the most emotional scene...

I would say the end, where zell eats all those hot dogs. very emotional. Also the scene with laguna and little ellone at windhill !!!!
Hmmm, I haven't played this game in ages, but I'd say when Squall rescues Rinoa in space, the whole Ragnarok scene, especially towards the end of that scene where Rinoa is scared, and Squall holds her with Eyes on Me playing. Oh god *heart clench* And when he rescues her again, what was that the Sorceress Memorial I think? Anyway, the way they hold onto each other is just...<3 Of course the ending is rather emotional as well. Those would be the scenes for me.
The final scene is the most emotional to me. Laguna that whole scene with him gets me everytime. So sad.
The scene where Squall rescues Rinoa from space and they're alone in the cabin and theyre holding each other ^_^ its soo cute
Another scene that's somewhat emotional is the cutscene at the beginning of disc 3 when Squall goes back to the infirmary to check on Rinoa. I felt so bad for the poor guy there because he's trying so hard to understand what's going with her, why she won't speak, if she'll ever wake up again, etc...

All the realization hits him that he really was growing feelings for her. Try as he might to supress them, it didn't work. What snapped him into reality is a young, beautiful girl once so full of life was laying there almost as cold and motionless as death itself. It was kind of sad seeing him get emotional (I think with the way his body was jerking he was crying or at least close to tears) and long for her to wake up. My heart went out to him.
i think most likely the whole space scene when your saving rinoa and when shes drifting...oh and in the ragnarock
I love the scene in space when he goes to get Rinoa, it was just so beautiful :)
In the actual game, I feel sad whenever the scene where Squall starts ignoring Quistis while she's trying to express her feelings to him at the "secret spot" comes. Otherwise, the ending easily wins.
The reunion of two seperated characters

Has to be Laguna being reunited with Ellone in Esthar (awwwwwwwwww).
The ending fmv, when rinoa reaches squall after he kind of collapses in despair.

basically reunions are emotional. (except in ff7 that was just weird...)​
Mm, strange this might seem compared to the other replies, but I actually liked the part when Squall was trying to find out what was wrong with Rinoa. That part was pretty emotional cos I could understand the turmoil he was experiencing? XD
Probally when they we're im space and Rinoa had all that crazy coo coo shit happening to her cause of the sauccerors *spelling* he didn't know what to do then the bit after before they got in ragnarok and he was trying to rescue her in mid space.. that was really emotional i thought it was aerith all over again...
The moment where Squall gets all spazzy, and then a single tear falls from his eye. That really got me.

Otherwise, no other time.
hmm probadly when their in space after squall saves rinoa and theyre headin back to earth. The music starts playin and rinoa keeps tryin to cuddle him but squall bein squall keeps pushing her away
When Rinoa started to run low on Oxygen in space and then Squall came to her rescue. Also, the Eyes on Me scene on the Ragnorok when Rinoa started to worry that nobody wanted to be around her anymore because she was a Sorceress. Those two scenes somehow got to me the most then any other scenes in the game.
Well for me it's most of those you mentioned, but also a pretty emotional moment for any warrior is to see his comrade fall in battle! When Seifer killed Odin I almost cried, but then I thought that Odin wouldn't like me mourning him and just said to myself:"Farewell mighty warrior! May your honorable path take thee to Valhalla!"! After closing my eyes I opened them in rage and finished Seifer off!!!;))
When Garden was invaded and Squall had to give that reassuring speech of his. I just really liked that moment.

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