The Most Exposed FF character

Most Exposed FF Character

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Shiva is pretty exposed as is Rikku and Fran. Male wise, Id say either Kuja or Vaan. Vaan had way too much chest exposure 0_o yucky.
Vaan himself was exposed too much in general. Dumb character. Well technically red XIII isnt wearing nothing. So technically ... Everyone at some point, maybe, could have seen Red XIII's ...... you know.. Thing...? lol. I see why cloud and everyone didnt really talk to red XIII....akward lol.
the most exposed Character of the entire FF series is Rikku's FFX-2 thief outfit nothing but a short skirt and bikini to has to rival Shiva's skirt and bikini top. although both are in practically the same outfit just in different colours you see more of Riku than you do Shiva giving the most angles of view to Rikku meaning you get to see more of her than shiva.
I chose Tifa, and Shiva. Shiva could have been considered naked, 'cause the ice covering her 'bits' can hardly be counted as clothing. I guess it is almost as if she just doesn't have nips or bits!
What do you think about The Cloud of Darkness design?

Wow I have got to say but she is literally naked lol. Omg why did square enix design her like that she is just showing off to much skin. Maybe Square Enix was drunk or something lol. I think she shows the most skin out of any ff girl. Its just like Yuna in x-2 she is wearing nothing under lol. I think the design of Cloud of darkness is too much.
heh i agree its too much hrrrmm some skin is nice but to much like her its like ........ hrmm how to put this nicely um well its what a perv would want in a game
I agree with your statement that she is something a perv would want in the game that is true so I guess Square enix were pervs or tried to make people feel like wow when she first apeers in the game lol.
Because we've never seen a semi naked FF character before :rolleyes:

I didn't think anything of it, Ive seen it all before with Yunalesca, Shiva, Terra (in esper form) anyway. All I saw her as was an annoying boss that killed me and made me have to climb all the way up that god awful tower again -__-
The Cloud Of darkness was actually very annoying as an end boss but her design is even more revealing then Yunalesca even more than Shiva and even Terra esper form just look at her. The Cloud Of Darkness is just showing to much skin because of the drunkness of Square Enix!!!

Ok, I kinda see what you mean, but still those dark green patches are what are 'covering her up'...ok so it's minimal and she is scantily clad, but she's some sort of...demon? Maybe clothes are just irrelevant to her 'species' And FYI, Terra is butt naked in esper form



And Shiva,


Not quite as revealing as CoD, but you see where Im going with this, semi naked wimminz is just.... part of FF, probably to appeal to the boys xD

I rather like Cloud of Darknesses design actually
Apparently this is her Dissidia design. It does look rather raunchy, I have to admit. It's not really sexy... more just weird. Although it's hard not to say that SE is playing to pervs when they include angry sperm monsters in her design. >.>

Also, what's with the fucking hair? You've got a Seymour style with a Sephiroth look. That's just fucked up, right there.

Go check out the Cloud of Darkness in FFIII DS and Dissidia Final Fantasy she is really like semi naked and Wow Terra is Butt Naked lol. CLoud Of Darkness reveals alot of skin and so does Yunalesca and Shiva.
Naked Women Are Supposed To Be A Sense Of Power And Beauty.. Square Aren't Pervs.. lol..

Usually The Storyline Explains Why The Look The Way They Do..
I personally think that Disidia one is even more pervy that the FFIII version, there is a claw on her right boob for godness sake xD
Omg I told ya that the dissidia one is freakin almost naked and her right boob is just so revealing but it just has a claw on it lol. People could still see her whole right boob lol. Anyways the Dissidia one is like Omg square are pervs lol.
Threads Merged

Close enough topic, may aswel merge them, you can talk about all the semi naked characters you want in one place ;))