the game. I admit I do like seeing new limit breaks and cool attacks but sometimes they just piss me off.

Now here's the big let down. Item hunting. I swear to god dark matter, ageis amulets, rocket engines, diamond armlet, whispers were so hard to obtain it made me finally quit. I'll pick up the game later this year when I feel the need to play.
DEFINITELY the magic system. There's no real explanation about how this method works into the story (like the materia explanation in FFVII). I didn't mind the junction system, but having to draw 100 of each spell was ANNOYING.

Best story out of the Final Fantasy series in my opinion, but certainly not the best game play, with the draw system being the major culprit I think.
The most annoying thing about the game, is the fact that you can´t enter cities on disc 4! WTF!!? It pissed so off that i throw my joypad on the floor causing it not to work properly! :-(
If u hav diablos u can lears encounter half:which cuts encounters by half or: NO ENCOUNTERS:self-explanatory

i hated the fact that diablos started out dealing no damage and that seifer was not able to become a party member. he was so cool.......
How about everything, more or less. XP

The only characters I really liked from this Quistis, Laguna and Seifer - the rest where just annoying imo.

Also Ultimecia is an awfully crap villain especially if you compare to the likes of Kefka, Seph and Kuja to be honest. She quite frankly pops out of nowhere halfyway through the game.

Same deal goes for the storyline and the junction and battle systems, I found them pretty meh as well.

Ditto with the sidequests as well, they where not a patch on the optional stuff in VII and IX or even VI which are my three fave FF's.

Overall I did not enjoy playing VIII.