The strangest dream I've ever had (Really funny)

Oh, Helena_Lou, I got you that present you wanted, *Unwraps Reno* Uh-oh......I probably should've, put air holes in the crate......okay, I guess your new present is a dead, suffocated Reno.....sorry bout that...
awww well atleast you cared enough to try *picks up the dead reno weeping* ive just had an idea..... hummm maby i could stuff him and......
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yes thats the sephiroth treatment

phoenix down inaffective

also my strangest dream is when i am in my bed when a dark wolf appears in front of me and i try to move and gain an impulse to use the keyblade (no joke) and it does not summon itself so i use squalls gunblade and i still cant move and i eventually break free and i ready the gunblade to strike it when it disappears and jumps me from behind and i cant get up and it rips open my back and starts eating my internal organs

(also i have a lot of dreams involving me getting cut open or something i will do more later)
Are we still talking about weird dreams? If yeah then:
One time I had a dream... I was at my gramma's eating pancakes, But...... My granmma wasn't there, so who baked the pancakes? *the simpsons halloween theme in backround* Then next thing I know, I'm Ghost Hunter! I found out that my gramma's house was haunted by 1 good phantom and 10 bad phantoms. The problem was I didn't know how to hunt ghosts, so I called da cops ^_^' then they seached over da house and called MIB (men in black) And them guys stayed watch at granny's. Then again, next thing I know, I'm riding da police car. Suddely I see Cloud on his bike. It more looked like he was waiting for me. So I jumped out of da car, and then I said "Cloud Strife?What Are YOU doing in my dream???" and he was like "There's no time to explain Tifa. This is not your world, we must leave." And so I sat next to Cloud when we were on da motorbike and then I woke up <(^_^<) moogle dance!!!! (>^_^)>
thats like UBER random!! i had a weird dream last night. i was bathing naked in a pool in the moonlight and this talking wolf came up and started talking to me. it was really weird....
I dreamt that i was in sapce.... but my family was all aliens and they killed me w/ laser guns
Yesterday, I had another weird dream. I kept waking up over, and over. Every time I thought I woke up, I was still dreaming. I kept getting out of bed, then waking up, and being right back in it again.
Yeah, how many dreams are you naked in?
How many of those dreams are yours? :P


After watching a friend of mine play Fatal Frame 2 for a while, I had an odd Fatal Frame dream. I'm wandering around in an old house...I'm not sure if it was the Himuro Mansion (since I've watched him play the first one, too) or if it was somewhere in All God's Village, but either way, same architecture. I have an itty bitty camera about the size of a pencil for whatever reason. As I turn a corner (the room here looks a little like the tatami room), there is a ghost just sitting there, slumped against the wall. I freeze, unsure whether or not it'll attack me, and it just fades away. However, in the middle of the room right after, there's one of those blue seals, so I raise the camera and take a picture of it.

Somehow, it takes me either to a flashback or into the 'future'. I'm in a hotel near a beach and each room has a glass door that leads out to a balcony. I go into one of the room from the balcony and I find Mio standing there beside the bed. I don't say anything to her, I just watch her. Then her face starts to stretch and a digital video camera comes out of her mouth. o_O That falls on the bed and I pick it up (ewwww). There is another ghost seal hovering right above the bed. Since the only camera I have is this video camera, I raise that and look into the camera.

That shows me an odd 'flashback'. A man and a woman (boyfriend/girlfriend, I assume) are standing on the balcony, enjoying each other's company. I'm not sure what happened, but the man suddenly snaps and starts strangling the woman, making her dangle over the rails as he did so. Once she died, he pushed her over the edge.

Then I woke up. o_O This dream was quite some time ago, but I still remember it.
Yeah, how many dreams are you naked in?
actually most of my dreams involve me being naked. i cant help what i dream!

Edit: shen thats an odd dream. its also odd that you can remember it so clearly!! and alot of my dreams are creapy too! but may i ask, who/what is kibbies??
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