The Three Armoured Characters

That interview emphasises the possibility of the "related" characters being both Xigbar and Xemnas/Xehanorts Heartless/
. But the fact that Final Fantasy XII was released only recently and that Kingdom Hearts III will most likely feature new Final Fantasy characters suggests to me that the man with a smashed helmet will be Gabranth. The resemblance is uncanny, to say the least. Pay close attention to Gabranth and the man - their hair is the same and their eyes are both blue.

Then again, I could be talking a load of crap xD We'll just have to wait and see.
I think the crusty old dude is what was Xehanort before he lost his memories and was picked up by DiZ, something happened to him to where he fell from power (old dude is definitley more powerful than Xemnas) and ended up in a different state
ya old dude has something to do with xemnas and poor roxas look alike got frozen... who is this prince anyway... and those three warrioirs are good guys. i think
probably from being in darkness but why does he have a different weapon?

in kh2 and kh1 final mix he has lightsabre like weapons and in kh3 it looks like he has a weapon similar to oblivion
Xenheart can use the force??(movie, yah no!) hehe! okay, in the mag. someghy said that one of the ghys were ben or ted( I can't remember it was a long time ago i think it was Ben....) and also, too all you Roxas believers.... I know how disprove this to you....
If this is Xeheart b4 his memories were gotten wasn't Sora just being born? at least he didn't weild the keyblade yet correct? well, that means Roxas should be born in like 10 years easily disproven and also Roxas would have had to use the keyblade at the extact same time as Sora correct? Sora didn't even know what a keyblade was...
i know they fight for light i think and they say that they r the chasers which means creator of keyblades
Hate to burst all ur bubbles, but: said:
They are the three knights seen in the Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Secret Endings. Their names mean “Water, Wind, and Earth” respectively. (Kairi’s, Sora’s and Riku’s names mean “Sea, Sky, and Land” respectively.) Aqua is the blue-haired girl. Ven is the one who gets frozen. Terra is the Enigmatic Soldier, known officially as the Lingering Spirit in Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, and is the tallest of the three knights. We’ve found that he hates Xehanort in Sora’s battle with him in Final Mix, yet he is also “Master Xehanort’s Avenger”.

While it is said that it is a theory, it is also a very widely accepted theory.

This tells me that, because the related names of Ven, Terra, and Aqua are so widely known to be connected with KH3, somebody leaked from S-E :)
Wow, all of these speculations that you all are generating have the uncanny potential to be true. You all just keep spitting out ideas, disproving others. Lots of these ideas seem to be plausible. But there is one question. If this game does not feature Sora, Riku, or Kairi. Then I want to know what happened to them after KH II!
Don't know if anyone noticed but there weren't any keychains on the keyblades the chasers were weilding. I mean like when there knocked off how how come they weren't able to magically appear it from there hand and the Roxas in the chasers doesn't seem to have the same abilities than the nobody Roxas. Matbe this has some connection of the information of how a nobody has its apperence from. But this is a theory.
i think the old guy (presumably another form of xehanort) is a soulless xehanort because ansem was easy and he was heartless and xemnas had no heart and was stronger so maybe the new guy is soulless as a soul (if you believe in it) is more powerful than a heart which gives proof as to how the bad guy can easily dispatch 3 keyblade masters effortlessly
I was thinkng about that too. It said that in a human theres heart, a body and a Soul so that is what the report meant I guess.
heartless=those without hearts(heart-less)
nobodies=those with no physical form(no-body)
The three armoured guys will probably be new characters. I think the makers took the whole ansem nobody/heartless thing a little to far, any further and it will be ridiculous.
maybe they are the original keyblade holders cause xigbar says something about sora not being half of what the others were
and nomura even said the armoured unknowns have something to do with what xigbar said

I just noticed that Sora wasn't really the keyblade master, Riku is. But scince he chosed darkness over light Sora permenantly is the Keyblade master of light. In CoM Riku went the path of twighlight usig his dark powers for good whitch gave him his own keyblade. In KH1 he also had a keyblade but it was drawn from the darkness which this keyblade can unlock hearts but it was destroyed by Sora.
But what about keyblade wielders before sora and riku?
And riku didnt really make or create the darkness keyblade since he was controlled by ansem/xehanorts heartless.
it looked like roxas was in the ending scene, the one that gets turned to stone? and i also honestly thought i saw leon in there too. i must be mistaken but this is just what it looked like to me.
It really wouldn't make sence at all for Leon to have some past as a knight either....we pretty much know his past....Childhood on Hallow Bastion, then sent to Traverse Town, and now back on Hallow Bastion.
