The Worst Thing About Final Fantasy Ever!?

Random encounters in the damn deserts! When your about dead and your lost in the desert and you keep getting encounters.

Srsly. :omg:
This might surprise some, but it's got nothing to do with Rinoa, Balthier, or VII -

ever play FFII and decide to wander off in a certain direction near the beginning after crossing a certain bridge...?
Walk to far in any direction and your arse will be royally handed to you. Srsly that world map failed. All thoughs rooms in the dungeons with nothing but a couple of stupid random encounters as you frustratingly try and get out of the uptenth one can fuck off too ¬¬
When you can only acquire something once and if you don't, that's it. You're just screwed and you have to either suck it up and accept your loss or start the game over again. I know that some may find this challenging and it can feel very rewarding if you successfully acquire whatever that something may be, but I just think it's irritating. There should always be an alternate way of getting/doing something if you accidentally missed out the first time around. Not everybody uses game guides, which means you're bound to miss things once in a while. Final Fantasy VIII has a horrible case of this--there are so many items that you can only get at specific parts in the game and if you don't, you can never get them again. That's garbage.
I hate the random encounters! But the thing that really REALLY annoys me is FFXII's battle system! God it annoys the hell out of me! The monsters like attack you 4 times before you could retaliate... grrrr. Also the fact that if you accadently use the wrong item which is rare and it was your last one, and you needed it to complete the game. You need to start all over again! An example of that would be FFIII T_T
Easy bosses. There should be a Normal and a Hard mode, at the very least, so you can have a tougher challenge if you want.

Actually,I agree with that.FFX had weak bosses,FFXII was getting worse,the random encounters were harder than the bosses in the end
Final Fantasy can be easy or hard, it all depends on how you want to play the game. Finding things too easy? don't level up so much, handicap yourself or deliberately don't chose the best possible set-up. One of the great things about these games is the fact that with a few tweaks to how you actually play it the experience can be alot different.
If anything, it's got to be cutscenes that you can't skip. It's like WTF ANOTHER ONE!!!! Precious gaming time lost.

But without the cutscenes the games are worth nothing! The story is the greatest bit about these games...

Anyway I don't know what is annoying about these games... How about when I discovered that there wasn't a world map or flyable airship in FFX? And the series hasn't got on track since? That irritates me.

The rest of the little annoying things in the games I put up with, as ultimately I still love the game by the end.
I hate the random encounters! But the thing that really REALLY annoys me is FFXII's battle system! God it annoys the hell out of me! The monsters like attack you 4 times before you could retaliate... grrrr. Also the fact that if you accadently use the wrong item which is rare and it was your last one, and you needed it to complete the game. You need to start all over again! An example of that would be FFIII T_T

Concerning the bit about XII...the same thing happens in IV, or some of the other earlier games.

It was like - every monster would attack you several times before you could get a shot in, and sometimes, if you were lucky, you'd be attacked by 6 monsters at once.

Also, I found in FFIV both on the PSX and GBA version, Pre emptive strike was actually...not really much of a pre emptive strike.

The worst thing about the Final Fantasy series? ... The endings T_T I want to play them forever.
Have to agree.I would be happy forever if there would be an afterlife.When you complete main story you could run around and lvl and do sidequests and stuff.(like oblivion for example).
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OMG. The confuse/beserk traps in XII. My characters killed each other every single time. Gah!

And... Omega Ruins in X. Going too far and getting heaps of EXP, then being AMBUSHED by a Malboro.
Random battles when you know you can discover something new is worse than one when you're lost. You're just dying to see 'something' and keep on being hindered by Random battles.

It's also bad when you are sparing your HP/MP for a boss battle
Gotta be the more-than-often circumstances where you end up half-dead/spammed with negative statuses in a maze-like cavern. The first couple FFs were pretty much bad for that.
I find the annoyance of random encounters to be the worst thing in any FF game I play. It's a good way to level up but it's more work involved just to finish the job in order to get to your next destination. Negative status effects come in second and very high price of weapons/armor/items come in third mainly because everytime I go to the next shop that is nearby, I don't have enough money to buy stronger weapons and armors that could come in handy for the next area I have to venture through.
I Dont know if anyone mentioned yet but the worst thing about Final Fantasy is, That it has an ending.
And... Omega Ruins in X. Going too far and getting heaps of EXP, then being AMBUSHED by a Malboro.
That's why you equip one of your chars with a weapon that has the ability First Strike! If you're ambushed then you'll have the ability to attack first before it can attack you with Bad Breath.

Though I have to admit the status affects are AWFUL. I really wish too that you could replenish your HP/MP just by going to the save point and not having to use a Tent. I loved how it was set up in FFX that you just went to a save point and were automatically replenished of HP and MP loss. I also hate that if you're attacked with a status affect during battle and you win, even though you won you still have that damned affect on you next battle. It wasn't like that in FFX though. :P
I don't have a problem with Random Encounters. The thing I don't like is Status Effects, especially the absurd amount of them and all the 20 different items you have to buy to cure them.