The worst spoiler

Please do not tel me Aerith's face ois a spoiler around here that is just plain irritating. Advent Children is out everywere now so such an anoying spoiler serves no purpose. No one cared about her face anyway.
Actuall there were a lot of people that wanted to see it and were mad when they only showed her face once throughout the entire film. I was mad myself.
I do not think I was mad myself and she is my second favorite character so I was looking forward to seeing her.

I guess I was too ovr welmed by Lord Sephiroth's apperance. mIt is supprising his face was not a spoiler or any thing about him for that matter. I suppose Square had used him in adverts which would be why.
I was disappointed that Sephiroth appeared in only a short moment in AC. But when he did appear, it was a great moment. He spared no time in showing what he could do.
That battle was pretty great. I just dont like the fact it was exactly 5 minutes and somethings seconds long. It was great though.
That battle was indeed far too short. Perhaps if they had made it longer by having all the heros take on Sephiroth that would have made it at least five seconds longer.
Oh yes whatching Sephiroth just beat Tifa with out any effort what so ever that just never gets old.
Well we have to remember that this is after the game, so everyone's like level 99. I think if everyone went in they would of had Sephiroth for bearkfast, as much as I love Sephiroth.
Actually after what Tifa says in the airship about that
"feeling has faded"
it is quite clear that they are not as strong as they once were when they fought Sephiroth.
I doubt it would matter that much, Sephiroth would just pick them off one by one, he easily controlled most of the end battle, apart from
Omnislash Ver.5
Avalanche would have to grow far more powerfull than they were in the game to plus it was said by SE that if Cloud was to be measured by levels in AC he would have been past Lv. 99 so they would need alot to keep up, Kadaj yeah, Sephiroth, no.
Very true the type of stength Avalanche would have to have gained would be far more then any Human could gain so they were always be out of their leauge, but then we knew that anyway.
You guys are mad that you didnt see here face? I wasnt mad at all, I really wasnt to worried about her, I was more worried about the action stuff and the crap like that.
You do see her face though. What we are angry at is the fact her face is considerd a spoiler, it is far too irritating. Especially now the movie is out and we have all seen her face anyway.
I can kinda see that now, but still. During the movie they did kinda make the viewer want more of her, so I can see why it was so big.
i felt that some of the dialogue in the movie was alittle dull. the action was great. but i felt they could have done a little more with character dailogue.

as far as arieth seeing her face. they did play liek a game with it almost. showing very little of it until the end when she she looks back at cloud and say
"see i told you everything was gonna be fine"
Imagine all of the characters taking him on, summoning and everything. Then, he becomes SERAPH SEPHIROTH and puts up a great fight.

As much as I love Sephiroth, he will never win. He is the villian and, typically, villains never win.
Seraph Sephiroth was due to a mis translation.

Some people got Seraph others got Safer. Which is the correct one is not well known as there are so many opinions flying around about that.
Tethar Atrum said:
Seraph Sephiroth was due to a mis translation.

Some people got Seraph others got Safer. Which is the correct one is not well known as there are so many opinions flying around about that.
That is from Wikipedia, I presume.

Wikipedia also states that "This is indeed the case, as the original Japanese was "Serafu" (セラフ), rather than "seifaa" (セイファー) or anything similar, which would have been Romanized to "Safer."~


Sephiroth does bear many similarities to a seraph, as seraphim are described in the Hebrew Bible, being humanoid angels with six wings: "With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying."