The most tragic death in Final Fantasy?


Dark Knight
Jan 15, 2007
Mog's Tent
We all know Final Fantasy games have had characters die, whether they were NPC's that helped you or a character you had in your party you grew to love. Which one's do you think were the most tragic?

For me the few that come to mind are...

Tietra- Her death was so sad to me, and so early in Final Fantasy Tactics, and what made it worst is that Ramza's own brother ordered it with your old ally doing the shooting, made me kinda hate Zalbaag, and actually was kinda glad when he died originally :mokken:

Queen Brahne- Yes I put her on here? Did I ever like her? Nope, so why was hers so tragic, cause even after all the evil she did, all the stuff she put Garnet through, Garnet still mourned, heck almost everyone mourned her death, Vivi, Zidane, Eiko... it was actually very tragic.

Last one that comes to mind is...

Reddas- sure he was only a guest and he only did so much, but still the way he did it was I think very tragic, he basically sacrificed himself so that the rest of the party could continue on and fight Vayne and end the war before it really began in the FFXII Ivalice.
I'll bite :hmmm:

I completely agree about Brahne, after her death it really sinks on for what was happening with Garnet, it's a powerful scene.

I also felt Kujas death was pretty dramatic, basically because while you expected him to die, it wasn't by your hands, he instead sacrificed the last of his strength to save you. Zidane running back to protect him and revealing that the entire reason they were able to come back was Kuja, it really sinks in that he realized the flaw of his ways and now, he can't live on any longer. Sure, his lifespan was limited anyway, but that doesn't stop us from having full lives, now does it?

I can't think of more at the moment that really impacted me, but if I do think of ore I'll just post again or somethin :hmmm:
FFXs ending. I know X-2 can make things happier, but X on its own is such a tragic story and I can't watch the ending without tearing up. I remember the first time I played it I was in denial, like this can't honestly be happening and then it did and I cried :(

I think Raine's death in FFVIII is really tragic too. Just the circumstances surrounding it, and all the sadness that came after. Especially for Laguna, poor guy. Raine's death meant he lost a family basically, not just the woman he loved but also a kid he didn't even know he had, and then Ellone was sent away and Laguna was left alone.
FFIII Aria's death was pretty unexpected. Props also go to all the NPC's that joined me on the journey during FFII.
You also mentioned Tetra's death! I will add that Zalbag's death hit me pretty bad. He finds out the truth about Dycedarg but gets slaughtered by the zodiac stone. Then we have to kill his zombified form. :thehell:
I don't even remember Reddas dying to be honest!

I agree Brahne's death was surprisingly quite sad. You really do feel Garnet's pain.

I have to go with Tidus though. That ending was probably the single most emotional moment in any video game. So beautifully done as well.
I don't know if it's necessarily tragic. It's a good kind of tragic. It kinda feels like the fact that Tidus disappears nicely framed the story and
combined with the fact that you realise Yuna's going to her death, it gives a great immediacy to their interactions on the road.
Although many people disregard Final Fantasy V's character development, I always thought that Galuf's death was the worst thing to happen during that game. He was a cheery and forward-thinking old man who -- despite being an amnesiac -- actually had a better sense of where he needed to go. Being replaced with that whiny brat granddaughter of his was what killed it for me. :|
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Aerith or Aeris if you prefer. Her death in FFVII was tragic. I'm surprised that wasn't the first one posted. Tidus departing was more bittersweet than tragic, after the credits roll in X you see him in water rising to the surface. That's enough for me. I just pretend X-2 doesn't happen. Raine's death was also impactful to me.
For a real tear jerker that's not related to Final Fantasy. Go play The Last of Us. Like right now if you haven't. Though most people know what happens by now.
Aeris/Aerith- if only she had not gone by herself.
Raine- so glad others mentioned how sad this was as well.
Brahne- i hated her until her last moments, then with her final words and Garnets grief i wished she could have been saved.
Tidus- as the main character it was very shocking that he would not get a happy ending in X and i felt his fate to cruel. I mean his choice was defeat sin and disappear or survive but sin remains to kill and terrorize Spira.
Rachel- This was sad because of how much Locke loved her.
What about attempted suicide by Celes in Final Fantasy 6? Granted, she didn't die, but I found that scene at that point in the game very heart-wrenching. She lost all her friends after Kefka became the god of magic and destroyed the world and was stranded on an island with Cid, who eventually died from sickness despite all she did to help him recover.

Brahne's death was the saddest for me, wish she hadn't died.

I'm sure the Bathmate Hydromax works as you can click here to read about it.
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Zack's death in Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core did it for me. Not even Aerith's death equals to the heroic tragedy of his death. It left me in a sodden heap and I was in shock for a few days afterwards; I had spent a lot of time playing Crisis Core and I really liked Zack a whole whole lot. :sad3:

Aerith or Auron.
Tidus's "death" was the saddest to me. Not because I felt bad for Tidus, but because what the whole thing meant to Yuna. She had been born into a world where people were constantly running from death, in never-ending fear for their lives, she even lost her parents. At a young age she dedicated herself to helping others be safe, and in doing so sacrificed her life. She wanted so desperately to protect everyone, and she was willing to kill herself in order to do so, because that way she wouldn't have to watch people die anymore. In the end the man she loved was killed, and she was spared. It was her greatest nightmare realized.

Also Aerith was pretty fucking sad.
Definitely Aerith, with Tidus as a close second. Both Yuna and Cloud's reactions to their deaths are absolutely heartbreaking to witness and are the reasons I feel so impacted by their deaths. I'm almost thankful that Cloud's loss is not done with realistic graphics voice acting, I'm not sure I could handle hearing a grown man break down and say;

Cloud: "...Shut up."
(He bows his head closer to Aerith, trembling. He abruptly looks up to
Cloud: "The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing."
Cloud: "Aerith is gone."
"Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...... or get angry......"
(He holds her body closer to his and bows his head forward.)
Cloud: "What about us...... what are WE supposed to do?"
(He gently rests her on the floor.)
Cloud: "What about my pain?"

Plus, the way everyone consoles Cloud as he is just lost in his own heartbreak... ugh, I cried like a baby when Rick Grimes lost Lori and I could only imagine what would happen if I had to watch my baby lose Aerith, especially if the voice acting was spot on and the game had facial recognition. I mean, for X I almost cry every time I see Yuna whistling for Tidus after he's gone. That sort of desperation... it really conveys exactly how it feels to lose someone. I think no other game handles death like X and VII does (at least for FF) and thus my reasoning for their deaths being the best. Also, it says a lot about Aerith's death since it was considered the biggest shocker-death of all time back then.
call me crazy but i found the deaths of biggs, wedge and jessie more upsetting than aeries at the time. I dont know why. i felt a true companionship with them somehow even though they barely had any screen time. i felt Aeries was a newcomer and wasn't to be trusted as much somehow. haha. in retrospect the death of Aeries is the most pivotal moment amongst quite a few pivotal moments in ff7.
1. Cid's death (FF VI)
This is the most heartwrecking death for me, After Kefka destroyed the world, Celes found herself only with Cid in the stranded land and pretty much already given up her hope and sure her friend already dead. Not a long time after her wake up, Cid fell ill and regarding on how Celes give him good fish or not, Cid can die. After Celes realize Cid were dead, she lost her will to live and try to suicide by leaping from the hill.
2. Galuf's death (FF V)
An Amnesia grandpa who were in our team for around half of the game, not to mention his cheerful personality and have a cute granddaughter who he looking for until that moment he died.
3. Rachel's death (FF VI)
Locke's girlfriend, her father detest him for being a thief (an adventurer/treasure hunter actually), to ensure her love, she follow locke to some dungeon and sacrifice herself to help Locke and fell to broken bridge. Her life were saved but she lost her memories with Locke. Her father were enraged and all the villager blame Locke and Rachel, who didn't remember him, also follow her father's will. Locke left the village and the empire attack the village, killing Rachel. In her last moment, she called Locke's name. Blaming himself, Locke look for Phoenic magicite to revive Rachel. When he does, Rachel revived for only for a brief moment, she let Locke free for his feeling of blaming his self and love Celes as he love Rachel.
Auron for me the most likeable male character in FFX the guy worked to do what he had to do for Jecht went through a lot of hardship and endured to look after Tidus. Plus his theme music in the background made it seem like you were saying goodbye to true hero of FFX. Would have loved to have seen him in dissidia.
Whew. This is a tough one for me. I have to go with Cid's death from FF6 and Rachel's death also from FF6. I actually cried when I saw that story.
Whew. This is a tough one for me. I have to go with Cid's death from FF6 and Rachel's death also from FF6. I actually cried when I saw that story.

I'm glad too see some person have the same interest :D
Until, everytime i see Celes try to wake Cid up will made my eyes teary and have my nerve more tense... the same thing happened when i see Rachel letting Locke go. But also the new hope that come after the tragedy were awesome and so comforting, where Celes found Locke's bandanna and Locke forgive himself with Rachel's last word.
I'm gonna go the stereotypical route that isn't so stereotypical here and say Aeris's death. :elmo:

I cried when she died, and it wasn't until recently that I realized that I, and others, probably did so because we saw something between she and Cloud that could have been, but obviously now couldn't happen. She became special to us because she became special to Cloud, and because she really was the "light" of FF7. Once she passed, the game was still good, but that "light" was missing from it. Her personality was "light", so to lose someone like that, it really is sad. And it was "tragic" because Cloud and Aeris could never be, sort of like Romeo and Juliet the way the creators described it.

I am also going to agree with Galadin and say Zack's death was PRETTY tragic! Think about everything that he did for Cloud and his hometown without even really knowing them. And just seeing his black spiky head coming out of the Shinra mansion in Sephiroth's retelling and NOT Cloud and then finally learning who this tragic hero was really bad. When I think about he and Cloud's friendship and how it "ended", it gets to me because friendship is something that I treasure and their friendship really touched me, so to see it go down like that...I just don't have any other words to say except for that it was BAD. And people wonder why Cloud is "emo". *SMH* After seeing and knowing that my ONE and ONLY friend died for me in that way, I don't think I could ever completely be happy again. There would always be that niche of sadness and tears in me over it.