The Most Evil

Who is more evil?

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Dragon Lord Eternal
Oct 8, 2007
Ok, who is the most evil, it's as simple as that.
If the one you think is not there, please tell me.

I think it would have to be Sephiroth-not only does he look like pure evil, but his intentions are so warped, it's really an amazing job on a character.
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Sephiroth. He wants to destroy the planet and other planets for absolutely no reason other than he's evil.

Kefka was insane. Insanity by no means justify crimes but it does excuse them and for someone as mentally unstable as Kefka, it is very apt.

Kuja just wanted to substantiate his own existence; to prove he was not merely a puppet or tool to be used and thrown away. What he did was wrong but he at least had a very human reason for it.
You forgot some ;)

I went with Kefka. He killed tons of people with absolutely no remorse for absolutely no reason.

Sephiroth lost his mind after a misunderstanding. Had he not gone to Cloud's home town, FFVII would never have happened, or at least the main villian would have been Shinra. I would probably rank Rufus above Sephiroth in terms of who is more evil.

Kuja, as much as I like him, should not even be on that list. In the end he did in some way redeem himself and did change for the better at the last minute.

So Kefka wins.
Hell yes Kefka. He poisoned an entire region. Killing nearly everybody. He has no love for anyone.

Oh, he also screwed up the world entirely. One of the very few villains to actually do so.
It's between Sephiroth and Kuja for me...since I'm not very familiar with Final Fantasy VI.

Sephiroth didn't accomplish much overall, but that doesn't change the nature of his intentions. I'd go with him.
I voted for Kefka since he was the one who really did what he did because he wanted to. Sephiroth did some crazy shit as well but he was under Jenova's influence and Kuja was doing it for selfish reasons in wanting to justify his existence or something so I would consider them as not in the same league.
While Kefka is definitely not my favorite villain in the Final Fantasy series, I have to agree that he's probably the most "evil." Sort of like how Sephiroth isn't my favorite villain in the series, but I consider him the "coolest" (as in he probably had the most style). I say this because Kefka is basically made up of 100% pure hatred and disgust for no apparent reason. That's all there is to his character. Technically speaking, what makes him the most "evil" is that he has no real reason to be evil in the first place, at least no reason that we're told about. Kefka is insane when he first appears and insane when the party confronts him in the World of Ruin. There's no development there; he's just a vile psychopath throughout the entire game.

Other villains come across as more intimidating, such as Sephiroth and Kuja, but, depending on how you view their characters, at least one of them (Kuja) could be viewed as confused/misguided/a victim rather than genuinely evil. What separates Kefka from the likes of those two is that he's a heartless jackass without purpose. He exists for the sole purpose of being a bastard, and I must admit, he does a pretty good job. What Kefka lacks in style, he makes up for with his one-liners and evil deeds in general. That's why the average player can say that he/she honestly hated Kefka by the end of the game.

I mean, really, guys, can you honestly say that you felt any hatred towards Chaos at the end of FF1? Did you really feel like you'd accomplished something when you defeated the Cloud of Darkness in FF3? Oh, and don't even get me started on the Emperor from FF2. Yes, those villains are also evil without a reason to be evil in the first place (typically because they're just some sort of embodiment of evil or something NES-y like that), but what puts them below Kefka in terms of overall "evilness" is that...well...Kefka is a huge asshole. I mean, honestly, can anyone really feel any emotion towards a villain with no personality at all? Yeah, Kefka didn't have much of a personality, but unlike most RPG villains at the time who operated from the shadows for most of the game, he was very "in-your-face." He gave you an opportunity to hate him, which was what really separated villains like him and Sephiroth from the rest of the pack.

To recap, Kefka is a sniveling coward, the biggest asshole in the history of the known universe, a 2-Dimensional character with no depth whatsoever, and still manages to be a damn good villain because of it. I'd say he's the most evil villain in the Final Fantasy series, if only because he embodies evil without sacrificing his personality in the process. Again, he's not my favorite by any means, but I'd be a fool to say that he didn't take this title for himself.

Sephiroth did some crazy shit as well but he was under Jenova's influence
Actually, Scrutator, Sephiroth was the one controling JENOVA. It's a common mistake, but just for future reference, the Ultimania does say that Sephiroth was the one in-control.
I voted for Kefka too. He is crazy but he had his plans on his own. He wanted to drain the powers from Warring Triad and become the god.
He accomplished that and had the whole world in his grasp. He coulda destroy the world anytime with a Light of Judgement, but he didn't. He rather had people bowing to him then have no one that bows to him.
Kefka, he acts/is a lunatic and at least Kuja and Sephiroth have a reason why they turned evil, Kefka just killed for fun and his own personal pleasure.

Even before he gained his powers he did not had any remorse whatsoever when he completely decimated the Doma Kingdom.

So Kefka is the most evil of the three in my opinion.
Sephiroth. It could also be Kefka but I don't know much about him since I havn't played VI.
Sephiroth is just a misguided SOLDIER, once the best hero. He is quite strong but I wouldn't say he's pure evil.
I say Sephiroth because sadly I've never played VI. Sephiroth is twisted by the revelations about his origin, and how he desired to get revenge for being used and manipulated.

He killed Aerith without feeling any remorse, and he would have killed both Cloud and Zack if he truly wished to do so. He enjoys mentally torturing Cloud by using Cloud's memories against him.
I voted for Kefka since he was the one who really did what he did because he wanted to. Sephiroth did some crazy shit as well but he was under Jenova's influence and Kuja was doing it for selfish reasons in wanting to justify his existence or something so I would consider them as not in the same league.

Yes, but Sephiroth was not simply doing it under Jenovas influence, seeing as he was, in a sense, Jenova. And I know you could say that that means that Cloud is Jenova, but I think he is too-but Cloud hated Jenovas ideas, and fought against them, whereas Sephiroth did them not only because he was told to, but because he wanted to aswell (for revenge against being used)
Kefka was, as you have all pointed out, insane. And that is evil, but not the most evil-insanity i not the same as doing things for a reason-Kefka just killed, but Sephiroth did it not just for the pleasure of having all bow to him, but for his 'Mother', Jenova.
I am still sticking with Sephiroth, because he wasn't just doing it for the glory, like Kefka, but he also did it for his 'Mother'.
Yes, but Sephiroth was not simply doing it under Jenovas influence, seeing as he was, in a sense, Jenova. And I know you could say that that means that Cloud is Jenova, but I think he is too-but Cloud hated Jenovas ideas, and fought against them, whereas Sephiroth did them not only because he was told to, but because he wanted to aswell (for revenge against being used)
Kefka was, as you have all pointed out, insane. And that is evil, but not the most evil-insanity i not the same as doing things for a reason-Kefka just killed, but Sephiroth did it not just for the pleasure of having all bow to him, but for his 'Mother', Jenova.
I am still sticking with Sephiroth, because he wasn't just doing it for the glory, like Kefka, but he also did it for his 'Mother'.

It was clearly stated, ages ago, that neither Sephiroth controlled Jenova, nor Jenova controlled Sephiroth. They shared equal control, and Sephiroth did what he did because he wanted revenge, and Jenova was giving him the means to do it. Jenova also wanted revenge, but against the Ancients, so therefore, both of them had a common enemy: humans and the ancients.

Sephiroth recurred to Jenova seeing that he had no family, that his true family used him for a wicked experiment. Infusing Jenova cells in Lucrecia while she was pregnant of Sephiroth was one of the few horrible things that Hojo did. Sephiroth hated them, he hated the humanity, he hated everything that stood in his path. He wanted something, to have a meaning of existence, and then he found the origin of all his life, Jenova. Seeing that he was born with Jenova cells, he thought more of Jenova as a mother, because Jenova's blood coursed through his veins.
My vote goes for Kefka for rather obvious reasons. It's the motive behind the 'evil' that they all commit.

Kuja isn't really that inherently evil, he's only doing it so that he can be free from Necron.

Sephiroth, also, isn't that entirely evil, in my eyes. He's got a bit of an Oedipus complex, and wants to become the 'God' of the new world, restoring his mother's name in the process. Seems...relatively noble.

Now, Kefka, on the other hand. He's absolutely batshit insane. He's also nihilistic, and throughout the entire game is just causing whatever havoc he can, left and right. Burning down towns, poisoning villages and killing a main character's family, and eventually...actually destroying the world. Kefka goes and destroys any of the villages that try and start up again. That, right there, puts him at the top of my list for 'most evil.' He enjoys causing pain to others, he enjoys causing chaos. Kuja and Sephiroth...didn't seem to relish sadism all that much.
Kefka all the way! He's completely evil for no damn reason. It could be because he's completely batshit insane. He also has his own cult in the game. C'mon. That's freaking bad ass.

Sephiroth just isn't evil to me. He's a whiny momma's boy who completely overreacted. "I'm a monster! Never mind that it's completely worked to my advantage thus far, and I could continue living my life without any real problems....I'm gonna go torch shit! Auuuuggghhhh!!"
Well, Iv only played IX once and that was aggges ago, and never managed to beat VI sooo I guess it has to be Sephy for his meteor summoning total destruction kinda shizz
I'd say out of those three that Kefka is the most evil.

Kefka is evil just because he can be, a typical insane madman, he just loves killing, and being all powerful. The others have some form of motive, but Kefka just does it for the hell of it.
Sephiroth just isn't evil to me. He's a whiny momma's boy who completely overreacted. "I'm a monster! Never mind that it's completely worked to my advantage thus far, and I could continue living my life without any real problems....I'm gonna go torch shit! Auuuuggghhhh!!"
Gee, Erythritol, you sure are cool and edgy because you can hate something popular. */blatant sarcasm*

Would you please explain to me why you think that Sephiroth is a whiny momma's boy? First of all, he doesn't actually think JENOVA is his mother beyond the event in Nibelheim. After that, he comes to realize that JENOVA is not related to him in any way and recognizes her as merely a means to an end. Besides, last time I checked, momma's boys didn't decapitate their mothers and rip off her body parts to do battle with his enemies. Not once over the entire course of the game does Sephiroth show any dependency on JENOVA whatsoever. In fact, it's JENOVA who's being used by Sephiroth to achieve his own ultimate goal. So, let's see here...Sephiroth cuts off JENOVA's body parts, sends her to her death, and uses her to try and take over the world. Yeah. He's totally a momma's boy.

As for the whiny part...I don't understand that, either. Sephiroth is one tough cookie. Let's see you get stabbed through the back with the Buster Sword (thus severing your spinal chord) and still manage to lift someone off the ground with one arm while limping out of what is essentially a nuclear reactor except even more dangerous. If you think Sephiroth is whiny, I really don't see how you could like Kefka. Need I remind you that, every time Kefka encounters the party before the final battle, he either runs away or falls over/gets defeated? Yeah. Kefka sure is tough. I don't honestly know why people accuse Sephiroth of being a sissy when he takes huge amounts of physical punishment in the Nibelheim Reactor alone.

Furthermore, yes, Sephiroth went insane. He'd just discovered that everything he'd ever been told about himself was a blatant lie, and that he was created for the sole purpose of killing people for ShinRa. That's it. That was the only reason he existed. If you found you that you existed for the sole purpose of slaughtering other people, I don't think you would be all smiles and sunshine, either. Sephiroth deemed himself superior as a coping mechanism. He didn't want to believe that he was a monster, so he subconsciously convinced himself that he wasn't. Besides, he doesn't actually whine at all. He goes outside and promptly kills everyone in Nibelheim without a moment's hesitation and doesn't complain a single time. Explain to me how that's "whiny."

Besides, Sephiroth was a SOLDIER. I don't think people realize the stress that comes with being even a regular soldier in our world. Marines are often put under extreme stress and commonly suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder once they come home. Since Sephiroth was the best of SOLDIER (and thus, put under the most pressure), it's only safe to assume that he had a lot on his plate. When he found out that he was created for the explicit purpose of manslaughter (and nothing more), he finally snapped.

Again, I turn your attention to Kefka, who went insane without any reason. How is Kefka less whiny than Sephiroth? He was psychotic without a reason to be psychotic in the first place, at least not that we know of. He whines, complains, and throws hissy fits whenever he gets sand in his boots. Now, as entertaining as that scene was, it doesn't exactly show any integrity on his part.

Honestly, I don't mind if someone doesn't like Sephiroth. Really, I don't. As stated many times, he's not even my favorite villain in the series. But at least get your facts straight before you bash his character.
Sorry Oathkeeper. Advent Children > logic.

Sephiroth: What I want, Cloud, is to sail the darkness of the
cosmos with this Planet as my vessel -- just as my mother did before long ago.

Again, I turn your attention to Kefka, who went insane without any
reason. How is Kefka less whiny than Sephiroth? He was psychotic
without a reason to be psychotic in the first place, at least not that we know of. e

He was the first subject in an experiment that wrecked his mind.

Also, Sephiroth has no reason to be a villain. His only reason to be a villain is a lie that he knows is a lie. So he continues on being a villain because he's just that stupid and 2-dimensional.
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I've never actually finished VI so I can't comment on Kefka.

As such, I've voted for "other." I find it safe to say that Sephiroth wasn't entirely acting on his own intentions (given that most of what he did was for 'mother') and didn't actually do much else than destroy Nibelheim and kill Aerith.

Kuja is most simply described as insane and we even caught a glimpse of some goodness in him before he died and so I can't go for him at all.

The other character I've voted for is Sorceress Ultimecia. She had no motivation for her deeds - she just did them. Between possessing Matron and causing international war to releasing the most powerful sorceress of the time, all in hopes of accomplishing a world where only she can exist ... there's not much else but pure evil for the sheer sake of it, right there.