Fan Fiction The SeeDs

yeah pretty much. i often have to use it at school. my guide i am using here is my FF knowledge guide and my rpg survival guide. so far neither have let me down yet. now if i could find a guide on how to beat FF games that would help a lot.
I dont think there is such a guide but there are walk throughs.

I now that since I have fought in battles more vivuse than you can possible imagin you amacheristic fool.
I am exprienced and am someone who has actully spilt blood before and am someone you dont want to make an enemy of nore face in a battle royal since I am fully trained in hand to hand and weapon combate and have faced far worse than you have ever seen boy.

Get your prioritys straight, watch your mouth, learn some maners and remember that there are those of us here who are the really dangerus type. In other words PROWS!!! Not squrly amechers.
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I never forget I'm in a battle, I just stick to fighting until the battle is over, unless I get interrupted, but that wouldn't be considered forgetting I'm in a battle. :P
Sorry but I dont have the time to be fighting other players at this time I have a phone call I must take before I can do much else so no I am not up for a battle at this time.
Well theyed never know what hit them if I where to use the power of my ship on them just ask Mayjin Vegeta how furily I kicked his armys buts.
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If he's busy, he's busy. But yeah, it'd be good for you two to have a battle, maybe he can actually give you a challenge, unlike me...

I have gotten a level up since then though, and I'm still gaining exp, so 18 must not be the level limit anymore, so what is the level limit?