Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Hey hey! Don't worry about it Zer, we all gotta wait for new areas to open up anyways, you prolly got plenty of time.
okay, sorry if i haven't been on for a while (again). I've lately been playing a MMORPG game called Ragnarok online (I love being a crusader). So, tell me, what has happened? And Julius, when will you add me again to the first post. Just to let you know, I didn't even saw my name on the list.
Well, we have two new members as far as I know. Ssbmaster and shadow of SeeD. Ummm...I'm on summer vacation XD I have horrible sunburn on my arms, I got to cut my grandpa's lawn with the riding mower, Julius is off on RL business, Gabs is normal, FFGuy is still a perve....XD nothing's really changed.
You might be right about that Vegeta, but there is a slim chance it will effect the clan.
It could cause a new enemy to show up so Id stay allert rather than let my gard down because the second your trowsers are down is the second the leach jumps out and attaches itself to your back side.

Personaly Id rather avoid having to pore salt on an area like that.

Oh and DC I might be free tonight for the battle but I might not have time since there are still a few things I need to catch up on at home.
Oh and tomorrow night I wont be on for most of the night since I am going out to a restruant to taste some new food.
I know I am good at making use of that sort of thing.
I am a tuff person to be upagainced in a pollitical battle or a war of words as well as armed combat either in games or real life.

So if you need someone to act as a messager who wont get shot that easily then just ask me to be the messenger and I will be back without bullet holes.
Well that is forbiden and you'd loss to my Assasin battle style.

Oh and I have already faced Gabranth and he throw the battle because I was not using Hi potions I was using Elxiers in stead since they match my attack style.

So I am not going to be battling you for expience points.
XD well, I'm only here for an hour, before I head off to hang with a friend, so get your fill of my awesomeness now. lulz! And I never intended to let my guard down. I know there are people who would try to destroy our peacefulness...