The Most Exposed FF character

Most Exposed FF Character

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Ultimecia should have been hideous aswel then :gasp:

Maybe Adel was just always butt ugly, but crikey you're right, she ain't half tall. I don't think anything is even covering her top half, it just looks like tattoos or body paint or something =S

Oh man, you're completely right on both counts. Yunalesca was LOADS more whorish than Rikku or Yuna. And I totally forgot about Siren, I try to block anything VIII related from my memory.

What makesme shudder though is all the people that cosplay these scantily clad efforts and think they can pull it off

I wonder if anyone has cosplayed Adel actually......this is something I MUST look into :wacky:

Edit* hahaha....

I thought Rikku at first, but then I remembered Yunalesca!
She was naked, lets be honest n__n
But then again...if you've got it, flaunt it!
Ultimecia should have been hideous aswel then :gasp:

Maybe Adel was just always butt ugly, but crikey you're right, she ain't half tall. I don't think anything is even covering her top half, it just looks like tattoos or body paint or something =S

What makesme shudder though is all the people that cosplay these scantily clad efforts and think they can pull it off

I wonder if anyone has cosplayed Adel actually......this is something I MUST look into :wacky:

Edit* hahaha....


I wonder if anyone has cosplayed Adel actually......this is something I MUST look into :wacky:

Actually, it's quite easy, just get some gay guy...There's bound to be a bodybuilder in there somewhere.

No offense to the gay people.
Ultimecia should have been hideous aswel then :gasp:

Maybe Adel was just always butt ugly, but crikey you're right, she ain't half tall. I don't think anything is even covering her top half, it just looks like tattoos or body paint or something =S

What makesme shudder though is all the people that cosplay these scantily clad efforts and think they can pull it off

I wonder if anyone has cosplayed Adel actually......this is something I MUST look into :wacky:

Edit* hahaha....


I wonder if anyone has cosplayed Adel actually......this is something I MUST look into :wacky:

That's the bad thing about the character's not wearing anything, there will always be some fifty year old man who thinks he would look sexy as some teenage girl in hotpants.
As far as playable characters go, I'd have to say Rikku. Just look at some of her dress spheres, that are often unnecessarily showy. (What melee attacker wants skin exposed is beyond me.)

As far as all characters go, I'd have to say Yunalesca. She practically is wearing nothing. And just look at some cosplays of her. One could wonder how someone got past con ops with that outfit.


How about Terra's esper form? Might that be considered quite exposed?

Actually, you're right. Terra is the most over exposed Final Fantasy character. XD
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Rikku when she was in FFX-2, (Musta been cold in Macalania) seriously though, if I was Cid and saw her like that, I'd tell her to put some clothes, on, I wouldn't want my daughter prodding round like that XD

Shiva, She's pratically naked all the time.

And Kuja...showed too much skin...making the male gamer feel...uncomfortable...
They all show tons of skin, but I'm gonna vote for Shiva. She makes an appearance in many Final Fantasy games, showing us her "goods" in each of 'em. What a filthy summon.
I voted for Fran, but on second thought, I'm gonna say Kuja. He doesn't leave much to the imagination. Witch is disturbing.
I say Shiva just because she hardly wears anything, and being the queen of ice its just....wrong.
No one has said Yunalesca?!?!?!

Omg that chick is like wearing nothing. Other then a bra and a g-string! A G-STRING :O.

Shiva would be my second vote of course.
One of my obvious choices would be Rikku because with the way her dress sense goes, she probably wouldn't look out of place in a men's magazine like Loaded and FHM!

And am I the only one who thinks Yunalesca deserves to be put into an adult mag by the way? If someone dressed the way she does, it won't be long before he/she either gets an ASBO or goes to jail for indecent exposure!
Mm, I agree on Shiva, especially in FFVIII. I was shocked by what she didn't wear. :P

This post really feels like spam 'cause it's sooo short. :/ So I'll add:
But since Shiva isn't really a CHARACTER, I vote either Rikku in X-2 or Fran in XII. Both were quite exposed.
I applaud every character in this thread for their oppennes and encourage future characters to emulate them. Unless the character isn't sexy in which case they should remain fully dressed.

Anyway, I say Yunalesca. Anyone got a picture of Fran? I never played FFXII and I'd like to see this "backside hanging out". =P Pervert I am.
Siren in Final Fantasy VIII. Oh Dear.

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post. State 'why' you chose Siren. Thank you.
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Well I voted Shiva, but that Siren Esper looks like she should shave her cat.
I had to vote for Eiko in this one. I mean I played the game so many years ago when it first came out, that when I looked at her picture on the CD case and in the guide book, it looks like she's got absolutely nothing on covering her privates. Seriously. I mean of course that'd turn some heads with fanboys and such, but the fact that she looks 4 doesn't seem to appealing...
I chose Shiva. She is very exposed in each FF game that has her. It's pretty much her only wearing see-through ice undergarments, although those could make a good invention. :wacky:
My second choice was Rikku in FFX-2. I could see strands of her thong (or whatever it is) from her shorts looking up.
Bikini garments and a scarf don't match. :monster:
Why isn't LeBlanc on the list? :wacky:

I definately say her, seeing as how her outfit in X-2 didn't cover her at all. Her boobs looked like they were going to pop out at any second :gasp:
For me lulu. She makes those provocative moves when she casts a spell and she is always highlighting her boobs in the screen (it deals with almost half a screen)...