The Wild Cards


I won't look back
Jan 29, 2008
Guild Name : Wild Cards
-Meaning : unexpected, unconventional, unbiased, turning an otherwise simple plan into an all out offensive mechanism

Guild Leader :
The Dealer (Fair_Game)

Purpose : To test the conventional norms of Role Playing. To examine the rules and bend them, in some instances break them. To explore uncharted waters, learn diabolical methods and incorporate anything and everything into useful combat. Most importantly, to record all findings scientifically, to provide any information acquired to forum leaders for further exploration, preventative maintenance and the coveted : to improve RPing beyond comprehension!

How to Join :
Important Definitions -

High Cards -
The five Bosses of The Wild Cards, they rank from Jack to King, with Ace being the highest and Joker being the lowest (yet only one able to veto the Ace's decisions)

Rank Cards - These are the Experimenters, the testers, and the information gatherers, new applicants are given a rank from 2-10 (which doesn't denote skill level). Just like in cards there can be four 10's or four deuces. The four members per group make up the 'team'. I'll elaborate on this more later.

So if you wanna join you PM me (the dealer) with the following information :

Name (alias) :
RP Archetype : (Do you play the good guy or the bad guy? A melee fighter, a mage, or something else?)
Reason for wanting to join : (Anything counts)

And I talk to the Ace about the applicant, once the Ace and the other bosses confer, they come up with a short RP task the applicant has to complete.

Once completed you get a spot from 2-10 based on your skill. Then you get added to the list and you also get assignments for testing experimental ideas.

Changing Hands : Here's how it works, whoever is your superior determines how you can lose your spot, it's pmed to the Ace and from there it's added to the roster. If you want to challenge for a higher spot, expect to face a challenge. Yes, this means you can vie for a High Card Spot but remember, these guys are supposed to be on the top of their game, their challenge will be tough!

Current Roster :

Ace - F_G
King - Danny The Cat/Jon
Queen - Kendra/Contra Fates
Jack - Ness/Justin
Joker - Mistah J
Ten - Setsuken
Nine - Professor13
Eight - Stitch
Seven -

Six - Nami

Wild Card Bio's :

Ace : Fair_Game
- Reason : I started this gig, so I get the top spot. I claim to be one of the most experimental RPBers on this site, from my unconventional weaponry to my outlandish energy costs, I prove that nothing is sacred. I've also created several ideas for new RP Battles themselves.
- The Take : You can win this spot from me by competing in a Judged post-limit RPB match vs. myself, Judges will be instructed to take into account only Creativity which means you can God-mode and Power-Play in the match. As it stands there's only three judges I trust : Jon (aka throttle), Lurid (saix), and Kendra (aka Contra Fates)

King :
-Alias: Whatever Username I have at the time. (Currently Danny the Cat)

-Reason : Feel that this club has potential, and it seems really interesting to me.

*Note : Jon, apart from being a mod, is a talented RPer that has shown countless times his ability to think creatively. I doubt anyone would contradict his right to be a High Card.*

-The Take : Jon has several strengths making it difficult to pin down which tasks must be completed to acquire this position. However, anything being possible I've decided that I will relinquish his position to another member if they can defeat Jon in the following tasks : Competitively answer two questions from the excrutiatingly difficult Mentorship test, create a skill and a spell to tie in with a randomly selected character blurb, and finally creatively utilize a basic setting.

Queen : Kendra/Contra Fates
-Reason :
I'm always up for experimentation, especially when it comes to benefiting Role Playing within FFF. And, being in a Guild that is battle-related, will likely give me more motivation to get into RPB-mode.

*Note : Kendra could be the most influential person I know, she's moved mountains with her girlish glee and somehow manages to effortlessly pull off the 'vilest of villains' without breaking a sweat. She's in, no doubt about it!*

-The Take : *Subject to change as per group decision* In order to steal this select spot you'd have to compete with the creator of the mentorship program, honestly, if there's someone that can answer just one question from the mentorship program better than Kendra you can have this spot.

Jack : Ness/Justin
-Reason :
I'd like to get involved with a close group of people here in the RP forums. Plus, in my opinion, thinking outside the box is the only way to think.

-The Take : In order to snag this sizzling spot you'd have to be on your toes elementally. In a three post limit battle you'd have to fight using only magic and whatever setting you had available.

Joker :
Mistah J
-Reason :It looks interesting and I'd love to contribute, guys. And Kendra recommended it to me, so, there you are.

*Note : Mistah J is possibly one of the best RPers on FFF, I've personally witnessed several counts of incredible posting. Creative and innovative her methods for torture are second only to the green haired clown himself!*

-The Take : *This is up for discussion among the other High Cards, however it is only fair that I put up something as a place holder at the very least* This position can be won only in a descriptive battle. In order to nab this slot a member would have to pit their creative skills on the line by describing in no uncertain terms a single image and a look into the mind of the character it portraits.

Here's a list of Experiments I've thought up (with some help from Contra) :

*Applicants don't have to read this, this is just to offer a reference.*

Involved tags (kendra uses this) - This has actually seen some RPing. What I want from the group working on this is a detailed explaination to be added to an 'optional rules' category for RPs.

Status effects - Everyone wants to abuse the fact that their opponent is incapacitated some how, here the group interested will be directly exploring how status effects could possibly see play in an RPB setting. This is a very difficult task as the status effect thing is borderline God-Modding, I want Wild Cards to be dedicated to finding a way around this!

Tag teams - I have an idea for people who RP together well to create compatable characters, a pair that work well as a team! Perhaps one person is pure healer, while the other is pure offense! Get creative!

Stat based battle - This has already seen play thanks to Unphased! I want you guys to explore all possible errata and methods for improvement! The goal is to make this one another 'optional rule' for use in RPs, RPBs and even tournaments!

Judges - Experimentors will be forced to identify all 'judgable' qualities of Role Playing and denote a syllabus for perfect judgement! This has a role in all forms of RPing!

Post limit - I want to see what limiting post counts will do for battling. I hypothesize that this will increase quality posts, reduce god-modding and remove the 'fear of death' that costs many talented RPers to bridge the gap between 'OOC knowledge' and 'IC knowledge'.

Warrior ranking - This system is one I wish to employ to break the boundaries of power-playing. I want to offer people a chance to harness the power to destroy planets, or to save them and use them competitively in battle! The concept will be to match up likes with likes. Think of weight classes in wrestling.

Energy costs - We've all seen energy costs, they take from our characters to make them more realistic, but stamina, or endurance or vitality all amount to squat without numbers. I want the Wild Cards to develope some new ideas for countering the number game!

Setting - I want a few good Cards to compile a list of all possible settings, a daunting, and ongoing task. This will see use in all forms of RPing, for GMs and Judges and Tournament goers alike!

Weapons - What can be used as a weapon, how could it be used as a weapon, I want a group of people exploring weapons, their uses and the issue of 'duribility'. I'm looking for a method to finally pin down the unbreakable weapon!

Magic - I believe there are untested magicks. Find them and come up with some uses!

Time limit - This one is specifically for RPBs. In it, RPers will be limited on possible actions they can take, cut down to seconds instead of minutes. This one hurts because it limits creativity, but it focuses on removing God-modding (through filibustering) completely!

*New Ideas From Kendra*

Instant Message RP/RPB - This one inspires a one on one quick thinking battle that can later be completely copied and pasted to save room in RPs or to provide the utmost in response time for RPBers. She hypothesizes that nothing will put the RPers more in their character's mind than this.

Battle Royale in a Ring - This one will put every one who signs up in a single ring match where anyone can attack anyone. It sounds exciting!

*New Ideas From Jon*

No limit RPBing - I may need Jon to elaborate more on this but it seems the concept is that anyone can join, anyone can fight and (so long as they understand the character's they are fighting) anyone can god-mode. Its a free for all deal, something we should be looking in to.

That's all for now, oh and just for the record :

Anyone can post here, Feel free to do so!

Here's my own application to be used as a reference.

Name (Alias) : Fair_Game
RP Archetype : I often play the character others don't want to play, usually someone ambitious and headstrong, gullible and naive but also generally honest.
Reason for wanting to join : I created it, and I'm a tinkerer. I love to explore the depth in RPing and am constantly searching to stretch the fabric of every good RP.
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Well, I'm grateful for the kind words and position! I shall be an experimenter that will make you proud!

Fair_Game said:
However, anything being possible I've decided that I will relinquish his position to another member if they can defeat Jon in the following tasks : Competitively answer two questions from the excrutiatingly difficult Mentorship test, create a skill and a spell to tie in with a randomly selected character blurb, and finally creatively utilize a basic setting.

It'll be well known that I, as a moderator, had a hand in making the Mentorship Test. However, I was more responsible for the Battle-oriented areas, and I specialize in Creativity and Battle areas.

Why am I saying this? Because if you want to contend with me, it may be advantageous for you to choose an area that I don't really specialize in. It's up to you to take me on in whatever you want. Taking advantages of weaknesses is a part of RPing, too.

And without further ado, let me say...

Let's get started! What do you want to address first, F_G?
Of course, I find the challenge you offer completely acceptable. Should anyone be interested in contending you for your position, I wish them good luck. This system is expressly designed to provide a finality to all decisions. If you don't like a ruling, challenge a Hand!

My primary goals :

Acquiring members
Creating Test Questions
Creating Processes for each experiment
Assigning Tasks
Analyzing Data
Compiling Findings
Submitting Rule Additions

I've sent you a message that should explain my goals a bit. And while I have a pattern I'm trying to follow this guild is free forming. Anyone can make creative suggestions, address interests and issues they have found in RPing and of course any member is free to engage in experimentation.

I've thought about each area extensively, since you wish to experiment yourself I would greatly appreciate a new opinion. If there is a topic you wish to experiment with presently, I will gladly work with you on discovering more about the topic.

If none of the things pique your current state of mind, how about compiling a couple questions for non-members to address to give The Wild Cards some feedback?

For instance (and feel free to ask yourself these questions too Jon)

To all RPers :

What concerns you the most during your role playing?
What would you like to see in the future?
Is there anything you've seen on other forums that you think we should try?
Whats one thing you like/dislike the most about RPing?

Well...thats just a few but it may serve to aide us in the future.
Also, I do want to say something regarding suggestions by people.

I may discuss them with you to the point of debate, but I will by no means shoot down ideas. I may counter them based on logic, but I'm still willing to try nearly anything out. So, if I am debating with you on something, I may disagree with it, but I won't shoot it down or be unwilling to try it.

So, don't be shy!
Welcome to our new member : Mistah J for the Joker position!

Congrats and thank you for joining! I'm sure you will make a wonderful addition!

@ Jon : Excellent point, no idea is too far fetched until tested and voted on by the High Cards!

Please feel free to suggest away!

Edit : Contra Fates just signed up too...wooo we're almost full of cards now!
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I'm glad to be the current Queen of Cards in the Guild. ;p!

To everyone in the Guild, here is the Guild's signature and banner.


All credit for this awesome sig belongs to Casanova. Be sure to rep him or give him a user-note for this. =)
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Awesome siggy! I've already put into my signature :monster:

And hurrah, welcome to the club, Kendra! Now...I think in this case, the Queen is not the King's Queen, but the Ace's Queen :wacky: Odd job, eh :neomon:

Welcome to the guild, Mistah J! Now, go do some flips and tricks for me, would you :wacky:
I am thankful for the enthusiasm! There are currently three people running for the Jack position, all of which are equally qualified. To the two that don't make it I hope you stay on as a Rank Card, as I can use all the help I can get!

To all High Cards : I would like to request at least one Test Question to be PMed to me from each of you, for the purpose of recruiting new members.

The categories for this have all been previously pmed to you. (the character blurbs, weaponry, creative character concept, plot twist etc...)

If you need an example please feel free to ask and I will provide you with examples. You may make as many questions as you like, though only one is required.

Jon has sent me five questions already so he is exempt.
Ness has sent me five questions, so he is also exempt.
Kendra has prepared countless questions.

The due date for this will be this Friday. Therefore, starting this Saturday we will begin work on the actual experiments.


Congrats to our New Jack High Card - Justin/Ness!

And with that all our High Card slots are taken, the only way to acquire one now is to challenge a High Card. They are allowed ONE challenge a week so if its already done you'll have to wait till next week!

High Cards you are allowed to change your direct subordinates 'Take' at any time. PM me with the changes.

I've added the following to the intro post :

*New Ideas From Kendra*

Instant Message RP/RPB - This one inspires a one on one quick thinking battle that can later be completely copied and pasted to save room in RPs or to provide the utmost in response time for RPBers. She hypothesizes that nothing will put the RPers more in their character's mind than this.

Battle Royale in a Ring - This one will put every one who signs up in a single ring match where anyone can attack anyone. It sounds exciting!

*New Ideas From Jon*

No limit RPBing - I may need Jon to elaborate more on this but it seems the concept is that anyone can join, anyone can fight and (so long as they understand the character's they are fighting) anyone can god-mode. Its a free for all deal, something we should be looking in to.

And finally, please remember to send in one question for testing purposes please!

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Well, to elaborate, it's essentially a group story. I know, RPs are stories too, but they have certain limitations that have to be followed. This one isn't a 'free-for-all', exactly, but it is a very loosely-based RP.

DJL Story

That's an example of what I'm talking about. Unless you are asked specifically not to use a character by the creator of that character, you can use all of the characters involved. It doesn't have to be unoriginal, as the DJL Story is (it's based off of American Dragon: Jake Long), but these types of RPs/Stories end up becoming very popular and very engaging.

There is a catch, though. When you god-mod somebody else's characters, you HAVE to make sure you know their actions. Sometimes a name can say it all, other times you actually have to read up on them, whether in a bio or further back in the story.

Now, the other catch is that you can god-mod original villains controlled by your opponents, but only if you are doing so without actually 'defeating' them for good. The point of this kind of RP is to keep a story going, not to win or complete a quest. It's a story about the journey, not the objective (...though the objective is to keep the journey going :wacky: ).
Thanks for having me on. =)

I'll tell you, I got pretty excited when I read the idea about a syllabus for perfect RP'ing. I think that would be pretty great, especially given the new directions that can be taken for RP contests. Perhaps we could have a sort of "Iron Chef" situation, where two people go at it in a timed battle or situation with a three-judge panel, winner gets bragging right, but can be challenged as well. Maybe that's an idea.....
@Danny : That sounds better than I even what I imagined. For an experiment on that we could simply create the RP, have several Wild Cards in the RP for the specific purpose of testing the 'god-mode' and crafting a rule to keep it within check, they would need to witness how other people utilize the freedom.

Another twist on this concept would be like 'licenses' if you pass a 'characterization' test where your in control of several characters at once, you will be given a license that allows you to god-mode other characters in god-modable RPs. This would inspire members to both increase their skill and improve their post quality. Not to mention give members something to aspire to. A rank 'A' RPer could become an crucial member in any RP. One who could control expertly someone else's character.

This is reminiscent of Red Foxes NPC service and considering the sheer number of times I've heard the 'I'm just waiting on so and so to post so I can post' problem, I would consider this something we NEED to be looking in to. Unless other Wild Cards can foresee an issue (as this topic is up for discussion) I recommend that we :

1) Create a Monitored 'God-modable' RP
2) Observe different pros and cons of the RP
3) Devise a set rule list to assist in utilizing the system
4) Create a 'RPer Bio' section (something about the actual RPer) this one I know Kendra is working on
5) Devise a exam for 'characterization' and establish ranks among RPers.

@Ness : I'm a long time fan of the 'time limit' aspect as well as the 'judging' aspect. I'm very interested in hearing what you are proposing! Is there any way you can elaborate on the concept?

Would this mean that each combatant would have to complete a certain task? Such as 'defeat such and such npc monster' or 'navigate such and such labyrinth'?

Like I said it sounds interesting and I would love to hear more!
I guess I forget that maybe no one watched cooking shows as much as I do. =P I'll give you the setup in more detail:

I was inspired by the show Iron Chef. The premise of the show is this: There are anywhere between 3-5 elite "Iron Chefs" who are masters of their area of food specialty. Each week some challenger comes in to challenge an Iron Chef of their choosing to a food-related battle. However, the twist is that their five dishes must contain a secret ingredient, that is only revealed right before the battle. The Chefs make their food, and present to a panel of three judges, who awards a winner based on a strict rubric that doesn't change from battle to battle, even though the ingredient might. Note: Iron Chef's are not dethroned by losing, it's just more bragging rights for the challenger.

When applying this to RPs, it would take a little bit of time to set up. It could be a rotating contest, similar to SOTW or some such. We would also need to already have a judging rubric for the competition. Then there would need to be some sort of selection process for our "Steel RPers" (lack of creativity there =P). Perhaps they could come from the Wild Cards, or it could be a seperate venture (which case I would organize it). Then, people who wanted to challenge one of the Steel RPers would put their requests in to me. I'd choose one each week, and they would be allowed to choose who they wanted to challenge. Then, on the set competition day, I would reveal the twist (elemental challenge, character creation, etc.), and they would have some set amount of time or posts to battle it out. Then the judges (I'd have to select them too) would take the pre-determined rubric and judge the two combatants. Then, they would declare a winner/loser, and on to the next challenge!

In regards to whether or not the Steel RPer would give up his seat if he/she lost, I think I'll put that question to you all. I'd like to hear your opinions, what do you think?
Welcome to our new member : Setsuken - 10!!!

We're really growing fast here!

Ok, Ness got with me and explained the details of his idea and I think its a great group project for us to start with.

I think once we have all the details hashed out we'll pick it apart as a team.

Ness, feel free to write up an explaination for the Iron RPer idea (steel RPer idea as the case may be). If you need help with it, PM me and I'll get on it with you!
Welcome to the new members :monster: And glad to have you on the team, Justin.

Alright, if anybody needs clarification on the idea of the Free RP (as I christen it), then PM me or summat. I'll put up answers to your questions here, just in case others have the same questions they want answered.

Also, as to the Steel RPer (though Platinum RPer sounds a bit 'tangier' imho :neomon: ), I really like the idea. Fair_Game was explaining it to me over MSN, and it's a really great concept. This is definitely something we need to do.

Oh, and Fair_Game; what would you say to us creating our own Guild in Guild Wars? We could spend some time racking up the gold (I have a runner that can make some pretty sweet gold for us), and all that stuff. With luck, we could get a good Guild Hall within a month!
Platinum RPer does have a nice ring to it!

And the Free RP idea is something that just needs to be created. If anyone needs help creating either idea let me know!

*and yeah, lets make a guild!*
Yeah, I know. "Steel RP'er" is definitely a working title. I'm going to change it to something better (I was thinking "RP Stadium", something to that effect). We will all need unique titles as those to be challenged anyway, so each of you be thinking about that.

I'm thinking of starting a thread soon where I'll hash out the idea in full detail, but I'll discuss it individually with the rest of the High Cards first. Expect to see the Stadium open for business within the weekend!

Edit: I'm having trouble uploading my new sig. It says it's too big. What can I dooooooooo?
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I definitely like the ideas going on in here. =) The Iron Chef Idea is interesting, as is your idea, Jon.

As for my previously mentioned ideas, I'll further explain them, with some new ideas:

1.) Instant-Message RPs.

AOL is where I started RPing, and there...RPs were either carried out amongst a group in a chat-room, or between two people within an instant message. Instant-message RPing can become quite addicting, because...unlike Forum RPing, the interaction is instant. The RPing goes much more rapidly, and once you get used to posting in a messenger-setting, you'll find that the posts flow easily, and you're able to channel your character more effectively. The reason why this is great for an RPB, is all of the enthusiasm that one brings into a only intensified, because instead of waiting hours or days for a responding post, you only have to wait a matter of minutes. You can act more 'in the moment,' as if you were really playing your character in an action-packed, rapid fight.

2.) Group Battles + Battle Royale.

This idea is to experiment with the ideas of turning two tag-teams in a 2 vs 2 match...into a 'battle royale mode,' where the allies are no longer allies, and the battle becomes an all-out free-for-all. It would be interesting to see how group fights would function in an RPB setting.

3.) Randomized Battle.
I had the idea of creating a fight where the participants pick several numbers from a given amount, that correspond to a particular type of character type & personality, weapon, fighting style, magic abilities, and combat-abilities. The creator of the battle will have a pre-written list of the different weapons, abilities, etc. Depending on the numbers that the participants pick, they'll be assigned their character. I think this idea could test how well players can adapt to a different style of character and battle style than what they're normally used to.

4.) Handi-Capped Battles.

I think it would be interesting to test out an RPB battle with a 'handicap' that is given to the players. Examples of a handicap could be: double energy cost, loss of magic, loss of physical attacks, attack damage halved, defense halved, speed/agility halved, etc. This would make it interesting to see how well players could stick to their handicap, and discover what players would do under those circumstances.

So, those are my ideas for now. Any opinions and feedback are greatly appreciated. =)
Welcome to our new member : Professor13!

The Wild Cards need mr. Ego to set us strait, I entreat ye to do us well!

@Ness : Click the mountain button (insert image) and put in the link Kendra offered, its hosted under her own site.

Also, I'm thinking of using the moniker : Pretty-Boy Ugly

I think that sums up me nicely. I usually pick the pretty boy characters who stop caring because something ugly happens in their life...take Kazuya, or Belselk for instance.

@Contra : Naturally, I love all your ideas. And I think you need to get with Ness on finding a way to incorporate your idea #3 with his Iron Chef idea.
Fixed. Didn't even think about img tags. o_O Silly me.

I'm particularly interested in Kendra's suggestions #3 and 4. Four would make for some interesting challenges, that's for sure. Three's a good idea as well. Would require some work, but that's what we're all here for, right? Haha.

Expect the beginnings of RP Stadium within the next 24 hours. The first challenges will begin on Monday, sharp. I'll be sending out a PM with the guidelines for the judging rubric, and making sure you've given me your handles for the Stadium.
Hellos to my fellow playing cards! Number nine, the one-and-only Professor13 is here to contribute to the confusion that inevitably spawns pure genius and innovation! As for right now, I will find contentment in being the foot-man. All of you high-cards can count on me to be fruitful in my implementation of tests, as well as data collection. Just know that I, too, recognize you guys as the top eschelon of RPing, and nothing would bring me more pleasure than taking that spot from you! Believe me, if I challenge you, it does not mean that I think you aren't doing a good enough job. I respect all of you and your abilities. That's why I want to test myself against the best of the best!

Having said that, Contra I am very anxious to begin testing on the tag-team/battle royale matches. The idea of working together with another RPer to coordinate attacks is one of the reasons I became attracted to RPing. Sadly, I find that in most RPs, even though everyone travels in a group, they always do their own thing in a fight. If we can successfully implement this special RPB, it might encourage people to start working with their fellow RPers to coordinate some beautifully epic posts involving combined strengths and compensated weaknesses. Please let me know what I can do to expedite the process of getting this idea tested!