Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Sucks really, last time it happened I missed out on 5 weeks of science work but I guess I am lucky that I don't have to be suseptible to illness.

I swear I could probably survive bird-flu! :lol:
i only have Belius, Shemhazai, Adremmelech, Heshmal, famfrit, and mateusebut al of those asides Adremmelech are storyline Espers
Besides storyline ones I have addramalech, Zalera, Ex-death and I am working on getting zeromus and chaos at some point.
I have 7 but I'm not done. I'm at the end of the game, I haven't gone into Bahamut yet because I can't leave if I do. I'm gonna get 100% before I go in there.
I have:
1. Zeromus The Condemner - Cancer Zodiak (Cancer = ME!)
2. Adrammelech The Wroth - Capricorn Zodiak
3. Famfrit The Darkening Cloud - Aquarius Zodiak
4. Hashmal Bringer of Order - Leo Zodiak
5. Shemhazai The Whisperer - Sagittarius Zodiak
6. Mateus The Corrupt - Pisces Zodiak
7. Belias The Gigas - Aries Zodiak
I was working on getting
Cuchulainn The Impure King - Scorpio Zodiak but I'm gonna get it now.
Yeah, the stone of the condemner, I picked it up purely because I have a habit of talking to every NPC I see in an area for the off chance of a side-quest.
haha i recently bought the FFXII Bible so now im goin throught the game again and makeing sure i don't screw anything up
FFXII bible along with any other bible, ex FFVIII bible means the guide book silly.
You should only use a game guide or bible after you finish the game at least two times, then there is no fun in playing it if you don't bother to try and solve the game by yourself, indeed.
That was a fun part Zeria :P I am yet to use a guide for DOC apart from to get the G files. I just kept my thumb on the circle button during that part. I have also gained the golden moogle doll from beating the 100 man gauntlet.
It was hard... and is only accessible on extra hard. I only managed it with the 3 best guns. (ultima weapon, Blast machine gun, bayonet rifle) not to mention all the extras and my level 3 fire materia.