The Souls Requiem-Sig Shop

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I know you don't generally make sigs like this, but I'm going to request it anyways, if nobody minds it. :P

Type: Type? this is for what character is to be used, right? Ready for it? Manectric. <.< If neither of you want to do it that's fine though, just making the request to see if you do take a shot at it, your works are very good, but not quite like this... >.>

Theme: Fields, with some Lightning here and there, not much though.

Text: SSBMaster (my old name that I will change back to on either the 27th or 28th probably, as soon as I can).

Size: Medium-Large, whatever size looks good for the sig in that range.

Emotion: Hm, never thought too much about this... :unsure: Sadness, not the typical emotion for a sig of Manectric. :P

Bleh: Bleh? Guess it doesn't really matter what I put here? Just if I want to add anything? Well, if V.V or Requiem would take on this request, it would be much appreciated, I picture something unlike my other sigs (I have more sides stashed away than anyone at FFF knows. :lol:).

NOW that thats outta my system.

Here you guys go...

Ck for you.



And For you SSB



Now of course we do have a satisfaction policy, if you want something added to it tell me.

Also these sigs have the new watermark, can you see it??? HEHE
Nice! Between the quality of the avatar/sig set, and the fast service, definitely be expecting requests from me in the future! ^_^

And I can't see the new watermark... Is it supposed to be invisible? XD Probably not. :P

I wonder what I'll be requesting next, when the time comes. :monster: Thanks a lot for making these, I just have to switch to them right away.
Type: Signature
Theme: Diamond Weapon Picture from FFVII
Text: Diamond Weapon
Size: Default Size
Emotion: Dark colors

Type: Avatar
Theme: You can use same picture as in signarute, or other if you want.
Size: 100x100 or what ever is your default avatar size. :)
Emotion: Dark colors

Sorry for short lines, tell me if you need more information.
Actually you Did it perfect.... This is exactly how i wanted it done, BRAVO, and ill get your request to you sometime soon.... im getting trashed tonight so it prolly aint getting done tonight... But thank you for actually reading my first post.

Actually you Did it perfect.... This is exactly how i wanted it done, BRAVO, and ill get your request to you sometime soon.... im getting trashed tonight so it prolly aint getting done tonight... But thank you for actually reading my first post.


Is that you saying what you wanted me to say? Didn't know there was a script... XD Well, it IS perfect, so I can go with that, in the positive reputation I left for the post with my new sig and avatar I commented "A Fantastic Artisan! ^_^", I thought that would be saying something pretty good too... <.<

But anyways, best of luck to you with your requests, when enough time has elapsed, I shall make another request. :P So till then, I'll just see ya around the forums, and in the shoutbox probably. :lol:
Wow, very nice, I love it V.V.!
Also, what effing watermark? I see nothing >.>
And congrats again! I'll be making another request when I'll be tired of seeing Frionel every day xD
Oh, hate to be a bother, but I would really like the RPG Character pic I'm using now to be sprited, all that white around it takes away a lot of space, it wouldn't take much trouble...would you not mind?

Here's the image:


I've been taking the whole electric thing pretty far, I've got Level 12 Thundaga so far. :D So this would be appreciated, don't need to do anything to the sprite itself, just make the white surrounding it be gone completely. ;)

Then it will be a while before barging in here making requests again, so you'll be rid of me for a bit... XD

Btw, after examining the lower left corner of my sig, I saw the slightest trace of V.V, very well camouflaged. :lol:
Hey VV =]

Type: Banner/Signature+Avatar
Theme: Darkness, with a light shining on the render. the light blended, if you know what I mean
Text: Godspeed, La Primavera (somewhere near Godspeed.)
Size: 350x120
Emotion: Loneliness+Determination.
Bleh: Anything you want.
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