The Three Armoured Characters

- How did the heartless first originate?
From the darkness within a person's heart.

- Why was there a war, and between who?
Presumabely between the weilders of light and the weilders of dark Keyblades.

were all the worlds united in the beginning?
Aerith said:
But they've been secret, because they've never been connected

Just some ones that I'm already able to answer.
I think that they're the ones who started the Keyblade War.

Off-Topic 1: Any1 else think that KH3'll be a prequel to the series?

Off-Topic 2: That crossroads that the 3 come to in the ending (You know, the one with the gigantic field of Keyblades?)... Any1 else think that it's the same place as in CoM?
I think KHIII is going to be a sequel and as for that 'Crossroads' question...I don't know I've never played CoM ^_^
perhaps maybe they got the idea of it from ff12 ?
kh3 might be a prequel since the org apparantly knew the armoured guys before sora became keyblade master

riku lol you have same avvy and almost same usertitle as me lol
O M G!! What about Disney?

I saw a thread with a youtube link to the secret ending. I though it was a hoax. I feel stupid...

Of course Disney will still be involved - the entirety of Kingdom Hearts would be lost of either franchise was not included. However, Sora, Riku and Kairi are not part of either Disney or Final Fantasy; they are original characters. So, since their story has essentially finished, it only seems fair to bring in new characters; although, I can't say that I'm pleased that Riku might be over and done with.

On a side-note, I personally see that, as Kingdom Hearts progresses, the series becomes less Disney-fied and more Final Fantasy-fied.
I think it would be stupid to drop Sora, Riku and Kairi. Fans have developed a bond with these three original characters. Besides, the secret ending indicates an involvement with Sora.

"The missing two..." This could refer to Roxas and Nomine, since both reunited with their originals and exist within Sora and Kairi.

"It all began by... Birth by sleep..." This probally refers to Sora's one year slumber between CoM and KHII, because we see Sora's shadow at the very end of the secret trailer.

There has been way too much involvement with these three to drop them like hot potatoes and pick with other characters. While other characters might be played, I doubt Sora will be replaced as the main character. If anything, they will make him a co-main character.

As for the three armored knights, there may a connection between them and FFXII, or Nomura simply had a thing going for armored characters at the time. Notice however, that one of three is a girl (the armor suggests it is a female, for it has the formation necessary for a woman to fit in around the chest area. The figure is also petite and slim), but the three keyblade are actually Sora's, Riku's and Mickey's. Kairi's keyblade is not in that set.
one thing I would love to see in kh3 is differently designed keyblades, i mean, do they have to be keyblades? I think they could do like bleach, where you release the keyblade and it becomes something totally awesome, and it doesn't have to have the shape of a blade. just an opinion though
Always a possibility seeing as I think it's only obvious that we'll find out how Keyblades are/were made and who made/makes them in this game (Still don't know whether or not this game will be a sequel or a prequel >_<)
I've never been more convinced that the armoured characters could be judges. The picture which has been released of the character with his helmet slightly smashed looks IDENTICAL to Gabranth, when Vayne smashes his helmet. He even frowned in the same way.
those three do look a lot like judges. I think that Sora, Riku, and Kairi will have some involvement in the game, because of the letter they got from Mickey at the end. If the game is going to be a prequal, what part of the story would the game come in?
well I sure hope that these questions will be answered in KH3
- Where do keyblades come from?
- How did the heartless first originate?
- Why was there a war, and between who?
- were all the worlds united in the beginning?
- how many keyblade masters have there been, and what happens when a keyblade master brings great destruction instead of banishing evil?

Question 2 and 4 is already answered. Take a good look at the reports in the game.
You might wanna add this to your speculations, guys. ;)
KHU - Famitsu interview said:
Famitsu: You said that none of the iron-clad characters of the secret movie were Roxas or Sora.
Nomura: That is correct. However they are related to one or more characters we have already introduced. Please speculate and look forward to it as well as the new project.
To those of you who say they could be judges.. well, if so, how would they be related to characters that are already introduced in the game?

For those of you who don't know:
Famitsu - One of, if not the most popular games magazine in Japan.
Nomura - Director of the game.