Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Yay, fresh alchahol. Hit me. And if anybody says that i am drunk than I'll deny it and start a bar fight. *Chugs down the whole thing in one breath* That didn't have any effect on me at all. *Coughs up a little bit of blood, and looks at it* Hey, who put this blood in me throat?
Necro your a piss poor drunk so there. Zeria as long as you have some wild berry Seagrams wine cooler, I'll take ya up on the offer. Fuzzy navel would work as well. It's offical now I am pretty much hated by the entire 2nd shift people of where I work. All of them are my age or 2-3 years younger or older then me, and all but 1 or 2 really care to do thier work. so when I am left with all the crap they didn't do plus my shit my manager heres about, and quite frankly they don't like it.

They keep making excuses about a coffee pot being broken cause they are to lazy to make some. Our coffee makers run on a 4 hour system and blink at 4 hours, we are supposed to make new coffee at 3 hours. It's almost always blinking when I come in yet they say coffee was just made and that the timer is broken. when I woel throughout the night and into morning the timers work just fine. Co-workers are funny and probably tasty with ketchup and some salt.
I'm not just drunk on blood I'm also coughing up, oh wait, thats just the blood coming out of me from XN's slash. *picks it up and tastes it* hmmm... it kinda tastes like chicke- *falls over from loss of blood before he can finish his sentence.*
well i guess i have to check on my stash of arms then *checks stash* good there still here *notices someone hiding behind him* crap
*goes in reaper mode, which looks oddly like Hidan from Naruto...* Hiya, d'lain.