The Summon left in the shadows

I never used Yojimbo. Same reasons as everyone else. But I also didn't use Anima very much either......I really don't know why =o

I usually just stuck to using Bahamut and Shiva. Shiva = <3
I used Magus Sisters when i went into the Calm Lands and at the end.
That bee looking Magus Sister used Passado and that hit the enemy 15-20
times and it dealt 99999 damage to the enemy
I probably never used Yojimbo. His attacks are ok but you know as with everyone else who doesn't use him he asks for too much gil. Bahamut is just awesome. I wish that you could break damage limit of 99999 because then it would be useful to power up all stats to 255.
Ixion. Poor, poor Ixion. he realy never got out that much after all the better Aeons came around...
Yojimbo is my favourite, 'cause he loves me even though I bargained for him...but my worst?

Bahamut. I hate him in every FF game. I don't know why. I hate him in FF: Advent Children, too.
I pretty much never used Valefor or Yojimbo.
The whole...paying thing was kind of annoying, since you never know what move he'll make anyway.
My order of use/importance stands as follows:

1. Buhamut << kick fkin ass man
2. Anima << coolness one hit kill =P
3. Yojimbo << i was rich what can i say?
4. Ifrit << fire pwns =)
5. Valefor << love the overdrives
6. Shiva << awsome speacial attack
7. Ixion << meh what can i say?
8. Magus << GD i hate those Fers, neva eva do what u want

did i miss one?? i feel like i missed one.. whatever yea i hate the damn sisters sooooo annoying
i think i would say:

3.magnus sisters

i always use the basic ones (not optional) to block dark aeons overdrives and other over drives bit i hate the magnus sisters because i ran outta phoenix downs wen i was fighting dark magnus sisters and so i summoned magnus sisters and they had thier overdrive and da dark magnus sisters were nearly dead and i did combine ur power (with the fat one) and she said taking a break i was like U F**KIN BI**H GO LOOSE SOME WEIGHT!! then da dark magnus sisters killedf my magnus sisters and then done thier delter attack and kill my party!!! so thats why i can never trust the magnus sisters >_<
The Aeon i used mostly is Anima i mean he´s power is just incredible!

Bahamut comes in at second i really think he rocks as well!

Then the Magus Sisters to kill the enemies quickly!

The others i use randomly i suppose my last emergency aeon would probably be Ixion!
For me i'd say I rarely used Shiva and Valefor. I'd only use Aeons in boss battles though and when it came to them if I needed to use them I would. I dont use Ixion much but it helped me against Seymour with Anima.
Ok, I just got Anima and The Magus Sisters for the first time and I thought Bahamut was powerful! I defeated Jecht with 3 attacks from Anima ^_^ I'll never use any other Aeon again, especially Valefor :P he became pretty much useless after you get Ifrit anyway, I never use him.
.....Hmmm Summon I only use in need.....hmmm easy... all of them
to tell the truth i dont use summons UNLESS all of my characters have participated in the battle and even then it is only if ive got a GRAND SUMMONING only because its not enough turns.... i normally murder my enemies al at once using lulu at the end of the battle and everyone has done something
I never use Yojimbo.

What's up with the paymen thing?
I got stuck into thinking that he'd overkill anything if I paid him all my gil at once. No go.

Thankfully I got slaughtered by a marlboro before I could even take in the scope of what having 0 gil really meant.:)