Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Take your time, it will be a while before I make the character, I still haven't drawn up an appearance yet. :lol:
Ah... Well, if anyone sees and interesting RP, tell me... I've got like, 3+ unused characters, and I love a good RP.

he doesn't mean accounts for those mods who wish to ban us
and also let me join if you start one i need to get use to the paragraph form again
Julius usually comes up with them from time to time, hopefully we can have another rp here sometime soon, they are a great way to pass the time and rp skill isn't a problem (lucky for me :P)
oh yay I want an RP all I have been doing is enhancing my new forums *thinks to self* I still can't make an RPG yet, hmmmmm..... Well anyways, I'm really bored so if there's an RP let me in on it.
Oh, by the way if you want to join my forums you can, DT is in it and so is Zeria, and plus the first five to join become Mods. The URL is right here. Please Join.....
I seriously want a good RP with a good premise. xD I'd make one for my recent story ideas, but nobody seems to like my complicated RP ideas, I always make stuff too convoluted. ^^;
Yeah I can under stand that, man speaking of comlicated, I'm trying to copy as much of the idea of the RPG here that I can, but it is so comlicated and big that I have 3 pages front and back of the ideas in the RPG and I don't even have half of it. Ugh, I'll never get it as complicated as that. But yeah I don't think a comlicated RP will work, because we usually just come up with it while were doing it.
Im not really into Rps.
I think i'm the only one in this club that doesn't.
*hits Gabs with a wet fish* HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE RP'S?!

An yeah, I'm now officially an admin on NC's site...and I'm a mod on FFH too...:P

hrm, i suppose another RP in SeeD would be cool...though, it should be much more long term. I'll discuss it with Sir Julius when he's next on...^_^
Man why aren't you into RPs I mean its just an RPG without the G in it. Who doesn't like RPs. (That was a rhetorical question) *Thinking to myself* I think I spelled rhetorical right, hmmmmmm.......
Necro Cloud, please do NOT advertise your site in a thread again, you have been infracted. :omg:

And RPs are only as fun as the people in it. The stroyline could be awesome, but spoiled by crappy players.