the most emotional scene...


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 31, 2008
Hi everybody!

I'd like to know what is the most emotional scene, for you , in this game...

As far as I am concerned, I really like the dance scene^^I loved when Linoa took the initiative to "invite" squall to dance!:P
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For me it's either when Squall busts Rinoa out of the Sorceress memorial, the majority of the space incident or the very end FMV where you see Laguna at Raines grave. I'm just a big girls blouse haha
I had a number of them:

-When Squall "rejects" Quistis at the secret place in the Training Room. That was sad, I felt so bad for Quistis.

-When Squall and Rinoa danced at the party.

-When you get reunited at Fisherman's Horizon with Selphie and co(if you didn't take Rinoa with you to Garden to warn of the missle attack).

-The ending.
For me I'd have to say when Rinoa is lost in space becuase of Ultimecia and you have to rescue her or the Final part of the game the ending. ** When Squall and Rinoa are on the balcony it made me really happy. There are alot of emotional parts in the game but I found these 2 were most for me.
i would have to say either when squall talks to matron after the final battle against ultemecia, the flashbacks when squall is a little kid again or when rhinoa goes uncontious
The ending with Laguna. I cry everytime that part rolls around. And I don't even know why because we didn't exactly get to see much of Laguna and Raine's relationship.
It has been a while since I last played the game but I always liked the part in the ending where Squall wakes up in the middle of nowhere and then sees Rinoa and calls her but she can't listen to him and then the dancing scene with her starts to repeat itself a lot and suddendly we see Rinoa in the astronout suit with the broken helmet glass and a quick scene where Squall faces a bright light and sheds a tear.

Intense stuff, at first I believed that Rinoa had died.
First time I played it, i liked the ending best. Because it was the first time, i beat the crap out of an ending boss in a RPG.
Plus the fact that she thought he was dead and then not and the kissing in the end and such.
If you're a sucker for music, the sequence surrounding the Ragnarok is gold. The story on the whole is one of the more emotionally involved stories of the entire Final Fantasy series, but the space sequence is......ah. Anyone who has seen it understands. It's parts like this that make FFVIII one of my favorite FF games, that's for sure.
Actually, the space thing at first try... it made me laugh my ass off.
Because of the whole "Rinoa was lost in space forever".
I don't know why it was so funny at the time. The scene you get if you do actually manage to catch her (which isn't that hard if you know how) is pretty good.
Speaking of Squall and Laguna, I remember awhile after you actually meet Laguna you guys discuss the plan to rescue Ellone and stop Adel, Laguna mentions on the Ragnarok that him and squall will "Talk later" and that he has alot of things he wants to tell you. I didn't like the fact that after the game ended I couldn't speak to Laguna or find out some of the more deep story issues I thought that was a little dumb.
The part where Squall rescued Rinoa in space, and of course, the ending :)

There are other emotional scenes that left deep impressions as well, but these 2 are my fav.
The opening Cinema was emotional. The music was amazing! Rinoa looked so beautiful in the flowers... And the fight between Squall and Seifer. It was just intense and every time I start a new game, I get chills from it. It was, in my opinion the best opening cinema in any Final Fantasy. In at second is Final Fantasy XII.
I almost love that scene just for the cinematics. I also love the part with X-ATM092. First time playing that game, that part was the shit.
I'm replaying the game right now actually, and I found the lost-in-space and Ragnarok scenes pretty damn emotional.

However, for some reason I find it very touching when you go into the ruined Trabia Garden for the first time. I don't know why, because you have never seen it before it was hit by missiles, but the ruins and especially the graveyard (with the jacket over the headstone) really gets to me each time I play it.
Let's see, the most emotional scene, in my opinion was the very end with Laguna visting Raine's grave. Maybe because he was my favorite character? It was really sad and yet sweet at the same time. It was really beautiful too - to see Garden flying overhead and all the flower petals blowing around. Lovely !
For me it's either when Squall busts Rinoa out of the Sorceress memorial, the majority of the space incident or the very end FMV where you see Laguna at Raines grave. I'm just a big girls blouse haha

Same here. Plus the dancing scene was amazing and yeah Im a hopeless romantic, so I was swooning all over the damn place lol! Plus the opening was a stunner also, it just set me straight into the mood for the game.
Rinoa lost in space and Squall saving her.
Sorceress Memorial comes in second (where squall saves her...again).
But I guess the final scene as a whole is pretty emotional
Another one of my favorite emotional scenes is at the beginning dream of disc 2, when Laguna is at Winhill with Kiros, Ellone and Raine. Also I love the part where you fight Seifer at the end of disc 3. lol Fuijin and Raijin get all emotional. "We've had enough ya'know?" Anyways I love all the Laguna dreams.