The Spoon that killed FFVIII { still editing !}

Even if he is swaying fans though... Who cares? The problem lies with them, not Spoony. I doubt he made this review with the sole intent of turning as many FF fans as possible against FF8, you can't blame him for what the end result was of people watching his reviews. People do at times watch reviews for an opinion on a game, regardless of whether it's serious or comedic and it's hardly an uncommon opinion to dislike FF8 anyway.

Because Final Fantasy VIII doesn't derseve this kind of treatment. Does it have flaws ? Yup, but it's not the most disgusting game on the planet and it does have some really good things about this game. Then why make the review ? Why try and make it funny and "cool '' ? If he didn't want people to think with him that FF8 is junk then why try and make the review attractive and funny ?

People like jokes and people are more forgiving towards things if they have jokes in them because it's funny so all is forgiven.

Yes people have disliked FF8 before Spoony's review, but more people are not liking FF8 because of Spoony's review. If it was more like his FF X-2 review which had better reasons for the game having flaws it wouldn't be so bad, but it doesn't and therefore it's a problem.

How would you feel if say Uncle Ulty made a review on one of your favourite games and he told downright lies on why the game is so bad, he told some funny jokes and people loved it and people started to dislike the game because of Uncle Ulty's review.

You would feel annoyed and frustrated correct ? :hmmm:
Even so, it's not his fault that FF enthusiasts think that way. And really, with SE the way they are lately, I think they're hurting their own sales without Spoony's help. And even if it was directly Spoony's fault for that, it's not his responsibility to make his fanbase love the FF series.

Edit: Ballade

Again, I think the issue here is you don't like someone having a negative opinion on something you like. And if Uncle Ulty or anyone for that matter made a negative review on what I liked I wouldn't really care, he's entitled to his opinion and it's not my place to change it just because I don't agree. I won't be losing sleep over him hating what I like.
Well the worrying part is, if he sways fans, especially if they never played Final Fantasy, now they will think all of these games are like this and thus lessening sales and hurting the series as a whole. He may just have his own opinion, but he has a platform with alot of fans.

Well that's honestly their faults for having an opinion on games they haven't even played. :hmmm:

And even worse are the fans who HAVE played the games, and liked them, until seeing his reviews. That shows how easily manipulated they are. I would worry a lot more about them being so easily swayed than Spoony's opinions on anything.
Well, I guess the whole point of this is: everyone is entitled to an opinion. Whether it's in the form of a game review, or otherwise, doesn't really matter, nor does how they express it. It's their own. Some folks may have a deep hatred for one thing, and try to get everyone turn to against it, and/or vice versa, with a "review." I've seen this before. (Or, they're just being trolls. If that's the case, then to hell with them. Haha.)

I skimmed over the first post. While I don't think FF VIII is the worst one of the series, it's not the best, either. I will say that it's definitely unique in how it was presented, and I give kudos for that. Anyway, I found this review laughable, completely biased, and unreliable.
Even so, it's not his fault that FF enthusiasts think that way. And really, with SE the way they are lately, I think they're hurting their own sales without Spoony's help. And even if it was directly Spoony's fault for that, it's not his responsibility to make his fanbase love the FF series.

Yes but this is Final Fantasy VIII years before the Final Fantasy downfall in games started happening. Final Fantasy IX had mixed views but Final Fantasy X was quite successful in the eyes of many.

Yes but many fans actually like Final Fantasy XIII and it's sequel and even cry out for a third title. We can't really say that SE is destorying everything just because we don't like what's going on at the moment, hopefully those who are not enjoying FF XIII will get their game soon.

Again, I think the issue here is you don't like someone having a negative opinion on something you like. .

No it's not please read what I'm typing out here. I've already written out that I actually enjoyed Spoony's FF X-2 review and I just admitted that handled somebody downright ripping apart one of my favourite childhood movies. Please read what I'm typing here, otherwise there's no point.

And if Uncle Ulty or anyone for that matter made a negative review on what I liked I wouldn't really care, he's entitled to his opinion and it's not my place to change it just because I don't agree. I won't be losing sleep over him hating what I like.

It's not the point that say used for a example Uncle Ulty made a review on a game that you disliked it's the fact that ( used for a example ) Uncle Ulty made a review and LIED ABOUT what was wrong with the game. Say that he said that it sucked because it had bad camera angle and it didn't, you would feel frustarted, despite his opinion on the game.
Well that's honestly their faults for having an opinion on games they haven't even played. :hmmm:

And even worse are the fans who HAVE played the games, and liked them, until seeing his reviews. That shows how easily manipulated they are. I would worry a lot more about them being so easily swayed than Spoony's opinions on anything.

Yup Yup ! :seiji:

As I typed out on the first page *

Final Fantasy fans need to pick up FF8 and rely on their own judgement and decide whether FF VIII is good or bad on their OWN terms

BTW this is the reason why I really dislike Spoony and think that he's a jerk.

I really wouldn't care if he said something false, it's his opinion and I wouldn't really give a damn if it differed. It's not my place to make people think properly, there's too many idiots in the world as it is.

And while you liked his X-2 review, it doesn't change the fact you're getting upset because you don't agree with his FF8 review, why not just take it as it is and move on? It doesn't really matter what other people think of FF8, shouldn't your opinion be all that matters?
I really wouldn't care if he said something false, it's his opinion and I wouldn't really give a damn if it differed.

Good for you ? Sadly not everybody thinks that way and some people get offended when something that they love is getting bashed for all the wrong reasons. I still believe that if somebody bashed something that you loved you'll be a little upset too. Though I don't really know you all that well and I can't really judge.

I want to defened this game because while it does have flaws it doesn't really derseve to be lied about in a negative manner; there's nothing wrong with defening or sticking up for something that you love. ♥

And while you liked his X-2 review, it doesn't change the fact you're getting upset because you don't agree with his FF8 review, why not just take it as it is and move on? It doesn't really matter what other people think of FF8, shouldn't your opinion be all that matters?

I'm getting upset over his FF8 review because he's telling down right lies about the game and it's not right at all and tbh Spoony's not a good reviewer because of it- he didn't study the games and he didn't get the facts correct which isn't cool at all. When reviewing something you're going to want to get the facts correct and actually study the material. And no, it wasn't his first time playing Final Fantasy VIII.

All I said was that this review is telling downright lies and FF Fans shouldn't follow this review for a good lead to see whether FF8 is good to play or not and they should play and judge FF VIII for themselves and make their own judgements.
Then surely you should let these fans make their own choices? I doubt hating FF8 is some kind of cardinal sin, there are other games in the series that could take precedence, if any at all.

And yeah, you have the right to defend what you love, but that should only matter to you yourself, again it doesn't matter what Spoony says, if you don't agree with it you can just ignore it. It shouldn't be any skin off your nose if other people don't like FF8.
Good for you ? Sadly not everybody thinks that way and some people get offended when something that they love is getting bashed for all the wrong reasons. I still believe that if somebody bashed something that you loved you'll be a little upset too. Though I don't really know you all that well and I can't really judge.

I want to defened this game because while it does have flaws it doesn't really derseve to be lied about in a negative manner; there's nothing wrong with defening or sticking up for something that you love. ♥

I'm getting upset over his FF8 review because he's telling down right lies about the game and it's not right at all and tbh Spoony's not a good reviewer because of it- he didn't study the games and he didn't get the facts correct which isn't cool at all. When reviewing something you're going to want to get the facts correct and actually study the material. And no, it wasn't his first time playing Final Fantasy VIII.

All I said was that this review is telling downright lies and FF Fans shouldn't follow this review for a good lead to see whether FF8 is good to play or not and they should play and judge FF VIII for themselves and make their own judgements.
There's definitely nothing wrong with defending something you really enjoy. But in the end, it's all opinion-based, whether it's yours, Rorolina Frixell 's, or even mine. It can't be changed.

I think your stance is definitely admired, but I don't think it's something to get completely worked up over? :)
Then surely you should let these fans make their own choices ?

Eh ? That's the whole point of the whole thread ! " Listen guys, you shouldn't really follow this review you should try FF VIII for yourself and make your own judgements on the game".
The point is that people are making a silly choice about this and they're following Spoony just because he's interent famous and they should stop and play FF 8 with their own eyes and judge on what they think and feel and not Spoony just because it's Spoony.

I doubt hating FF8 is some kind of cardinal sin

Please read what I'm typing here ! It's not the fact that FF8 is being hated, it's the fact that Spoony's review lies about the games and he doesn't get his facts right so don't follow it; if people follow it then okay, put this thread is on why you shouldn't follow it and here's why.

And yes look up page 9:30 in Peter in the bible it says " Thou must never smite Final Fantasy VIII or else one soul shall spend a lifetime in a firey pit of hell " :grin:

And yeah, you have the right to defend what you love, but that should only matter to you yourself, again it doesn't matter what Spoony says, if you don't agree with it you can just ignore it. It shouldn't be any skin off your nose if other people don't like FF8.

Again it's not about Spoony hating FF VIII this is not a " Spoony hates FF VIII whine, whine, baby moan " thread. :ffs: It's about Spoony's review is leading people on a wrong path because Spoony LIED and did not do his homeworl before making the FF VIII review; so it's a bad idea to use to to decide whether to play FF VIII or not, instead make your own judgements.

BTW God hates FF8 haters u evil sinners :ahmed:
Then I fail to see the problem here, you seem to be more annoyed that people believe the first thing they hear and you want them all to change their minds, you could also try to change the minds of people who put down a CoD game because you play as an American most of the time, or put down pokemon because they think it's childish. They're putting it down on a weak impression, would you say they're in the wrong because they haven't got the full picture of what the game is about? In the end there are a lot of other games out there, and in the end even if they never change their minds on FF8 it shouldn't matter that much anyway, it's an old game as is, I doubt it's going to hurt SE's feelings and it shouldn't hurt yours either.

You may as well tell me that I should try Modern Warfare 3 before I say it's a poor game just because my main information is former titles and some reviews. I'm not liable to entertain the chance because i'm confident that I won't enjoy it :lew:
Then I fail to see the problem here, you seem to be more annoyed that people believe the first thing they hear and you want them all to change their minds

Sort of but not really ? It's just more so saying that people should make their own judgements instead of this review. Not change their minds per say, just make their own judgements instead of jumping on a FF VIII hating band wagon.

Basically- Spoony doesn't really know what he's talking about when it comes to this review so make your own judgement and don't jump on the " Spoony hates it so we bandwagon "

you could also try to change the minds of people who put down a CoD game because you play as an American most of the time, or put down pokemon because they think it's childish.

True but they're most likely to have good or truthful reasons on why those things are bad; Spoony doesn't. Spoony just changes things to make it seem more funny and focuses on what makes people laugh more than what is actually factual. If somebody said that something was aimed towards children and it actually was, then that person would have a fair point' if somebody said that Disney was all R18 and showed violence, rape and shooting and you shouldn't watch it because of that- then that would be a downright lie. There's a difference between " This game sucks " and somebody lieing on WHY this game so called "sucks ".

If Spoony said that a bad point about Final Fantasy VIII is that you have to save Rinoa so many times that it's silly then he'll have a fair point. There's a difference.

They're putting it down on a weak impression, would you say they're in the wrong because they haven't got the full picture of what the game is about? In the end there are a lot of other games out there, and in the end even if they never change their minds on FF8 it shouldn't matter that much anyway, it's an old game as is, I doubt it's going to hurt SE's feelings and it shouldn't hurt yours either.

Just because Final Fantasy VIII is a old game doesn't mean that this doesn't matter. Hell somebody could do a review on why Mario sucks or Zelda sucks and it would cause a massive uproar, just a huge fan uproar. Final Fantasy VII is older and people get outraged about that; so a game's age doesn't matter. If it was made in 1970 or 2012 it doesn't matter. It's going to have fans and haters and anybody could do a review about it.

I dare you to do a review on why Tifa Lockhart sucks and put it up on youtube and see if you could outlive the many flames from furious fans you'll get from the Tifa sucks youtube video.You'll get flamed from Fiji and back. Seriously.

Again it's not the fact that my feels are being hurt about FF VIII being dissed by a famous internet man. Noah could diss Final Fantasy VIII all day long if he was actually factual on what's so damn wrong with FF VIII and if he actually studied the game.

The main point of the thread was for the FF Fandom to make their own judgement because this review is false. Not " FF 8 has been insulted, my feelings are hurt ".
I see where you're coming from Ballade it's not the fact he dislikes the game, it's the fact that he complains about things that aren't faults. That's like saying you don't like a red top because it's blue.
A misinterpretation at the end, when I said FF8 is old I mean moreso that people not buying it won't bother SE at this point, since they get no profit out of that, unless you count PSN (not sure how that works but I assume they make profit from SE products being purchased through there?)
To the OP, I think you could have approached this whole topic a different way. Looking at the first post, it really does seem like you're a little butt hurt about someone speaking negatively about something you like due to the essay-length rant you made and now, after reading some of the later posts, it seems like you are trying to attack this "Spoony" person for making this review. So, now if I made a negative review about something you DON'T like in the same way, you should stick up for the people who disagree with me who have an opinion and do like it.

I also think a better approach to this would be to have brought this review to people's attention and say "This is just his opinion about this game. Before making your own opinion, please play the game first. If you agree after playing then that's fine, at least you made your own opinion based on your own experience." Which is what Spoony did. He obviously played the game enough to actually form one seeing as he complains about so many things in detail about what he hates about it.
I've been following this thread for a while, and I just wanna say that I've watched a few Spoony reviews myself. Honestly, I think the guy's pretty funny. But from what I've gathered about his style of review, I just put him in the same league as AVGN or The Nostalgia Critic (hell, he's on the same website as TNC). All of these guys seem to find things about games and movies that might be even the slightest bit annoying and amplify it for entertainment value.

I'm not saying they're bad reviewers; I find all three of them funny. I even have Spoony's X-2 review saved on my computer. But understand that this is his style of reviewing. He goes for entertainment value as well as an informed opinion by playing the game.

And I do agree with others when they say you do need to understand: this is his opinion. Take it or leave it. Don't take it personally. If someone is even the slightest bit curious of VIII after viewing this, they should try it themselves.
I see where you're coming from @Ballade it's not the fact he dislikes the game, it's the fact that he complains about things that aren't faults. That's like saying you don't like a red top because it's blue.

Now you're on the trolley ! :dave:

A misinterpretation at the end, when I said FF8 is old I mean moreso that people not buying it won't bother SE at this point, since they get no profit out of that, unless you count PSN (not sure how that works but I assume they make profit from SE products being purchased through there?)

Okay but there's people out there that are getting into the Final Fantasy games still and they're still getting into the Final Fantasy series. There's a compliant on Tumblr that Final Fantasy 6 was all spoiled for him so he couldn't enjoy the game like people have in the past. Yeah true, it may not bother SE any more but for the fans it will.

To the OP, I think you could have approached this whole topic a different way. Looking at the first post, it really does seem like you're a little butt hurt about someone speaking negatively about something you like due to the essay-length rant you made and now, after reading some of the later posts, it seems like you are trying to attack this "Spoony" person for making this review..

I don't like the Spoonyone/ Noah I think that he's a downright man-child and a jerk and I've already posted up the video that explained my dislike for his whole entire being. He was downright rude and immature towards a donator who only asked a simple question to review a game. Spoony replied in a jerkish manner and replied to him " This question annoys me, cut him off " and after him and his friends laughing at him and telling him to F off they did cut him off. Spoony acts like he's the King of Internet and when he got fired from the TGWTG Website I threw a party in celebration with a few friends that felt the same way; no kidding. I loathe Spoony, not because he dissed Final Fantasy 8 though that is annoying; but because he was downright rude towards a innocent fan of TGWTG and him personally.

I wrote this essay long because I wanted it to be well-written and well thought out.

So, now if I made a negative review about something you DON'T like in the same way, you should stick up for the people who disagree with me who have an opinion and do like it.

Maybe but did you lie in your negative review like Noah did in his FF8 review ?

I also think a better approach to this would be to have brought this review to people's attention and say "This is just his opinion about this game. Before making your own opinion, please play the game first.

True maybe you're right about that. :hmmm:

Though it's a extremely annoying and frustrating seeing a game that doesn't really deserve to be dissed for all the wrong reasons. Final Fantasy VIII deserves a proper and well-studied review by somebody; even if that was negative as well. Somebody like perhaps HC Bailey for a example who knows this game inside and out and wouldn't tell a lie like Seifer being the lead villian of the game and not Ulti.

Which is what Spoony did. He obviously played the game enough to actually form one seeing as he complains about so many things in detail about what he hates about it.

You're kidding right ? I'm checking my calender and it says August instead of April... :ffs:

I've been following this thread for a while, and I just wanna say that I've watched a few Spoony reviews myself. Honestly, I think the guy's pretty funny.

Okay I'm sorry but how are " Squall is so emo he must listen to Chemical Romance " funny ? And " If you listen to the Latin music it's saying, gay, gay, lame, lame, gay, gay ".

I mean gay jokes and emo jokes are just so...... middle school. If you find it funny then okie dokie then; but my question is... why ?

But from what I've gathered about his style of review, I just put him in the same league as AVGN or The Nostalgia Critic (hell, he's on the same website as TNC)..

No no no no Doug when he reviews bad childhood and older flicks he actually studies and actually doesn't LIE and he tries to get his facts right when reviewing something; Spoony just goes along for the LOLZ and that's it, the FF VIII proves that he just goes along for what he believes is funny because he gets easy mistakes like who's the true badguy of FF VIII actually is. I said before that Doug has torn apart a kiddie flick that I ADORED as a kid The Quest to Camelot and I didn't get all butthurt and etc because Doug actually had GOOD points on why this movie is bad.

No Spoony got fired for telling a rape joke on Twitter which caused drama.

I'm not saying they're bad reviewers; I find all three of them funny. I even have Spoony's X-2 review saved on my computer. But understand that this is his style of reviewing. He goes for entertainment value as well as an informed opinion by playing the game..

Yeah but when somebody like Doug does a review he actually gets the facts and information right that should be really important for a reviewer when doing a report at school you don't want to make up false information because you'll fail the paper. Doug while he goes along for what's funny too; he does something that Noah doesn't- make sure that it's correct.

And I do agree with others when they say you do need to understand: this is his opinion. Take it or leave it. Don't take it personally. If someone is even the slightest bit curious of VIII after viewing this, they should try it themselves.

I do understand that it's Noah's opinion on the game and why he dislikes FF8 so much but the point I'm trying to get across is that what he's saying about the game is wrong. I've already said that Noah could insult FF8 and I wouldn't flinch a muscle IF he had RIGHT and GOOD points about it.
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Hmmm while I don't agree with this much in terms of a persons hate can tarnish the worlds view on FFVIII. It did have elements to the game like the drawing and Junction system which didn't appeal to the entire fan base, especially if you had say just finished FFVII. To me FFVIII isn't the strongest in the Final Fantasy franchise but it isn't the weakest, it had a nice realistic/modern twist on the world and characters and the junction system even if it could be counted as controversial was actually a very rewarding system.

As some others who have also mentioned that drawing magic isn't a necessity but it made it a lot easier for you if you did draw up to 100 of a selected magic, the characters to me could be the draw point as they can be a bit weak in my opinion in terms of connecting with them but yer, don't see all this fuss about it to be honest.
Hmmm while I don't agree with this much in terms of a persons hate can tarnish the worlds view on FFVIII. It did have elements to the game like the drawing and Junction system which didn't appeal to the entire fan base, especially if you had say just finished FFVII.

Agree the Junction System and Drawing system can be very complexed and confusing for most players which is tragic because I believe that Square tried really hard to give the Final Fantasy franchise to have a new and fresh feeling and not tire out the same patten over and over again. But still yeah agree, it's a huge turn off button for most FF players.

Though Noc has already proven my point and theory that people have been swayed to do not play or hate FF VIII because of his review.

To me FFVIII isn't the strongest in the Final Fantasy franchise but it isn't the weakest, it had a nice realistic/modern twist on the world and characters and the junction system even if it could be counted as controversial was actually a very rewarding system.

Agree. ^_^

As some others who have also mentioned that drawing magic isn't a necessity but it made it a lot easier for you if you did draw up to 100 of a selected magic, the characters to me could be the draw point as they can be a bit weak in my opinion in terms of connecting with them but yer, don't see all this fuss about it to be honest.

Oh Spoony said that you have to sit down for hours playing Final Fantasy VIII and draw everything; even the unnecessary for later spells like fire which isn't true.