The Most Annoying Thing About This Game For Me Is:

One of the most annoying things in my opinion is when it comes time for you to get paid, and it says you are lowered by one SeeD level. Sometimes I just can't think what I may have done to deserve it. It's less annoying, and more soul-destroying!

In all seriousness, the most annoying bit for me is when it all kicks off in Esthar. I remember the battles being hard and often, and you have long walks from place to place in that chapter of the game.
This may sound silly, but the most annoying thing in my opinion is the menu colour. GREY!!! Who the hell thought up of that? Even Final Fantasy VII had a nice shade of blue. Grr...
I thought the menu system of VIII was the best designed of all the Final Fantasies. It was very simplistic and it looked clean, and it was functional. The font went perfect with it, too.

So far my biggest annoyances in VIII are:
Like people said, the prison. Going round and round and round and up. Repeat.
Sometimes Drawing does get really annoying, but I usually feel really accomplished when I get 100 of a spell, so I don't mind. Makes me feel like I worked for something.
Squall and his emotional freakouts are getting lame. "I WON'T HAVE IT!!"
Splitting into two parties sucks. I have one party that I primarily use, and they're double the levels of the other people in the other party. It really sucks.
I hated the fact that my SeeD rank went down each time I received salary...
I never understood why...

The battles were annoying because the GFs were too useful in battles and I used them too much. Somewhere in the middle I got tired of battles and tried to avoid them.

The last is the thing I hated the most, but for some reason liked as well...
As I said I started avoiding battles because they were annoying.
So far I was always beating all the Bosses with the GFs, so I thought that the last boss will be piece of cake as well.

So I went to fight Ultimecia at a very low level (think it was 40 or so) with half of my abilities still sealed. I actually was very close to defeating her (probably had luck) but it the end I was defeated.

Then, I decided to realese the seals from all the abilities and then try again.
I did so and tried again. I was defeated again....

Then I decided to obtain some magics and tarin a little.
I tried again then, and was defeated again... :shame:

Then I finally decided to do a long training period.
When I believed that I finally ready, I tried again.
I had bad luck and one of my strongest characters died, so I quited the game.

The last time I tried, it went smoothly and I finally defeated her.

I actually was in her castle for 10 HOURS!!! I finished in 60 hours instead of 50!!! :gonk:
I've done that before, but it was with 12. it's a horrible, horrible thing. I think every Final Fantasy does that, it memorizes which game you saved last to make it "quicker" for you to save your game.
The annoying thing for me was the fact there's a glitch at the end of disc two (i think) and the game just freezes halfway through the cutscene! annoyed the hell out of me because I'd have to redo the whole bit again several times until it eventually decided it would bloody work -__-
The Junctioning system, although unique and a great way to power up your characters seemed needlessly complex, not to mention all but eliminating my use of magic during battles with it's main use being to beef up stats for physical combat. Sitting for long periods of time drawing from enemies was also quite frustrating.
The most annoying thing to me was Ultimecia. She had no reason to compress time, she just... Wanted to. xD

She had no motive, no backstory, and no depth. She just existed for no reason, and that really bothered me. >_<
Dear god it has to be Drawing. I also didn't really take to the fact that only Rinoa and Squall were developed. The other characters were like fodder and I didn't care so much about them.
I loved all of VIII's aspects, though stocking was annoying. I also never used magic for that reason :P Just powered the hell out of my stats with junctioning, which kinda renders magic pointless once Aura becomes available. Just high powered Renzokukens flying around.
The most annoying thing for me was having to find unknown parts to make new weapons for characters. And the fact that GFs cost nothing to use, can be used over and over, etc.

So obviously, for the first half of the game, I was simply using my GFs to get through most battles because it was faster. I actually got really sick and tired of watching the elaborate summon animations over and over and over...GAAH!

It wasn't until disc 3 when I discovered the Ability-list and realized that I had the resources to make 100 firagas, blizzagas, etc. (good strength junctions) and 100 curagas for each character (good HP junctions); then I started using physical attacks more often.

As for finding weapon parts: I think I upgraded Squalls weapon twice, and Zell and Rinoa's weapon once, throughout the whole game and that was about it. I could have gone out grinding to find weapon parts, but I didn't feel like it.
I agree with almost all of the points with my predecessors here. But if I had to choose the most annoying one it would had to be the magic stocking (others would be that it resembled FFVII to much, but it's clear that the developers made less effort in VIII and no money from random battles)
I quite loved most things about the game however junctioning my magic - namely magic I would use throughout most battles, like Cure, Esuna, ect - was just really inconvenient. Everytime I would have to use my magic my stats would decrease - even if by a little - and then I would have to find a draw point to regain that lost magic to put my stats back as they were. A brilliant idea but I got frustrated with it a few times - probably why everytime I play the game I always grab 100 of each magic whenever possible. Oh the grind, its worse then WoW. x_x

Only other set back was finding the materials to upgrade my weapons. My boyfriend still thinks it's unbelievable I never got Lionheart... but I never could find the materials. ^^"
As most have previously said: the junction system drives me up the wall. Does not bode well with a heavily magic based user such as myself. It also annoyed me how the other characters sorta drop out post Disc 2. Although there were some in-party banter if you had it set together (case in point. Zell and Quistus talking in Balamb when they're under the Galbadians. I love it XD)
i found the most annoying thing in FFVIII was the bosses and monsters lvling up with you. pissed me off!

I thought they stopped leveling up after you hit a certain level? Didn't they stop at level 50 or something like that?

Ye, the save feature messed up alot of my files :S especially when I came home drunk and decided to play. then woke up in the morning finding out that I'd saved over one of my "keepers" that I'd kept for years.
the leveling system is quite great actually... it makes the game more fun, because power leveling is much boring IMO... and there is also no problem when it comes to getting magic... you can always refine items into magic or mod card into items that can be refined into magic... i got pretty nasty magic early in disc one like FLARE, TORNADO, HOLY, FIRAGA, THUNDAGA, BLIZZAGA, and even FULL LIFE... but the method i won't teach because i'm selfish LOL... XD the only thing that annoys me in this game is that the FMV has no voice overs... but still, this game is my most favorite... as of the moment, or maybe until forever? XD
I quite loved most things about the game however junctioning my magic - namely magic I would use throughout most battles, like Cure, Esuna, ect - was just really inconvenient. Everytime I would have to use my magic my stats would decrease - even if by a little - and then I would have to find a draw point to regain that lost magic to put my stats back as they were. A brilliant idea but I got frustrated with it a few times - probably why everytime I play the game I always grab 100 of each magic whenever possible. Oh the grind, its worse then WoW. x_x

Only other set back was finding the materials to upgrade my weapons. My boyfriend still thinks it's unbelievable I never got Lionheart... but I never could find the materials. ^^"

it's not like you really can't find the materials... you're just not looking for it hard enough... you can always card mod your cards, that is if you play triple triad though... it's the easiest way to get hold of those hard to hunt materials and magic... XD