The strangest dream I've ever had (Really funny)

you would need a pink champagne river and a lovely waterfall..... but hay im not doing it go find someone else..
no... trust me to watch that would melt your eyes out

hay i feel sorry for the guv'na.... weve kinda hijacked his threads....
now we can get back to the subject in hand..
i had this really weird dream lastnight that i was eating some cat-burgers.... i wonder where that came from...
The weirdest dream I've ever had:

I was in class, and everyone I knew either cut their hair if it was long, or grew it out if it was short. Mainly, what was weird about it was that two of my guy friends did the same thing. One had really short hair (buzz cut, acutally) and he grew his hair out to where it was kind of like an Emo cut, while the other (who has hair past his shoulders) got a buzz cut. All day long in that dream, whenever I saw him, all I could do is stare at him, mouth agape and all, and not be able to say one word. And the really strange part was when I woke up, I couldn't help but feel like he actually went through with it. He came over later that night, though, and his hair was just as long as it always had been. I didn't really care what the other one did to his. I hate buzz cuts.
So I'm at this wrestling event, then I go to use the bathroom, I ended up inside of this house, and I was like, ''Where the hell am I?'' then this girl was studying, and she said I could use her bathroom, and I was all ''Thanks, cuz' I'm about to burst!'' when I went to use the bathroom, she turned the channel on her T.V. to some dirty movies. I thought, ''That really isn't any of my buisiness....'' So I'm using the bathroom, and next thing I know, I'm peeing in someone's refrigerator! Some guy comes up and says to me ''What the hell do you think you're doin'?'' So I said ''Uhh...peeing in your refrigerator, apparently...'' The guy said '' You have to pay me for a new fridge.'' then he started throwing all of the food in the refrigerator away, and I said ''Y'know, some of the food in there is still good. So he just looked at me, then I sad, ''Yeah, I wouldn't risk it either...''

Wtf. lol.
I once had a dream that I was on the run, as if i escaped from prison orr something. The others who were running were caught just meters from me. I was hiding in the bushes and sooo many close calls lol. I ran into a "mate" of mine (dont know who it is but he was a mate in my dream haha) asking him to help me, but he was like "Its not worht it, you can't keep running" and he was just holding me back. Then It just cut straight to me running some more. I hate these types of dreams, because like the dream i had where i was being chased by a bear and hiding in a fridge (Once of those fridhes in your kitchen) I was just terrified, it wasnt wierd, it was so realistic. I was so happy to wake up. I was actually happy for the rest of the da knowing that i was free in the real world.

And last night, I dreamt that I had two houses... but one of my houses was locked because it was haunted, so a friend of mine said "well, only one way to open this" he threw a brick at my house! but it was normal to me. The next thing i was walking away then i woke up...
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how ermm weird...
i have an overactive imagination and that comes out in my dreams. they are all really weird.
im just a weird person
I had a weird repeat dream while I was waiting for Halo 2 to come out. I dreamt that I was the Master Chief and I was in Halo. So, I kill a Grunt and a deep voice just shouts "You mother f**ker!". Then I accidentally shoot one of my teammates and that same voice shouted again. So, as the dream goes on, I toss a Frag grenade into a small tunnel where a bunch of Grunts are trying to come out. It blows them all up and I hear the voice again. Finally, I see an Elite with his back turned towards me, so I fire a charged up Plasma Pistol at him. Yep, you guessed it, sort of. He turns around and says in that same deep voice, "You stupid mother f**ker!" Then he kills me with an energy sword, then I wake up. It happened once a week for about 2 or 3 months until Halo 2 came out. After that, I never had that dream again. Weird huh?