Fan Fiction The SeeDs

I am still stuck on the spell training room, once I get to 65+ I might give those dwarves another go.

@DT it is Serph from dds2 in berserk fury mode hence the usertitle.
You still haven't defeated the dwarfs and elf!?

You should be strong enough by now...i defeated them at level 40 (for the dwarfs) and 43 (for the elfs).

You should give them another go.
I don't know why, I can take out some of them but they keep healing the commander and then pummel me, maybe a change of pet is in order...
Hey what order do you fight them in? You should always kill people with magic first. That goes for any battle unless the melee guy really is just too strong. Like with Braska's Final Aeon, Kill the Yu Pagoda's last... they can't do ANYTHING to you they have 0 STR.
Hmm it's pretty odd that you can't beat them but DT is right you should always fight the mages first.

But it's weird that you can't beat them yet do you take a stock of potions?
It's not his weapons... I gave him the ring and it pwns. Most players by then still have the weapons they used at Cadoan and Muscadet... They need to get new ones. Just because they don't find weps in a shop they don't get new ones. So they have trouble fighting.
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Yeah someone should really say something about the fact that magic users have a much more advantage then fighters.

In the entire RP you see most enemies with high evasion and defense but with relative small magic defense, and that's pretty unfair for fighter players.

The RP should be more balanced.

FFGuy i remembered that i never hit the Elfs because they had too high evasion so i used blizzara along with my pet to beat them, just make sure you take about 6 hi ethers with you.
Yea. I maxed out my EVA then my DEX before I went for STR... Kaos is the only actuall mage character and that's why he's so good.
why bother with the mages though? all they have is berserk and haste respectively and pretty weak attck power, the footsoldiers and commander are the threats here.
I been saying to Koloth that mages are better. He's obviously known for ages.
Yeah but I could equip 2 spirit staffs to get 400= mag. Then shell x2 for 800 mag.
The other alternative is to buy them from Nibelheim :monster:
FFguy You gonna sign up for FFF Survivor again?
Probably depending on when it starts, once the holidays start I won't be able to get on as much which can cause problems.

@DT what...?