The strangest dream I've ever had (Really funny)

Mar 11, 2007
The guv'ment
So I'm at this wrestling event, then I go to use the bathroom, I ended up inside of this house, and I was like, ''Where the hell am I?'' then this girl was studying, and she said I could use her bathroom, and I was all ''Thanks, cuz' I'm about to burst!'' when I went to use the bathroom, she turned the channel on her T.V. to some dirty movies. I thought, ''That really isn't any of my buisiness....'' So I'm using the bathroom, and next thing I know, I'm peeing in someone's refrigerator! Some guy comes up and says to me ''What the hell do you think you're doin'?'' So I said ''Uhh...peeing in your refrigerator, apparently...'' The guy said '' You have to pay me for a new fridge.'' then he started throwing all of the food in the refrigerator away, and I said ''Y'know, some of the food in there is still good. So he just looked at me, then I sad, ''Yeah, I wouldn't risk it either...''
the weirdest dream ive had this week was that i was swimming naked in pink champagne..... not really funny but it was weird....

dont worry weve all wet the bed at some point..... only most of us atop at age 6.... lol
Hey whoa-whoa-whoa! I don't remember posting anything about me wetting the bed. *Rereads first post* nope, I wonder why you keep assuming I did?
well most of the time when you dream that your having a pee then you usually do in your sleep!!

So what your telling me you didn't wet the bed??????
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well most of the time when you dream that your having a pee then you usually do in your sleep!!

So what your telling me you didn't wet the bed??????

Of course not my dear, you give me far too little credit. Although, when I was five, I wet the bed whilst my sister was sleeping in it with me, needless to say, that was a very interesting day.
your sister was sleeping with you?! AT THE AGE OF 5?!?!?! O.O
jk, I know what you mean. But pissing on your sister.....gross.
Heh-heh, she was more than a little mad.....

i dont blame her for being a little mad. i would be too!!
So you didnt wet the bed then? hummmm i have to edit my thesis...
are you sure you didnt? I really dont believe you!!!
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well no i didnt outrun a bear, i hid in a fridge of all places hahaha... and i really did feel cold because while i was "running from the bear" i swished (for lack of better word) my blankets around and i was cold... for real... bbut yeah the fridge... and i was truly scared. It wasnt one of those dreams where i thought the wird things were normal... i mean i was terrified

Oh... now i see where the confusion is coming from... the being chased by a bear was just a dream... lol I'd be dead if i was chased by a bear
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like i said the weirdest dream i ever had was swimming naked in pink champagne.. with these fish swimming with me talking to me.. it was weird.