The Worst Thing About Final Fantasy Ever!?


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Random encounters when you are lost.

Srsly. This has my blood boiling in EVERY single game EVER when I'm trying to navigate myself round some stupid castle or Im just hopelessly wandering round the map lost not knowing where the hell to go

It's worse in a dungeon or summat though, especially when it's like a maze and has stupid holes you can fall through an' shit >_>
Copy that. It makes you wish you had some kind of Enc-None item or whatever.

Often, in those earlier games, there's no such thing, and you just have to suffer through it.....whyyyyyy? =P
V has been hacking me off recently, I was in some tower thing and everytime I headed towards the door, I fell through a hole to the lower level, so Id mooch back up, avoid the invisible hole I fell through and fall through another -repeat that about 7 or 8 times- all the while getting seriously frustrated by random encounters on myu way back up

It was even more annoying when I was in Xdeaths castle and not only did I have random encounters and in visible floors I was walking through lava or some shit so I kept getting killed when Id end up in a fight with 1hp a peice -__-
Edit* Can someone be so kind as to fix the stupid title for me >_<
Done. :neomon:

Anyway, I'm in agreement, I hate random encounters especially when you're lost because you just want to get elsewhere but they keep popping up everywhere, plus I start to run out of potions and shit. :grumpy:
...and also when you want to get to somewhere quickly and you nothing but random encounters every few steps. -__-
Oh. That damn train gravyard in FFVII. It was hard to get around and the random enconters were so annoying. >_>
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Hmm,i think i hate most that there is no FF VII Remake for PS3 :D But yeah i have to agree that Random encouters are really annoying when you are lost and trying to find your way out or just to get to next area and you cant because you got fights in every few steps.Still if you got loads of potions thats not big problem,but most likely if you get lost you will run out of potions soon too so it gets really annoying ;)
Are you talking about something in-game that sucks? Because if you aren't I'm going to say I hate the "omg [insert FF title here] are teh greatest cuz its [insert FF title here] and yore stoopid cuz you disagree" crowds. (Usually, they're talking about FFVII.) They're actually why I kinda have something of a fear of other FF fans.

Otherwise, yeah, I'm gonna have to say random encounters.
I was gonna say the worst thing about Final Fantasy are status effects. xD Berserk, Petrify/Stone, Stop, and Confuse are the worst by far. I like the battle-systems in most FF games, so I don't mind the random encounters...but it's the status effects that get to me.
I was gonna say the worst thing about Final Fantasy are status effects. xD Berserk, Petrify/Stone, Stop, and Confuse are the worst by far. I like the battle-systems in most FF games, so I don't mind the random encounters...but it's the status effects that get to me.

Final Fantasy IX status ailment Heat and Freeze were the LAMEST ones ever. Both made me want to go and destroy something :mad:.

- Kuja
i agree, random enconters can be so anoying, and really annoying when you are lost and running out of potions/mp to heal
Lets also add training to this list when you can't find a decent training spot, it bores me to tears, I shouldnt evenbe underlevelled considering how many hours I have spent LOST and getting stuck in random encounters :gasp:

Yes D: Training and random encounters.

Worse for training is when you're stuck in a place, and have a huge boss battle coming up, AND THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN TRAIN IS WHERE YOU ARE AT >.> and usually the monsters there are crap/bad exp/fail. D:

*Is happening now on FFX :'[*
Random encounters when you are lost.

Agreed. If it were actually very simple to escape from a battle, it wouldn't be so bad, but it isn't. That's one thing that seems better about FFX, because most of the time you're following very linear pathways from one place to another, so getting lost is much less likely.
I think this is just one of the things we have to accept from FF games... Random battles are the way the franchise best worked IMO. Sure it was annoying, but I'd take it over Crisis Core's battle system anyday. The only other battle system I prefered was perhaps FF-Tactics battle system... But putting that onto a main game would take the concept of Tactics away, and that series will lose much of its value.

About training.. I've found that if you try and fight every battle you come into, you shouldn't have to train. When I was younger, impatient and an irritated silly gamer, I used to just run all of the time. But I've learned that you're only making it harder for yourself, as you'll feel like you're wasting more time running in circles to train than you are runing through a dungeon and fighting along the way.
I don't mind random battles, considering its what I've been accustomed to since my first RPG, which was Pokemon and at age 5 too. However, Chrono Trigger's one is much more favourable, (IMO)

What really grinds my gears, is after you've powerlevelled a lot, and get killed before you can save. >.<
Random encounters did suck. Especially if you're playing it before doing something else and all you want to do is get to the next save point, and you walk 3 paces and hit another battle:mad: all the way through to the save point. You'd know that if you didn't have any other plans and had hours to wait, you'd get to the save point in like 2 mins. instead 30mins later or something.

Confusion! before you can develop armour/accesories to defend against it. So uber annoying. Always hits your tank as well, and then he wipes out the rest of your party then him/herself.

Great Marlboro's - no need to explain
δ Kuja Ω;402288 said:
Final Fantasy IX status ailment Heat and Freeze were the LAMEST ones ever. Both made me want to go and destroy something :mad:.

- Kuja

The ability "Body Temp" makes you immune to Heat and Freeze ... easily avoided =P

The worst thing about the Final Fantasy series? ... The endings T_T I want to play them forever.
This might surprise some, but it's got nothing to do with Rinoa, Balthier, or VII -

ever play FFII and decide to wander off in a certain direction near the beginning after crossing a certain bridge...?
Yes, well I dont remember a bridge but I did get my arse handed to me right near the beginning more than once >_>

That's another reason why I hate that game, wander to far in ANY direction really and your fucked, I like to wander round when Im doing a spot of training, or if the opportunity to explore is there I'l go have a nosy. Eugh. I died several times doing that on that game and I only ever got like an hour in before I gave up <_<
Random encounters when you are lost.

Srsly. This has my blood boiling in EVERY single game EVER when I'm trying to navigate myself round some stupid castle or Im just hopelessly wandering round the map lost not knowing where the hell to go

It's worse in a dungeon or summat though, especially when it's like a maze and has stupid holes you can fall through an' shit >_>

Yeah same here that gets to me bad, I hate when I'm trying to finish or find something, every goddamned step I take another random encounter. Seriously monsters frick off for at least a little bit. :mad::stare:

I think one of the other worst things about FF is specifically for a certain one, like in the GBA versions of the game FF4 advance for instance. I didn't like how in battle the cursor couldn't keep up with my seriously quick command inputs. There was like a 2 second time delay when I'm trying to input my commands fast.