Nintendo The World Ends With You

Yeah, I wasn't suggesting there wasn't a need for this topic, just saying that the other one was there in case someone wanted news about it, really...*shrugs*

Anyways, I finally caved & got the EU ROM, but it had some weird issues w/the text being all black or something...I liked the small bit of it I went through reminds me more of the Jet Set Radio series than anything else...I wait patiently for the NA ROM to hit...
The whole general look of the battle system looks overrated in my opinion...and I've just watched IGN's video review and it still doesn't look as good as what its hyped up to be. It just looks like a DS finger version of DDR (or whatever its called).

I'm not saying its rubbish because it has a lot of depth to it, I just don't see why its got amazingly good reviews.
Maybe that's why you should give it more of a chance? There have been other RPGs that have used rhythm-based systems before and their battle systems were good...I can only think of Legend of Dragoon & Vagrant Story right now though...oh, I guess Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga uses one too...
Mercurial said:
I'm not saying its rubbish because it has a lot of depth to it, I just don't see why its got amazingly good reviews.

I was actually surprised by that, too. I think it deserves good reviews, of course, but I just didn't think it would make this big of a splash with reviewers. (We usually have different ideas about rating games.)

V_Translanka said:
Anyways, I finally caved & got the EU ROM, but it had some weird issues w/the text being all black or something...I liked the small bit of it I went through reminds me more of the Jet Set Radio series than anything else...I wait patiently for the NA ROM to hit...

One of my friends has the European ROM, but the game won't let us Mingle (trade friend cards, look at each other's shops, etc.). The games recognize that there are two DS systems communicating (called "civvie" Mingling) but doesn't recognize two TWEWY games communicating (called "ESP" Mingling). I don't know if it's because he has the European version or because he has a ROM.
The game looks good but how are you suppose to play two screens(as what i heard) although i need to understand the game more to say my true opion
OK, let's see if I can do this without giving away too much.

The main character, Neku, wakes up one day in the middle of the Shibuya district of Tokyo without remembering how he got there. No one can seem to hear or see him. He soon teams up with someone who can - Shiki. Neku and Shiki have to team up to defeat the "Noise," or the game's monsters, to survive. The Noise are controlled by Reapers, who control the "game" Neku and Shiki are in. All they are told is that they have to perform certain tasks for the Reapers for seven days or be destroyed. There are other "players" in the game like Neku and Shiki, too.

Nothing really stands out about the story at first, but anything more would be a spoiler, I think. It gets pretty good reasonably quickly, though, so you won't have to wait long before a lot more is revealed.

As far as the gameplay goes, fighting on two screens is a little confusing at first, but you get used to it. I really don't think it's crippling enough that it could stop someone from enjoying the game. It's just... different. The gameplay is quite deep, and there's always something to do. For example, Shibuya is supposed to be a pretty fashion-conscious district. Almost all of your equipment and pins (weapons) are made by specific companies, just as they are in real life. Certain brands go in and out of style in certain areas of Shibuya. If you use pins of an "unpopular" brand in battle, your attack will drop. Conversely, if you use a popular brand, your attack will go up. If that sounds too shallow for you, wearing clothes and using pins of an unpopular brand and doing well in battle anyway will raise that brand's popularity.

You can also purposely fight at a lower level so enemies will drop items and money more often. For example, right now my characters are level 30, but I fight at level five so monsters will drop more money. I use the extra money to buy better equipment. You can also fight at different difficulties to get monsters to drop higher quality items. I only have Easy and Normal unlocked, but my aforementioned friend has already unlocked Hard. You can change the game's difficulty from the menu without having to start the game over. You can even change back and forth between battles, if you want.

Characters eat food to increase their stats permanently. For example, eating a hamburger might raise your attack and eating a crepe might raise your bravery. (Higher bravery means the character can wear "wilder" clothing.) Food is measured in "bytes" (I guess they thought spelling it that way is cute), and a character can eat 24 bytes per day in real time. However, you'll always have room for anything six bytes or smaller, so even if you eat a 24-byte steak dinner (just an example, as I have no idea if such an item exists), you'll still have room for as many six-byte tacos (another example) as you want until midnight. Food is digested over the course of battles. Bigger items take longer to digest.

Pins, your weapons, can evolve with experience. Pins can get experience in three ways: from battles, from Mingling and from shutdown time. Equipped pins obviously get experience whenever you finish a battle. They also get a different kind of experience whenever you "Mingle," or when your copy of the game "meets" another DS acting wirelessly nearby. Equipped pins also gain experience when you turn off the game. Depending on how long you leave it off (overnight, for example), you could gain a lot of experience this way. Certain pins will only evolve into better pins with certain types of experience. Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you that, but the instruction booklet hints at it. You're supposed to find out through trial and error.

There's also a mini-game called Tin-Pin Slammer, but I haven't played it yet. It kind of looks like Beyblade to me. >_>
first of all it is the best DS game i have ever played and is compleatly worth the money i mean is battle system is revolutionary and it never feels like it is the same battle and with so many twists and turns it has a great story
no we dont so....... ive read some reviews in gameinformer magazine and it sounds pretty cool but the controls seem to me a bit ify
Well apart from the characters are basically just cartoon/manga like versions of FF/KH characters (blame Nomura :dry:) the battle system or whatever it goes by just generally looks horrible based on the screenshots I've seen.

Albeit the music is supposed to be good I still wouldn't buy it.

I agree with you, I wouldn't buy it either unless I want to play dress up with characters (yes, the game has incorporated fashion/clothes Gaia/Maple story style), however I already own a copy of FF-x2 :elmo:. What I see is square-enix using the popularity of Kingdom Hearts art style to power this game with a new battle system. But, I guess we'll have to see what happens in the future of this new game.

That's my opinion, don't like it, fine with me.
I had my doubts about this game, but then a friend convinced me to get it. It's really fun with an addictive battle system! I love the whole clothing thing.
Yeah, the only people I've seen bashing this game are people who haven't actually played it complaining that it's KH with a weird sounding clothes system...>_>
I can't find this game anywhere! From what I heard from a few Gamestop employees told me is that they'll have more copies shipped to them in July. SE didn't realize how popular it would be in the US.
I can't find this game anywhere! From what I heard from a few Gamestop employees told me is that they'll have more copies shipped to them in July. SE didn't realize how popular it would be in the US.

I borrowed it from the Internet :monster: I intend to give it back.

It's okay. The fighting system is so weeeiiiird. Once you get the hang of it, though, it's fun. And I'm not sure how I feel about style being incorporated with fighting. It's kinda....dumb. I like the music and game design a lot though.
Ive seen this in some shops, but Im still 50/50 with it. I dont like playing fast paced games with my DS and it looks like you really need to be quick with this one.
Played it, loved it, just wondering if anyone else has had the experience of playing this game and would loke to know thier opinion on this. Yeah there is a lot of reading involved in the game but it has a great story line :D *Below is a picture of pretty much the main people*

I'm in the process of playing it at the moment and I love it =D
The battle system is really original and the storyline is good ^^
I like the whole pins concept although it confused me so much at first xD
-Threads Merged- The other thread was in The World Is Square section, so I've moved it here and merged both threads.

I'd like to play it someday, yeah. Maybe after I finish FFIV. I've heard good reviews about it and I have a feeling I'd enjoy it.