The Soul Spear

As the pirate left.
Jin jumped on the roof, and landed as silently as he could.
and ran over to the hole, witch it seemed the kid fell into.

there was no way in hell that Jin could do something for the kid now.
so. he decided to follow the pirate, in hopes of gold.
Staying to the shadows, and keeping silent.
Keeping a single marble, in the left hand.
just in case.
"Come on sweetie, we just wanna show you a good time."
His breath was foul and thick with acholic vapor. Even in the short distance Aria had put between her and the degenerate, she could smell it with out trying.
She had left the inn a short while before to take a walk and take in the night's cool breeze. She had only been walking for a few minutes when she had crossed an intersection with a few drunkards howling at the few people out in dark city. He had been following her ever since.
"I promise you'll enjoy my company darlin, just give me a chance."
Aria stayed silent. She knew any negative reply would only fuel the fire. But her silence did no better.
She heard footsteps in front of her and hesitated as she approached the beginning of an alley. A tall sturdy looking man stepped out onto the cobbled walkway, blocking her path. He smiled wickedly.
Aria narrowed her brilliant emerald green eyes on the fellow. His stance was firm and overbearing. He intended her harm, that much she was sure. A hoarse laughter came from the one behind her.
"We'll let you live if you don't struggle." He laughed even more.

The wind picked up a bit, tossing long black locks of Aria's hair over her face. She felt a strange twisting in her stomach as she visualized her sword laying under the bed in the inn. Why had she not taken it with her? How could she have ventured out without any protection. She remained calm and silent on the outside, on the inside she cursed herself.
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As Yaldamar was walking he had a strange feeling that someone is following him. He turns around and sees no one. But the pirate captain continues to walk towards the gate. After a minute he was finally at the main gate, there were still lying the lifeless bodies of ten guards and one pirate with new two pirate casualties.

Yaldamar: ''Well I guess they brought more guards with them than treasures. I better get ready for them.''

Pirate captain drags out his rapier and exits the city through the main gate.
It seemed that the pirate, had gotten a sense for Jin.
he knew this, because of various movements, and tells.

As he got back to the main gate, the bodies where here still.
and Jin felt that a precaution was needed.

He looked at the marble in his hand, a thought later.
and it became longer, into a handle of sorts.
and with it, he was lifted to the roof.

Where he continued to follow the pirate.
The light rose over the small slope, Thermesa emerged, there in the middle of a small platform floated a, the, spear. Thermesa stumbled forward and reached out for it. It vanished as she tried to grab it.

Thermesa fell to her knees. A single tear fell down her face. 'Damn it!'
The light continued to glow around her, it came from the opposite side to the rise. She looked up and wondered, is it there.

Thermesa stumbled to her feet. She pulled off her hood and peered over the edge. The light came from a pedastol. It dimly lit up the water around it along with the sloped area. A top the padstol lay a plain chest.

'I think this is it...' she muttered.
She ran down the slope quickly.
Don't get your hopes up girl.
She laughed at that. 'It makes sence that it's here.'
I'm just saying.
'Quiet!' she slowed as she reached the bottom of the slope.

The plain chest lay there alone.
Come on girl it doesn't even look like it could hold a spear.
'Maybe the spear is really small ...'
She pulled open the chest .... she let out a wail of despair.
It was empty, her eyes flashed a bright red and she threw the chest into the water. A piece of paper remained where the chest was. She picked it up ...


Steadler screamed inside her mind, he knew who the note was from. Thermesa fell to the ground under agony from his anger. Her eyes flashed red then grey consequtively (incorrect spelling? but I'm lazy).

Steadler was incontrol as he looked at the paper one last time.
'This can't be!'
Stead ...
'Quiet! Need to think!'
He ripped the paper into two halfs.
'Come let's go.'

The paper fell to the floor it read.

Whom ever
I have taken the spear, hidden it infact.
Seek me if you wish
random annoying notes to you guys

this wasn't the first time I wrote this post, I liked my other one more - It was twice (at least) as long.
The name Givaesah is pronounch Guy-Vase-ar. Look back into my chars history if you wish to know what it is or who he is. Or not - ???
He had a better name but It was llost to the wind - I forgot it.
any who thats' all i got
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The sunlight was started to appear at the east horizon. As Yaldamar was walking towards the beach, a sounds of struggle could be heard. As soon Yaldamar heard it he started to run towards the beach. As soon as he got there he could see some pirates fighting the forces of Valactia while some were getting on boats and sailed to the ship. Yaldamar grabs something from the back of his belt, a bomb.

Yaldamar: ''YOU DAMN RATS, FIGHT!''

Pirate captain puts the point of his rapier over the fuse, the rapier flamed for a second but it was enough to light the fuse. Yaldamar throws the bomb at the rioted group. Few seconds later... KABOOM! The bomb exploded killing half of the guards and half of the pirates that didn't escape. The surviving guards ignored other pirates and turned to fight Yaldamar. Yaldamar looks at oncoming guards and says...

Yaldamar: ''You petty creatures, you will now face the wrath of the cruelest pirate that sailed this seas.''

Pirate captain flames up his rapier and awaits for one of the guards. As always one of the guards goes for a strike. Yaldamar awaits till the guard gets close, and then he strikes the guard leaving a fire mark on him. Yaldamar quickly pushes the guard towards other guards. Five seconds later... KABOOM! The marked guard exploded and killing other guards too. But then there were 3 guards that Yaldamar didn't saw and have came behind him.
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Jin followed the pirate, towards the beach, or docks, who cares.
The pirate runs over lighting what seemed to be a bomb.
Indeed it was, it took the life of a lot of guards, as well as some of his own.

So, that was the type he was.
Jin thought that the heart he had, had to be wort something.
A guard charged him, and got poked, and kicked back.
the guard seemed to have a funky symbol on him, though, Jin quickly understood what it was, as soon as the guard exploded, taking down a few of the ones that was too close.

Then, out of no where, there are 3 guards behind the pirate.
Jin quickly thought about it. And decided that the pirate might be a good ally, if he didn't try to kill him.

"Fine" Jin said, as he jumped of the building, down the the same level, that the battles was on.

With an evil grin, Jin reached out his right hand.
The guards, froze. They could barely move, and they didn't know why.

"you have interesting Metal armor" he smiled as he walked closer.
As he closed, he thought fast, he had to kill the guards, but at the same time, he should appeal to the pirate.
Jin got an idea, and gave of an evil grin, that would freeze the blood of weaker humans.

He decided to kill them in a brutal way, thus, appealing to the pirate, this was his idea at least.

He stretched out his left hand as well, and closed it.
The leftmost guard, the armor, imploded.
making him being crushed by his own armor.
Blood being sent all around.

The 2 others, he had other plans for.
He did some movements, and they took basic attack stances.
against each other.
they screamed out, various 'sorries' and 'whats going on's'
Suddenly, they charged, and impaled each other.

AS they fell to the ground, a slight drop of sweat was in Jin's forehead, but was absorbed by the bandana.

"It seems as you need help, eh?" he smiled to the pirate.
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After the silverhaired person killed the three guards that were behind him Yaldamar was astounded. This young person had either telepathic or magnetic abilities since he imploded one of the guards armor. The pirate captain sheathes his rapier and makes 3 steps to that person.

Yaldamar: ''Thank you lad. And I must say that I like how you finished them.''

Ofcourse he did, silverhaired person was killed the guards very cruel, Yaldamar's style. But ofcourse Yaldamar just met this guy so he still had to keep an eye on him.
"Thank you lad. And I must say that I like how you finished them" the pirate said, after sheathing his rapier, and walking over to him.

"heh, its ok" jin replied, good he was beginning to trust him, though he would naturally be careful.
Jin had to take a note of his metallic items. To feel if they are aimed towards him.

Jin started:
"So, I've been watching you, I know you have the heart of a ghost, or jellyfish man.
nonetheless, it should fetch some gold.
I have this bone key I got from a demon human half breed, or whatever he was.
He stated that deep in an abandoned castle, somewhere around this world.
He didn't state what was in it, but it was a reward for me, for fighting on par with him."

he took out the bone key, that was secured in a pocket, by a single metallic chain link.

"so. what do you say, we team up? 50/50" he smiles.
"We turn in your heart, then go for the castle, when we find it."
Bone key 3D model, By Dominus Danijel
OOC: Lol, halfbreed is my char Heroc.
Yaldamar looks at the bone key, it was made off real bones, probably from some creatures smaller than man. He thinks about Jin's offer and replies to him...

Yaldamar: ''Ok young fella I take your offer.''

But Yaldamar already planned what he will do. He will split the money given by the heart 50/50 but will keep the treasure that lies within that castle for himself.
Good, he had help, for now at least.
The pirate, being a pirate, probably wanted to share money in the beginning, but take it all in the end.
Jin couldn't blame him, Since he had the same plan himself.

But now now, he had a 'companion'.
Jin drew breath, and was about to ask the Pirate something, but before he could speak. Jin heard some shuffling.
A guard had survived the explosion.
Jin had to continue the merciless type.
He decided to make a good example of his powers

"these insects" he said, gesturing over to the guard that tries to run.
Jin stretched out his right arm in a quick motion.
the guard froze. "too bad he is wearing Metal armor" Jin smiles.
He lifted his arm, and the guard followed. then jin make a 'hitting motion' in the air, and the guard was slammed into a nearby wall.
His left hand, was raised slowly at his side, and a longsword followed.
A swift fling of his hand, and the sword impaled the guard, Armor and all.
Leaving him hanging there. Like a Wall ornament

Some sweat ran, though, this was absorbed by his bandana as well.

"So" Jin started. "I'm Jin a magnetic user. you are?" He said, as he stretched out his right hand, in a handshake invitation
Young lad spotted a guard that survived explosion, and he killed him merciless. Yaldamar laughs and then the guy says...

Jin: ''So. I'm Jin a magnetic user. You are?''

But before Yaldamar replied he notices his ship moving, probably the pirates that escaped started to sail off.

Yaldamar: ''Damn those COWARDS. They are escaping with MY ship.''

Pirate captain drags out his rapier and again puts it on flames. He walks to the nearby rock on the beach and 'marks' it. Then he quickly grabs the rock and throws it at the ship. Yaldamar was strong enough to throw the rock at the ship.

Yaldamar: ''Those chickens won't escape from me.''

As soon the rock hitted the ship, it immediately exploded. The ship sinked and Yaldamar turns to Jin. He was quite tired since he used his skills 5 times in same night.

Yaldamar: ''I am Yaldamar, the fire user and the best rapier wielder in all of seven seas.''
Her confidence returned. Aria bowed her head slightly, letting even more of her ebony hair fall over her eyes. She was calm once again.
"I will warn you once. If you attempt to lay a single finger upon me, you will never again see the light of day... although I'm sure you two are accustomed to the dark filthy holes you crawl into every morning."
She must have struck a nerve. The one in front of her lunged forward in attempt to bear hug her. In a motion almost to quick to be seen she swiftly stepped aside and caught his ankle with her own. She exerted the force necessary to trip him forward, but it was not easy. She nearly tripped herself on his tree stump of a leg as she did. He landed face first into the cobbles. The second man moved in from behind and placed his rough and calloused fingers on Aria's arm.
His touch made her freeze for an instant. She felt horribly ill, as if she were about vomit. She lost it then. She turned, his grip on her still firm, and grabbed his throat. With a sudden rush of adrenaline she thrust the man by the neck into the building beside them. His face hit with a sickening thud. He released his hand and slumped into a pile on the ground.
The other one began to rise. He pushed himself up on his elbows but was rejected as she stomped on his shoulders sending him back down on his face.
"Bitch!" He cursed. She kicked him in the stomach.
He spat blood as he spoke again. "You'll regret the day you walked into Valactia!"
She ignored his threat as she landed another kicked straight into this jaw. This time he didn't talk or even move.
Aria stood before the two defeated men, but did not feel like she had won. Is this all I'm good for? Fighting? Killing? Tears began to well up in her eyes as she sprinted off, no destination in mind. Was there even a place she could run? Run far enough to get away from herself? Away from the monster?
"well then Yalmaarm.. Yaldammrr.. Yaldy, where do you sell a ghosts heart? Jin asked.
For some reason, Jin had a problem saying Yaldamar's name.
Jin wondered how he would react to this.

After all, he was a pirate, a proud one by guessing.
also. He just sank his ship.
Jin: ''well then Yalmaarm.. Yaldammrr.. Yaldy, where do you sell a ghosts heart?''

Yaldamar laughed loudly. Who wouldn't to a guy that mumbles. So he look at Jin and replies...

Yaldamar: ''Well you can call me Yaldy for now, but when you get rid off your mumbling call me Yaldamar. And we will sell the heart in other city to evade the heat from Valactia.''

Pirate captain, well now he was crewless so he is just a pirate now, sheathes his rapier and turns to the east watching the sunrise.
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Aria stopped as realized she had run on to a wooden peer in the harbor. She slumped to her knees and gazed out beyond the horizon into the rising sun. The rays stung her tear filled eyes. She was tired and upset and didn't even notice the two men standing nearby as she covered her eyes and let herself drift into self loathing.
Just as jin was gonna follow his newly acquired companion. When he heard a thud from behind.
Jin turned around, as he said "fucking guar*" he was going to end the last guard, that is what he thought at least.
What he saw, was no guard, it was a black haired girl, seemed to be around 15 to 18 years old.
She was in tears, and seemed.. Lost.

Jin walked towards her, as he neared, he let out a "Yo!, you there, you ok?" hoping for a response.
Also, hoping that this crying, wasn't for the pole of guards that where around here eighter.
Aria jumped slightly at the sound of a voice.

"Yo!, you there, you ok?"

She couldn't find her voice for a moment and she stared at him without speaking. When she finally composed herself, her face reddened slightly, embarrassed by her silence.

"I'm... fine."

She finally spoke. Her voice trembled a bit. She was really lightheaded and couldn't even begin to assess this man or is intent towards her.
"I'm... fine." she replied after a little time, voice trembling.

"You absolutely sure" Jin replied, after all, he was trying to help, though, this might screw the 'merciless act' might go to hell.
To be sure that yaldy didn't back stab him, he held a marble in his left hand. As a precaution.
Yaldamar sees that Jin went to the girl that was crying. He also wents to the girl walking to see whats going on. As he got closer he sees that girl was a teenager and what was she crying about that was unknown. So Yaldamar asks the girl with a cold voice as usual...

Yaldamar: ''What are you crying for young lass.''

He also spots Jin holding a marble in his left hand. Yaldamar sighs and says...

Yaldamar: ''You can put down that piece of rubbish, my rapier is sheathed so I won't stab you. (quietly) Yet.''