The Most Exposed FF character

Most Exposed FF Character

  • Total voters


Oct 6, 2006
Since we already have threads like Hottest character and etc.,I thought of making this after realizing that many male(mostly) and female characters show skin.You wouldn't see in the road a male without a shirt showing off his muscles except if it was summer.

Anyway,just vote.
If you choose Other specify please.
It's hands down going to be Shiva isn't it?

Ice bikini all the way!
Rikku X-2 and Shiva. Seriously, it looked as if Rikku wore like..well, she wore hardly anything throughout the game.
Shiva, she's like practicall nekkid. Ooh there's Siren aswel, I'm pretty sure she IS naked other than whatever that thing is that covers her lady garden
My vote went to Shiva, Rikku, and Kuja. Rikku wears a bikini top with sleeves (wtf?), Shiva just wears undergarments, and Kuja's outfit is just...strange. I have nothing against the thong, or his character, but it looks like he's getting ready for a meeting with Chris Hansen.
Definitely Shiva and Rikku. They're practically on their bikinis. Quite stylish outfits though, I'll give them that.

Wakka's pretty odd.


It's like wearing nothing but overalls.
Can I ask something?What did you think when you saw Kuja for the first time?He reminded me of a male striper.Rikku's "outfit"(if you can call that an outfit),it's pretty exposing and she mostly reminds me of a girl heading for the beach.
You forgot to add Ifrit. He's practically wearing nothing except maybe a pair of thongs, depending on which game you're playing.

Ah, wait...that means we get to add Titan as well.
I voted for Rikku, Yuna, Shiva and Fran. Rikku and Yuna obviously dress like sluts, Shiva has always dressed scantily (her X form takes the cake I think), and Fran is a complete streetwalker. It's bad enough to walk around showing your ass to the world, but she was in LEATHER for god's sake. If that doesn't scream "pay me and I'll turn you into a little bitch" I don't know what does.

...and why am I the only one who's voted for Yuna? She was just as much a tramp in X-2 as Rikku was.
Yunalesca is pretty scantily clad aswel, she's just all hair.... and I defo agree with Fran, she has her backside hanging right out. I say Siren takes the cake though after comparing images of her and Shiva, I wish I could edit my vote now :gasp:

Can I ask something?What did you think when you saw Kuja for the first time?He reminded me of a male striper.Rikku's "outfit"(if you can call that an outfit),it's pretty exposing and she mostly reminds me of a girl heading for the beach.

I had seen pictures of him before I got the game, and I thought he was a woman. >_< Later on when I found out he was a man, the first thing that came to mind was, "Oh god no." I actually like his character, the outfit is just a bit strange. Then again pretty much everyone in that game had weird clothes.

Plus that whole seen where he put Garnet to sleep and said something about taking her to a 'world of dreams' or whatever made him look like a child molester. No offense to his fans or anything, I was just confused by him.
I had seen pictures of him before I got the game, and I thought he was a woman. >_< Later on when I found out he was a man, the first thing that came to mind was, "Oh god no." I actually like his character, the outfit is just a bit strange. Then again pretty much everyone in that game had weird clothes.

Plus that whole seen where he put Garnet to sleep and said something about taking her to a 'world of dreams' or whatever made him look like a child molester. No offense to his fans or anything, I was just confused by him.

I first thought Adel was a guy. Then everybody referred to her as a "she", and I had a hard time believing Adel was ever female.
Ah she's actually naked so far as I can tell..... didn't think of that, she is a lovely pink colour though


Yup naked, and that image didn't look that bad when it was smaller :gasp:

*Edit found a better image although it's now tiiiiny. Still most definaetly naked though!

Karl Friedrich Gauß;379710 said:
I first thought Adel was a guy. Then everybody referred to her as a "she", and I had a hard time believing Adel was ever female.

So did I, that is definaetly a mans chest she has there, although some of those female body builders look like men, maybe she just worked out....ALOT
Yunalesca is pretty scantily clad aswel, she's just all hair.... and I defo agree with Fran, she has her backside hanging right out. I say Siren takes the cake though after comparing images of her and Shiva, I wish I could edit my vote now :gasp:


Oh man, you're completely right on both counts. Yunalesca was LOADS more whorish than Rikku or Yuna. And I totally forgot about Siren, I try to block anything VIII related from my memory.
So did I, that is definaetly a mans chest she has there, although some of those female body builders look like men, maybe she just worked out....ALOT

No amount of body building would make you that tall though. Did you see how tall she was? She was so enormous she practically could fit Rinoa on her chest.

Someone explained to me that it was because she was a sorceress, and people who use that much magic become deformed in some way. So I guess that's why she looks like that.