Fan Fiction The SeeDs

I prefer some Seagrams myself, gotta try some over the Thanksgiving weekend. As for myself I might be one of the oldest members here, I will be 21 this upcoming January 19th.
how many siblings does everyone have, because we are talking about age's but who has brothers and sisters?
Jeez! You people post too much while I'm gone on the weekends!

to fill in what I would've said for some b-day is May 9th, so XP FFGuy, mine comes before yours! DT, you're still younger than me :P, I have a 12 yr old pain in the ass sister....

and actually, XN is the oldest of us all. He's 19...
welcome back Zeria, enjoy your weekend,
and my brother is married and living in his own house, and my sister is at University in student accommodation
hey zer i am 19 as well and i am in the seeds julius said so just incase ya'll didn't know
july 29