Fan Fiction The SeeDs

people who are experts at rpgs and the like should know to carry healing items at all times (except when you run out in a battle but that doesn't count)
edit: k Zeria
No kidding... XD

Wow, I've been waiting several minutes just to make my next move, that is, if I survive that long. Worst lag I've ever experienced...
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Sorry I forgot I was battling hehe.
Edit: finally the battle has finished, luckly I didn't use any potion =D
It sounds prity lively here today. I hope no one gets to badly hurt since you might not want to go to far the way me and Kira Yamato did when we met in battle for the second time and I lost my left arm and left eye when he blew up my Lago and Isha along with it.

Oh and Zeria and Shadowramza I bet you two will make a perfect team.

About as good as me and Vegeta would if we where to face something big together.
never forget you are in a battle or you will die. this is from the guide to surviving in rpgs written by shadow. which reminds me i have my own battle.
It's finally over. o_O That was some long match, yet I barely got more than 100 HP off of you, too busy recovering HP from your strong attacks that almost every one of hit. :P

I reckon I'll be getting my EVA and DEX up a lot more before even considering having a rematch, and to do that, the level limit will need to go up more first... >_>
I go by a simerlar idea.
If I die in battle then who will continue on fighting for those I am fighting for I am the only one who can and will do it so I will not give in I will survive and I will take my enemys down as hard as I can.

That is how I think in that area of the RPG guid that I go by. Also I go for anyway I can land a blow and do damage.
lol my attack and speed sucks but my health is high because i meant to upgrade my strength but upgraded my hp. i'm not to worried about dying a battle except when it's 4 on 1 or something. then i run. if you are outnumbered by higher level opponents, do your best to kill them but if things get ugly, run and hope you make it out. this is from the rpg survival guide written by shadow of SeeD. if you wish to request it, please ask specific questions because i am not done writing it yet lol. (i am making it up as i go along)
I didn't hear you say anything about winning either.

Shadow I also believe in getting out when it gets to ugly since the monsters objectives are to kill you and yours are either to find out what's in the area, reach the area or find our how powerful the monsters are and if you acomplish even one of these and retreat from the monsters then you win not them.

Oh and am I the only one that noticed a minuet ago all our stats droped to zero?
When you post, you'll see the stats in the new post are all zero, and Shadow I'm talking about your guide
And yeah, about the stats dropping to zero thing, it tends to do that to me too, especially right after I make a post, doesn't make any sense, but it does really matter much either, it doesn't reset our stats. :P

Edit: I started making this post before you posted that DC.
i didn't say anything about you losing in my guide either DC. my guide is meant to help people. not insult them. i have a different guide for insulting people.
I know that the resin I mentioned it is it was the first time I have seen it do it before and I thinking that it meant the next area might have opened at last.

Oh and DC it doesn't matter who you where talking to I did not see one word in what SSB said to do with winning and that is the point he said nothing of the sort so just admite defeat in this war of words and accept it that you are wrong and learn from your big mouth and your mistake.

Oh and remember why we make mistakes. And if you dont know why its so we can learn from them.