The Purpose of Rikku?

every battle (unless i was in a rush or feeling really lazy) i would work every character in and have them do something at least once. that way, they were moving around the sphere grid pretty balanced.

rikku actually became pretty good, especially working her in to mug bosses and then having her leave, she gets pretty good exp.

she could actually hold her own with yunalesca. her Al-Bed potions saved my tush many times. and a Super Mighty G mix never hurt.

i agree with everyone else, if you work her into overdrive and you know what to mix, i think she's pretty valuable.

2 Underdog's Secrets=Sunburst=Kicks ass.
As someone pointed out it's because she can steal. I suppose she's useful for stealing items from strong opponents, but so many times she's got my party killed because she's so weak, i never actually use her.
I didn't use her until towards the end when I finally learned the use of her mix commands. After that she became one of my greatest chracters. I loved her.
I liked Rikku, and having her travelling with the party shows the flaws and misguided opinions of racism, as Wakka got on with her quite well until he found out she was an Al Bhed, and then even after he still carried on warming to her after having his little hissy fit.

She also seems like a sort've mirror type character of Yuffie from FVII to me (without the coldness she first shows when you meet her)

While Tidus was the main happy go lucky character, Rikku fed off it pretty well and helped Tidus keep morale levels high. Plus, she's Yuna's cousin if Cid is Yuna's uncle, even if they didn't know it right away.

Her limit break was cool, I liked experimenting with items to see the effect, didn't look at a guide to see what mixtures made powerfull attacks/buffs until I'd played through the game a number of times.

Though the Al Bhed didn't treat Tidus in a graceful manner, Rikku was kind to him from the get go, though she did knock him out (but atleast she said "Cunno" or "Sorry" in English) they even gave Tidus food and stuff, which showed early on in the game, even before we find out about all the Al Bhed hating that they aren't that bad a people. If a total stranger can show you hospitality, and feed you etc. then they aren't bad people. So from the start, you knew Rikku was a good person, so by time we hear Wakka's ranting about how bad the Al Bhed are, we know it's just a point of view based on ignorance.

Rikku for me, was the bridge between races (even though Yuna was a mixture) and showed that judging people based on their race is pretty ignorant, which reflects real life.
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Well..she deals with the little annoying machina pretty well, after all, it's one hit "kill"
That pretty much made mad day there e.e;;

Besides, if the Al Bhed would have found Tidus without Rikku being there, then the game wouldn't even take place at all.
rikku was one of my favorite characters the other 2 being yuna and tidus here overdrive was the best in the game in my opinion and her mug ability was useful for mimic chests and machina and also for getting the items needed to make decent armour and weapons.
i used rikku to steal loads of items from enemys to make my characters weapons better i.e. sensor or hp+ 30%, i found her realli usuless other wise at gudosalaum she was relli rubbish and then in the thunder plains i found that she died very easy beacuse of her sphere grid she only had steal and use which proved usless when she was dead, after a few levels i found tht she was much better at attackin and defending and had a higher strand magic def
I always find that Rikku has very high magic. For some reason she always ends up having a higher maguc level than LuLu- and so I always concentrate on making her learn the special moves. holy, flare, ultima, autolife, copycat etc.