Fan Fiction The SeeDs

I tried to volley a ball and landed on my knee. On concrete. The result was a half broken elbow. A half broken leg which was already half broken. And a MASSIVE graze which poured with blood :( . And I can't be arsed to disinfect it.
I need to finish my drink
Oh and Im may type a bit weird soon :monster:
I never disinfect things anyway. I really surprised i ahvent got any broken bones before ya? Ive been injured more than Johnny wilkinson in training.
Strange....... o_O

anyways, FinalFantasy4Ever, you are welcome to the SeeD's! As are you D'lain! ^_^ It's great to see new members joining! You'll have to ask Julius for ranks and such, but we shall see.

as a note to all of you, seeing as how I have the State Theater Festival, I'm going to be on temporary 5 day leave....everything had better be intact when I get back! OR ELSE!
Volley as in football. You kick the ball after someone else kicked it. Very inaccurate unless you can control it.
I am quite good at volleying, I don't know how you injured yourself from that.

You weren't playing drunk were you? :monster:
I can remember enough to say that I prefer to screw girls. Well anyway, I injured myself by slipping. Had great fun bullying people today though. Poor little Yr7's. we blasted the ball at them in a closed basketball court. There was no way out for them ^_^
Well I was with someone who has pure power. The whole schools scared of him ^_^