The Soul Spear

"Well, it is good bye then" Jin stated.
Jonad was not that involved, so he only had the doctor/patient relationship. Due to the lack of time.

"well, I hope you get well. If guess" Jonad stated to Aria, which had made up her mind.

He turned to Yaldamar.
"Hmm, this town don't have a big port, there is normally only a few ships in it" he thinks for a sec.

Just as he is to point, Jin stops him.
"No, I doubt you want to do that" Jin states.
"Umm, why?" Jonad replies.
"Lets say that his intentions is far from pure" jin states, while awaiting a blow from Yaldy.

Jonad turns to Yaldamar
"is this true?" he asks in ignorance.
Aria nodded. She felt a little disappointed at being dismissed so easily, but she figured it was for the best.
She turned and made her way for the door. Outside she saw Steadler and walked up to him.
"I'm ready."
''Wait and you shall see. So Jin, when will we meet Fcret?''

Yaldamar bringed up Fcret so Jin wouldn't forget about it.
"oh yeah..:" Jin started, he had obviously forgotten. "We can meet him any time. I can lead you there" Jin states.
Thinking of the gold that might end up in his pockets.
Yaldamar stands up from chair and says to Jin and Jonad...

''Well you two lead, who knows how much we can get with this heart.''
OOC: I will assume that Steadler, and Aria is no longer outside.

"Im not sure" Jin states "Fcret will have to make the numbers, be he is rarely wrong" he explains.

"Umm.. heart?" Jonad breaks in.
"You'll see later" Jin stops him.

"Come on, we can go now" Jin explains, as he gets out of the chair, and heads for the door.
Jonad follows.
Yaldamar follows Jin and Jonad.
After awhile all three of them reached a hut-like house. There were a lot of junks outside: cartwheel wheel, wolf skin, shark's bones.
Yaldamar enters the hut-like house.
Jin enters as well, but Jonad decides to wait outside.

As Jin enters he feels his magic powers being suppressed.
For security reasons, Fcret has a anti-magic field around his hut.

the hut is as messy as always, only one such as Fcret can have order in such a system.

Fcret is a middle aged man, somewhat short, short light brown hair.
that seems like he never washed it

"So. Fcret, how have life treated you" Jin calls out.
"Bah. you're too chearfull.. Whatchawhant" Fcret states dryly.

"Well. we have this heart, what can we get for it" Jin states as he waves on Yaldy
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Yaldamar takes the wraith's heart and puts it on the counter while asking...

''How much can we get for this?''
Fcret snatches the heart and examines it with some funky goggles.

"It is pierced" he states as he puts it back on the counter..

"I can give you 300 gold coins for it." no more.

Jin knows that Fcret is not one to haggle with.
so he stands back, and awaits
Yaldy's response.
Yaldamar says with a bit of angry tone...

''Ofcourse its pierced, it was the only way to kill the monster that way. Have you ever fought a monster made from pure water.''

Yaldamar looks around the hut and continues...

''I guess you haven't fought ever.''
"that is wrong, I have fought the creature you mentioned. there are other ways of killing it, without damaging the heart. One way is to simply grab the heart" Fcret informs

Jon breaks in
"He has seen many battles, and is rather wise. Don't underestimate him" Jin smiles.

Fcret gives a smile, that shows some rather nasty teeth.
"You are trying to charm me.." his smile dissapears. "that wont work. 300 coins. Take it, or leave it" He states, as he looks back at Yaldamar
''I take it, we have bigger treasure that awaits to be found.''

Yaldamar stretches his hand so Fcret can give him the money.
Fcret opens a chest, and fumbles in it for a second.
he gets up, and turns towards Yaldy.

"here" he states as he lobs him a small leather pouch.

He takes the heart, and puts it in the same chest.

"Now. if you're note buying anything. Be gone" he states dryly, as he waves them away.

Jin takes the hint, and exits.
As he gets out, where his magics work again.
he awaits yaldy, and his share of the pay.
Sorry Aria, Hope this is all right.
He had led the girl into a back ally nearby, not wanting the others to see which way he had gone. He sighed and smiled as the others went off in the opposite direction, he pulled his hood over his face then looked at the girl.

'Can I ask you something? Do you think you could get my gear from the other inn, just two daggers and a bag of coins. I would have gotten them myself but I kindof don't know my way around this city.

'When you get back, I'll be in that healing house just up the road,' he pointed. 'Why, well with that sword ...

OOC you have it with aria right?

I want you to make a cut on my left arm. Not life threatening just deep enough for me to be called in straight away.'

Steadler spoke quickly explaining his plan on how to see the docter inside.
Aria hesitated.
"Are you sure the healer will be able to fix it?"
He nodded and motioned for her to do it. The sword made the familiar ringing noise as she swept it from the sheath.
She gripped his arm at the elbow and closed her eyes as she lay the blade against his skin. She counted silently in her head. 1...2...3...
The sound was sickening as the blade slid through flesh. She made sure to do just as he said, make it deep, but not deep enough to be very fatal. Either way, blood was running out of the wound.
Aria closed her eyes and waited. Waited for him to begin cursing her in regret.
He winced, shook his arm and then smiled as he ran a finger over it. It hurt like crazy but was entirely necissary.

Aria had her eyes closed, Steadler banged to arm against the closest was, smaller cuts and bruises emerged on his previously umarked arm. He banged his head against the was ass well.

Blood dripped into his eyes as he pickedd up some street muck and wiped it across his shirt-thing arm and face.

He looked at the girl and asked. 'How do I look?' blood continued to rush from his forehead and the wound on his arm.
Yaldamar exits the hut and stands in front of Jin, he takes 150 gold coins from money he got and gives it to Jin.

''There, I hope we score bigger from demidemon's castle. But before that...''

Yaldamar unsheathes his rapier and goes behind the hut so Jin and Jonad can't see what they he is doing.
He then puts his rapier in fire and strikes the hut. Then he runs around the hut again, towards Jin and Jonad and says to them while passing them...

"Run, why`" jin replied.

As he surveyed the situation.
The pirate running, with his rapier in hand.
Fear grew on Jin's face, as he grabbed Jonad's arm.
"RUN!" he shouted to him.
Jonad didn't understand, but he was not one to take chances.

As they joined Yaldamar running for a second, they dove behind some big rocks.

However, nothing happened.
Jin peered over the rock, and awaited hell.
But in stead, all he saw was a smiling Fcret.

"You wont get me that easily" he shouted with a smile. And entered his hut.

Jin turned to Yaldamar
"What the hell did you do?"

Jonad was still confused of the whole thing.
"You look like a mad man!"

Aria forced a smile. She wasn't sure why he so intent on being this injured, but she didn't question him.

"I'll go and get your things now."

She ran off towards the other inn.

Aria arrived there shortly and walked in to see the bartender look at her and let out long sigh. She walked up to him.

"My friend left his belongings in our room."

"Get them.... and do not come again."

He said bluntly. She lowered her head and then turned away. She went up the stairs and entered the room. She collected Steader's things and then headed back out of the inn. The bartender watched her leave and shook his head.

"Please gods, let her never return again."