The Spoon that killed FFVIII { still editing !}

My whole problem with their sense of humor is just that: Alot of them just come off as assholes. I dont really like Spoony anymore at all because he does lie about things etc, but he's also a jackass. I like Linkara and Doug mainly because they do study the things a bit more, but at times Doug annoys me too. Not from him personally, but because he definitely edits things at times to make them seem more stupid than they actually are. It's not completely lying, but it isnt a true representation of the actual movie either. But like I said, he is a much more likeable person.
My whole problem with their sense of humor is just that: Alot of them just come off as assholes. I dont really like Spoony anymore at all because he does lie about things etc, but he's also a jackass.

Yeah agree. Agree Spoony is a jackass.

I like Linkara and Doug mainly because they do study the things a bit more, but at times Doug annoys me too. Not from him personally, but because he definitely edits things at times to make them seem more stupid than they actually are. It's not completely lying, but it isnt a true representation of the actual movie either. But like I said, he is a much more likeable person.

Yeah agreethey actually study on what they're reviewing unlike Spoony who seems like he was more for what's funny than what's factual. I sort like Doug because of how he respects females and woman in general. Judging from the reviews he does he respects media that portrays women in a good light. He hates the "Bella Swan " type of girl.

And yeah agree they actually make sure that what they're reviewing unlike Noah. I still don't understand why people find him funny but everybody's humor is different I guess.
I don't know if Spoony is actually lying....or he's just ignorant in what he's talking about.

For instance, in his latest FF review (the last part of the X-2 review) he claims that Auron was from Zanarkand (the real Zanarkand). I really don't know how he came to this conclusion, but it shows that he really doesn't know much about either game. But at the same time he brings up relevant points (like Ultimecia having one of the worst plans to destroy everything.) And there are certain things in FF that don't make sense (i.e. Blitzball and the ability to be underwater for five minutes at a time while playing underwater soccer).

He may come across as an asshole, but I personally find that kind of humor to be funny. It's just my style I guess.
And there are certain things in FF that don't make sense (i.e. Blitzball and the ability to be underwater for five minutes at a time while playing underwater soccer).

That's another reason why I dont like him. For things he like's he will give reasons on how something that normally couldnt happen in real life, could actually happen. But since he doesnt like the game, nope, no explanation, thus it is stupid. Seriously, it's a FANTASY game. There are TONS of explanations as to how it could happen. The water could somehow be oxygenated and allow them to breathe in it. I mean seriously, not everything has to be completely realistic in a game. It would make movies, books, and video games very inane.
So you guys can understand now I feel when people just watch Noah's FF VIII review and just jump on the " Spoony hates FF8 so will I " bandwagon right ? :/

I mean there's some things that I don't like about FF8 either; it's not the most perfect Final Fantasy around but it's not total and complete trash like Spoony say's it is. Could it have some improvements ? Yeah, but it's not total rubbish.

Also at the beginning of his review he says " Here's where Final Fantasy started to go down hill " meaning that Final Fantasy 9 is bad, Spoony hasn't even touched or played FF9 ! When he was asked why he wouldn't review FF9 he said that the " characters look bad ". Imo FF9 is one of the best games in the series and he refuses to touch FF9 because it LOOKS bad. How shallow is that ? :argh:

He's just a total manchild whether he makes you almost pee your pants in laughter or not, he's just ignorant when it comes to Final Fantasy. -__-
Haha! Doug & Linkara do their homework? Good one.

Spoony has stated that his early FFVIII videos were kinda immature as he was only just starting out. And tbh, he's a self-confessed troll when it comes to the FF fanbase, anyway. Getting a rise out of the FFVIII crowd (whilst getting cheap laughs in the process) was the big break for his online career. Succès de scandale, as the French would say. I'm sure many people did jump on the bandwagon, but you're always going to have that when someone develops their own cult following. It shouldn't obfuscate the valid criticisms that Spoony does make about the game.

FYI: He did partly retract his original stance on Drawing magic (during Part 8 of the FFVIII review, I believe), conceding that there are other ways to acquire magic, such as refining items, monster cards etc. but overall drawing is still an essential component of the game and tedious busywork. The whole Junction/Draw system never made sense to begin with, from an in-universe AND technical standpoint (and don't play the Final FANTASY card, because there's suspending disbelief and there's just pulling stuff out of your ass). It was such a failed experiment that Square never saw fit to revisit it in any future releases.

Also, is it me or is your entire OP a massive lesson in hypocrisy? Spoony hates this game, therefore I hate Spoony! I mean... that's essentially what your argument boils down to, isn't it? You even go out of your way to say that anyone influenced by Spoony's review is an "idiot". Why? Maybe they'd forgotten just how flawed the game is or never cared enough about the plot to begin with? It seems to me you can't take any sort of moral highground here when you're making the same gross generalizations as the person you're attacking.
Мasamune;1022626 said:
Also, is it me or is your entire OP a massive lesson in hypocrisy? Spoony hates this game, therefore I hate Spoony! I mean... that's essentially what your argument boils down to, isn't it? You even go out of your way to say that anyone influenced by Spoony's review is an "idiot". Why? Maybe they'd forgotten just how flawed the game is or never cared enough about the plot to begin with? It seems to me you can't take any sort of moral highground here when you're making the same gross generalizations as the person you're attacking.

I've already stated that the reasons why I dislike Spoony is because of the way he treated a fellow fan of that Guy With the Glasses website, not because Spoony dissed Final Fantasy VIII. So no, that wasn't what the argument was about.

I didn't play the "Fantasy " card when it came down to the Junction battle system; Spoony made a complaint about Ward having to grab his spear weapon from battle. Not everything is going to be realistic so that's when I said " It's a Fantasy game " nothing about the Junction system being realistic or imaginary , those are your own assumptions that you have just now made up yourself.
Hey i think the Triple Triad is awesome, i have spend almost 5 hours just on the first disc just playing it, this is the coolest minigame in the franchise repertoire.

Again the draw system is neat, its the game response to grinding. Its like grinding to face the Bosses, and besides you just need 20 of each magic to breeze trought the game. The Junction system i awesome too.

I dont get you people:facepaw:
I've never heard of this Spoony fellow, and I don't really care to. Final Fantasy VIII's battle system works fine for me, and although I love FFVII's storyline, I personally think FFVIII surpasses it and has a better script. Maybe the materia system is better, but that's just one factor. I remember a recent interview with one of the people behind the localisation of FFVII/VIII who talked about the far better script of FFVIII due to a much larger budget, thanks to FFVII's success. Not only are the graphics much better and the FMVs quite beautiful, but more importantly, the characters simply have more life in them.

It's definitely the most underrated Final Fantasy.

I think...that it's just a review. And you know, if someone bases their opinions on one review, then that's their problem. If people were watching just one review to try and find out what a game is like, they're not going to get anywhere. I've never seen it, but from what I've heard people watch it for the entertainment they get from it, not to find out what the game is actually like.

All things considered, I think that there's no point getting upset about a single review, a review that you claim has influenced people to hate FFVIII...but I see no evidence for that. What I see is a lot of people who disliked FFVIII already and have found someone who had similar opinions to them, but does it in a way that amuses them. It's that simple.

And before you ask, I loved FFVIII...
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I just watched a few minutes of one of his FFVIII review videos. It was hilarious.

But I definitely agree that anyone who thinks that FFVIII is a dumbass.
Seems like you're upset about it and put the balme on someoen that was never that popular to begin with. FF8 hate started around the time FFx came out, now around 2009, and after that FF7 hate started.
Oh my God, Spoony?! Hating on a Final Fantasy game in a rather overblown, exaggerated fashion for general entertainment purposes! How dare he?! And besides, even if there is any evidence to suggest a correlation between Spoony's 2007-9 videos and FFVIII suddenly being shit on by former "fans" of it, so what? Let people think what they want. Let them be sheep if they take Spoony's words as the gospel every single time.

I'm capable of sitting back and enjoying his rants, even if they're not always factually correct. Heck, I've noticed a plethora of small teeny mistakes he made just watching his FFXIII review videos so far (No, Noah. The Sanctum was purging people because they suspected them of having contact with L'Cie like some kind of swine flu outbreak or something, NOT because they might be branded Pulse L'Cies!), but it's never been enough to put me off enjoying his tirades.

If I watch him sparingly, it's fun to watch the cascades of nitpicks interspersed with a few jokes, because even if you like a game he is tearing into, it's good to realise: "hey, he might be right. That IS bloody dumb. Ohoho, Square. Oh you!" or "that's a bit of a stretch, Spoony, but I enjoyed it nonetheless!". Just think of Spoony's videos as less of a series of reviews and more like repositories for him to have a good old rant about small little things that get on his tits.

He's on the ball with the storyline of FFVIII though. I mean, I kind of like the game in a strange way and all, but nitpicking its ridiculous story from beginning to end was just perfect.

I admit, I have noticed him pandering to err, sections of the fanbase before. I could have sworn he said he had no major quarrels with Final Fantasy XII in one of his Vlogs, yet felt compelled to say in his recent FFXIII review that FFXII's "MMO-fuckery" didn't fit in at all; the wording he used being particularly interesting given that he is/was a World of Warcraft player.
(No, Noah. The Sanctum was purging people because they suspected them of having contact with L'Cie like some kind of swine flu outbreak or something, NOT because they might be branded Pulse L'Cies!), but it's never been enough to put me off enjoying his tirades.

Actually he does mention that, quite a few times in part 2 and 3. He even mentioned contact.
Even though I find the draw system annoying, I generally liked Junction. My main beef with Final Fantasy VIII is the characters. Squall and Rinoa are the only remotely interesting protagonists and both got on my nerves a lot. The rest are just annoying, underdeveloped, and/or boring.

I still like the game but it's easily the weakest Final Fantasy game of the PSX era.