The Purpose of Rikku?

Stealing was very important at the beginning of the game. I had her in my team almost all the time. Without her I wouldn't have gotten all the good items: especially
from bosses.
no rikku was great and is a useful character for me. she can steal and use items to deal sometimes big damage and defence (mix is good), also the al behd potions came really handy for me especailly in my battle with evrae. also she i good for taking out machines very quickly, for example on the calm lands you have the machine fiends if you use rikku and her steal straight away the thing just falls apart and you get like 3 grenades.
i also think i went a bit wrong on the sphere grid as rikku somehow has taken over on yunas path and has curaga and regen when yuna is nowhere near there yet, so she also comes in use with that too for me.
Rikku is mainly a healer and gadgeteer

her speed allows her to heal and damage fast, by the use of items
her ability that allows to use combat only items, like al bhed potion makes her amazing in this

her mix ability has amazing effects that will save you a lot of buffing time(for example she can buff your party with haste, protect, shell, reflect, null all and regen in one single turn)
i didnt think riku was bad on the sphere grid i got her to were she gets mug then i just teleported her to were auron started at the end she was dealing about 2.5 to 3k damag. that doest seem alot cuz tidus /auron/wakka does 3x that but for her that alot
During my first playthrough Rikku was one of my best characters( I put her through Yuna and Lulu's grids so she was a good mage.) In my next, she was mediocre. But she always was always useful as a healer (via Al Bhed potions) during the periods when Yuna was gone. Even when Yuna was around I used her often because Yuna can't heal the whole party at once unless I had a mega potion. For me, though, she found her ultimate use
during the battle with Yu Yevon when I randomly decided to start using the leftover items in her inventory because I wouldn't need them later:D. So I used a Candle of Life or something like that and found that even though all other bosses are immune to it, Yu Yevon is suseptible to Doom! Now that battle is super quick!
I don't know if that's really a spoiler but since I mentioned the end boss I decided to cover it just in case.

I use Rikku pretty often. I've been using Al Bhed potions, and I'm almost out. :\
Fire gems, ice gems etc are pretty useful I think, so I use them, when I have them.
I've never used her much I only used here when I played with the boss in the water (when they catch you and throw you in jail) but I used Pheonix Down on the monster so he died pretty easy and I didn't use Rikku much after that
Since I'm playing a No Sphere Grid game, Rikku is absolutely essential, since she's the fastest team member and has access to Steal and Use, and her Mix combinations are the only way to get through the game at certain points.
She is the ray that sheds some light on the mysterious shade:neomon:

Seriously she is, Rikku to Tidus:"you know what happens to summoners right?"

Plus when you're fighting machina she comes in reaaaaaal handy
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My sincere apologies my computer fucked up
I love Rikku, I like what she brings to the storyline. I don't care that she isn't *all that* great during battle or if she's "only a thief."
I think Rikku is a very useful character, because of her Mix overdrive, and because the items she steals from enemies are generally very useful. Also, she can steal a many items from enemies such as ethers, remedies and whatnot. I don't use her the same way I use Tidus and Auron, though, of course.

And she's useful against machina.
On my third playthrough, I've found Rikku a lot more useful. I'm learning better Mixes, using her to her best capabilities (Steal, Mug, Copycat, Use). Sure, she may be useless if you give someone else Steal and Use, but if you like keeping to classes like I do, then she's great.

I've racked up her strength to surpass Auron, and let's not forget her priceless Customise ability. I've added Piercing to her claws, and she's awesome.
Rikku is a great character in FFX. She made Wakka like Al Bhed. She was nice to everyone all that time.
In my game she's a great warrior, one of the strongest. I have her equiped with the Master Thief and Gillionaire.
Also, her Mix overdrive is one of my favorites.
lol i must be final fantasy X rikku is my favourite character...why cause she is fast and has some powerful tricks up her sleeve. she serves as the thief like zidane in FF9...maybe not as powerful but her overdrive is awesome when put to good use.... the thing about this game is that everyone can be at the same like stats as everyone (up to 255) and can all have each others i making sense?? lol the only characters which can be diff are of course yuna with her summons and the underwater characters....rikku is one of these and she serves as a healer when yuna is not around with her al bhed medicines etc... hmmm i hope i make sense please message me if i didnt lol Rikku is the best!!!!
I think there are a few purposes for Rikku. Firstly she incredibly useful for killing machine in seconds, she is FF's traditional party thief and probz most importantly...

they had to have at least one sexy ff character:P