The Three Armoured Characters

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
Well, surely we all know about this ending and have seen it at some point.

I've been around some places and I've read that Testsuya Nomura has stated that Xigbar, a member of Organization XIII, has some affiliation with them. Xemnas has also been seen talking to them at some point.

Let's also take into consideration something that Xigbar said to Sora:

"You've really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that must be why the keyblade chose you. But MAN, did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were."

Others? Keyblade? THIS time? This clearly means that Xigbar KNOWS of other Keyblade masters. The armoured men have seen with Keyblade's.

I'd like to ask everyone:
The Three Armoured Characters - do they fight for light, or do they fight for the darkness?
YEESSS about time a thread like this showed up!! I believe the armoured guys are the chasers and they are the creators of the keyblade, as a speculation site announced. So I think that they are on neither side, just observers, cause they make both light and dark keyblades. also it is quite likely thart Xigbar has something to do with them, man how old is he??? maaaan I cant wait for kh3
its weird, couse Xigbar
or braig as his real name was, was one of ansem's apprentices, so he must have one shady background, and as the secret ending mentioned xehanort's memories, it is my belief that we have not yet seen the last of him, like an ongoing disease

but what really confused me was the pile of keyblades... I mean, weren't keyblades supposed to be few in numbers, as it is only given to chosen people? and this scene, is it in the past or present? boy it would be cool if we switched from present to past, like ff8 to another playable character, perhaps a previous keyblade hero who confronts xigbar, yeah that would be awesome!
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yes indeed! it all makes sense, execpt for the time, if it was in the past, then a gameplay as someone else in the past wouldn't be such a bad idea, if it was in in the future, then we could actually take part
in an awesome war, like the 1000 heartless battle only fiercer and more in numbers. but if it was in the past, would that mean xehanort would play a part here? I mean xehanorts memory, war of te keyblades...

or am I simply lost?
You know what would be the best?
Instead of fighting Heartless, par-taking in the Keyblade war [which is in the past - confirmed] and fighting Keyblade Masters.

Oh aye, think ... :cool:
'War of the Keyblades'
idea is all well and good but who would be the main playable character if
KH3 is set in the past? surely Sora or Roxas aren't that old?
When I saw it i assumed they where Sora, Riku and Kairi (I decided against Mickey because of their height. But is it true that
Sora, Riku and Kairi won't even be in it!
I don't believe it's true, i won't, no!
I have a theory about those three armoured characters. What if one was of light, another twilight and the third darkness? What if they are those three alignments just like Sora, Riku and Mickey? They could resemble them in a way if you really think about it.
Well, it's more than likely it'll be a prequel. I think it could be a story telling how the Heartless and Nobodies arrived as well as why there are Keyblades in the worlds.
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maybe they are the original keyblade holders cause xigbar says something about sora not being half of what the others were
and nomura even said the armoured unknowns have something to do with what xigbar said