The Most Evil

Who is more evil?

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It's not that he prefers Kefka over Sephiroth, it's that he's bashing Sephiroth's character over things that simply aren't true. If it sounds like I'm flaming him, then I'm sorry, I'll try to tone it down a bit. However, I don't see anything wrong with a friendly debate. It's not like I've got anything against Sgt Pepper, contrary to what he may think, but sometimes it comes across as disdain when you aren't actually speaking in person.

So yeah, I'll try to take it down a notch. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Sgt Pepper. It's just that, when I put my Debating Hat on, I sometimes get a bit carried away...

That's fine, but this thread is to discuss who you think is the most evil Final Fantasy villian. Not why you think all Kefka fans are annoying.

So please either take this discussion to "The best Final Fantasy Villian" thread or start up a new thread to debate this.
Other(Professor Hojo)
He is a evil crazy scientist. He is the root of all evil in final fantasy VII.
Depends on what you define as "evil". Sepiroth is definitely very evil, and will kill anything and everything. This, combined with his superhuman power, well. He set fire to a whole village just by casting a fire spell, and then killed most of its inhabitants.
Kefka, on the other hand, actually succeeds in just as much destruction as Sepiroth, but has a whole army at his disposal, too. Kefka is probably more insane than evil, but still. A very good schemer.

I'd have to pick Sepiroth based on raw power, though. Don't know about Kuja.
I'm just going to say this:

After playing Crisis Core, and getting to know Sephiroth as a surprisingly nice guy, his 'villainy rating' went down, quite a bit for me. Of course, you can say that Kefka used to be a nice guy before he went batshit insane, but I, as a gamer, did not get to see that up-close and personal. In Crisis Core, you are faced with a nice-guy Sephiroth, and for me, personally, it really didn't do well to improve Sephiroth's evilness to me.
Kefka & Sephiroth is as evil as they come. Sephiroth killed almost without justification, although you can argue he got pissed at how humans exterminated the ancients, when it was really Jenova who destroyed them(lol irony). Kefka killed for lol's.

Kuja sadly wasn't all that evil, he was made to kill, and acted out on that, he went even more crazy when finding out he wasn't immortal.

My vote goes to Sephiroth, killing Aeris was the most cruel thing he coulda done. Kefka strikes me as just insane, but not neccesarily evil. But eh the same can be said about Sephiroth.
Huh, I thought that last thread was this thread and I misread :gasp:

Oh well, I guess my point still stand sin that one aswel :gasp:

But yeah I think Kefka is the evilest, he just killed everyone and enjoyed it. I don't think I have ever seen another villain kill so many people really. I spent most of my time :gasp:ing at his antics, evil little man
I chose Sephiroth as he kills Aerith just because he can. As for kefka he was to funny to be the evilest (is that a word?). And Kuja just isnt evil enough for me
Not to sound like I'm putting down your opinion or anything, but I'm a bit confused as to how you could think that Kuja, of all people, is lacking in development, especially when compared to the likes of Sephiroth and Kefka. No doubt those two are probably much more evil than Kuja as far as overall villainy is concerned, but more developed? Sephiroth's only significant character development took place before the events of the game, and Kefka literally had no development whatsoever. Kuja, meanwhile, realizes over the course of Final Fantasy IX that his actions were wrong and doomed to fail, and even comes to terms with his own mortality/death. Hell, his last act as a living Genome was saving other people. The guy who once threw one planet into chaos and obliterated another actually protects the lives of others before he dies. Yeah, he couldn't completely redeem himself for the atrocities he committed, but the fact remains, his character did develop...quite significantly, in fact. I'd say he actually blows pretty much every other Final Fantasy villain out of the water in terms of depth and development.

I mean, I've heard people say they don't like Kuja in the past, but I can honestly say that I've never heard him referred to as under-developed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's the epitome of wonderful storytelling, but he's the closest I've ever seen in a Final Fantasy game. Just to satisfy my curiosity, would you mind expanding on that a bit?
Zemus/Zeromus from FFIV. Zemus if absolutely full of anger and hate. In fact, the personification of his hate (Zeromus) is stronger than himself. (And is one ugly Sob). It even said that it would destroy everything until there is nothing left. Either him, or Neo Exdeath from FFV, who wants to Erase everything so then he can erase himself. Weather or not they have actual motives behind their goals other than hate or insanity, they both still wanted everything destroyed/erase from existance, and would stop at nothing to achieve that.